Necromancer in another world

Chapter 580 Demon Slayer Canyon

Chapter 580 Demon Slayer Canyon
Ashenvale is a huge primeval forest. It borders Darkshore in the north and is an important passage to Nordrassil, where the night elves gather. The particularity of the wars between the Horde and the Alliance has never stopped here, the most intense of which is undoubtedly the war between the Silverwing Sentinel and the Warsong Clan over the ownership of the forest and the felling of trees. The presence of Splinterwood Post in Stranaar and the orcs speaks to the reluctance of both the Alliance and the Horde to give up this strategic location.

Of course, as a wise great chief, Thrall would not anger the night elves, if it wasn't for the construction of Orgrimmar that needed trees, or if the Warsong clan was a warlike faction that didn't quite match his rational faction, Thrall The war in Warsong Gulch will not continue.

This huge primeval forest surrounds most of the northern part of Kalimdor. The mysterious ruins in the perilous primeval forest are full of opportunities, making Ashenvale the most popular place for adventurers.Except for Stranglethorn Vale, the vastness and natural diversity of Ashenvale are completely unmatched by other places. It is also the place where the night elves revived their homeland after the explosion of the Well of Eternity, which resisted the first invasion of the Burning Legion in ancient times. One of the first places to rebuild.

In the sky, a green dragon is flying at the fastest speed. If this green dragon hadn't used the phantom dance technique to prevent others from seeing it, its 600-meter-long body would definitely cause a sensation. Adventurers in the forest will have a lively discussion about the topic of dragons.

Looking at the vast forest under their feet, Scarlett and Pasonia stood beside Leo, one on the left and one on the right. They didn't make a sound, but watched Leo checking the direction.

After Zul'Farrak successfully killed the two beast demigods, Shadra and Gazrilla, Leo and Kael'thas and Vol'jin separated.

The blood elf prince naturally returned to Silvermoon City to solve various problems caused by his long absence, and Vol'jin returned to Sen'jin Village in order to digest the population as soon as possible so as to solve Zalazane's rebellion. Where to go did not tell them.

Although the three parties cooperated seamlessly when besieging the two beasts and demigods, in fact, their current relationship has not reached the point of confiding in their hearts, just like parties - because they have common interests, they come together, but in the big interest Everyone has their own small interests, and if they gather for profit, they will naturally disperse for profit, which proves that the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.

There is no need for other people's help to do this thing. Why should Leo share the benefits he can enjoy with others?

"The Devil-Slaying Canyon is just ahead, and we can reach it in half an hour at the speed of Perision."

After carefully comparing the blueprints in his hand, Leo confirmed the current location of the three of them.

She didn't ask much about why Leo was going to Pasonia in the Demon Slayer Canyon. Another thing she is concerned about now, if this matter really becomes a great guarantee for both Stromgarde and Leo himself .

"Leo, are you so sure that the three-headed sea snake can evolve into a demigod?"

"You mean Trigole?" Leo chuckled, his face full of confidence, "Trigore's bloodline is stronger than Gazrella's, and his potential is far from Gazrella's, just because he was born at a different time. It is not strong enough because of its growth. Now it has Gazrella's body for it to devour. It is not a problem to grow into a new generation of demigod-level three-headed sea snake. All we have to do is wait for it to completely use the energy contained in the food for its own use. That's all."

Leo, the body of the spider demigod Shadra, let his pets share and eat them, such as Anub'arak, the crypt lord, Anub'brak, the crypt demon leader, Halaz, the lynx priest, and the giant bear. Sacrifice Nalorak, even the kobold Flintage, and the storm crow have a share. If it weren't for the existence of Gayalai who has turned into a half-energy creature, the dragon eagle priest would also go up to eat.Although there are many pets that eat Shadra's body, Trigolei is not included, because this blood-red three-headed sea snake will exclusively share the body of another beast demigod, Gazrilla.

Now Trigolei is staying in Leo's private space, enjoying the supreme delicacy one bite at a time. When it appears next time, if the strength of Hina Saraya and others does not improve at all, this bloody three-headed snake Maybe it can successfully replace the position of the Black Dragon Queen and become the most powerful fighter under Leo.

But that's just an assumption.

"Sister Passonia, look at his smug look, ignore him." Compared to Passonia's hesitation, Scarlett seemed confident in Leo, seeing how confident he was, the female knight also looked forward to the meeting of Stromgarde. There is a demigod guardian, although she is a beast and demigod, but the next sentence revealed her dissatisfaction with Leo, "The god mysteriously dragged us to Ashen Valley, and I don't know what to do. Sister Heather said that Thedis and Silph were recalled to Darnassus, and they will probably go to Astrana in Ashenvale to perform a certain task. Someone must not have come here for this. "

Leo rolled his eyes, he could not fail to hear the sour taste in Scarlett's words.

"I said, Your Majesty the Queen, what kind of jealousy are you eating? Besides, you actually have contact with Fuchsel, why didn't I know?"

Leo didn't know that Sidis and Silph were sent to Ashenvale. He always thought that these two sisters would manage that strategic place together with Fuchsel in Daysome.

Wait, Thetis went to Darnassus, so what did she do with the skeletons I left her?
Leo suddenly thought of an extremely serious problem. The skeleton he left for Thetis looked like a mechanical puppet on the surface, but it was actually a dead spirit with soul fire. Take Darnassus for the toy skeleton, and the secret can't be kept.Leo didn't want others to destroy his prestige, but if Tyrande Yufeng, the chief priest of the Moon God Temple saw this novel thing, it would be impossible to keep the secret. Although the night elf was criticized by many people But her strength is by no means a joke.

Don't look at Tyrande who usually stays in the Temple of the Moon God like an old house girl and doesn't go out at all, but every time she appears, it is an earth-shattering event.

As the heroine who defended against the first invasion of the Burning Legion in ancient times, the six characters of Windtalker Tyrande represent a top powerhouse, and from ancient times until today, the strength of this high priest of the moon god No one can guess how strong it is. Leo only knows that when the Horde camp has not yet been formed, and the alliance is still entangled in grievances with the orcs, it is Tyrande who leads the night elves to block the demons and undead disasters.

What a powerful strength is needed to achieve this level!

Although the outside world does not have an accurate positioning of Tyrande's rank, but in the eyes of discerning people, this high priest of the moon god is already an existence beyond the legend, and it is impossible for a beast and demigod of Gazrilla's level to be her The opponent, a group of stars falling down guarantees that the body of the three-headed sea snake will disappear.

It would be terrible if Tyrande was following her now, but with Fechsel here, she should let Thetis keep all the skeletons. Darnassus is sure to be in trouble.It’s just that these things are no longer under Leo’s control. He just got the news at this time and tried to stop it, but it’s impossible.

If Remorse Ridge in the Plaguelands is the place where Alliance warriors pay homage to Uther the Lightbringer, Demonslaughter Gulch is where Horde warriors commemorate their hero, Grom Hellscream.

Hellscream unexpectedly killed Mannoroth the Destroyer in the Canyon of Slaughter, although he himself died from Mannoroth's counterattack, and it was Mannoroth's death that freed the orcs from the blood of demons The control has changed from the bloodthirsty and easy-to-kill evil orcs back.In order for the orc warriors to remember the hero Grom forever, Thrall specially built a monument at the entrance of the Demon Slaughter Canyon. Every orc warrior passing by would put a bottle of wine under the monument to pay respect to the hero .

However, the word hero is relative. To the orc warriors, Grom is a hero, but from the perspective of the alliance, Grom just drank the blood of the devil because he couldn't stand the temptation and almost brought the Warsong clan and the orcs with him. The road to destruction is just redemption.

Mannoroth the Destroyer, the most powerful abyss lord in Anellan on the far edge of the universe, has the power to destroy all life, and is also the leader of the abyss demons who joined the Burning Legion.

Huge in size, with a dragon-like body and a pair of wings very similar to dragon wings, keen on killing and destroying, the desire to fight in his mind is the common feature of every abyss lord, and Mannoroth is no exception.It was he who used his own blood to control the orcs of Draenor, making them cruel and easy to kill.As the head of the three lords of the abyssal demons, one of the highest-ranking leaders of the Burning Legion alongside Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, Mannoroth, who has an inherent strong desire for hatred and killing, is No. 1 Lord-level demons who invaded this world.

With the support of the pit lord and Lord of the Dreadlords, Tichondrius, Grom and his Warsong clan killed the demigod Cenarius, and it was this battle that made the night elves and orcs no longer exist. The possibility of a thorough peace talk, if not for Malfurion's suppression, if not for the common enemy of the Burning Legion, the elves would have started a war with the orcs long ago, instead of fighting in Warsong Gulch.

After Mannoroth's death, although Thrall brought Mannoroth's remains back to Orgrimmar and placed them at the entrance of the Hall of Chiefs to inspire the tribe members, it was only a small part of Mannoroth's body, because It's too big.

Today, most of the remains of Maronorth and his weapon - a huge blood-colored double-headed spear - still remain in the Demon Slaughter Canyon in Ashenvale. Not a single blade of grass grew nearby, and many demons who stayed in this world were attracted by it and gathered here one after another, turning this place into a paradise for demons, which is the real destination of Leo's visit to the Demon Slayer Canyon this time - Hellfire Ridge.

 Today is the college entrance examination, high school third party, come on o(╯□╰)o
(End of this chapter)

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