Necromancer in another world

Chapter 589 Die, Uratek

Chapter 589 Die, Uratek
In ancient times, there were many powerful creatures in this world. There are various types of these creatures, including violent or gentle elements and various ferocious beasts. Some of them are as powerful as demigods, and some are even stronger than demigods. The gods are even stronger, and the ancient gods were born from the latter.

In the heyday of the troll empire, Uratek, the god of poisonous snakes, was one of the ancient gods worshiped by them.

However, with the invasion of the Burning Legion, many ancient gods fell in the war, and Uratek seems to be one of them. The basis is that the world has not heard about her for too long.

Now the beautiful snake statue calls itself Uratek and calls Leo and the others mortals, which shows that the will of Uratek, the god of poisonous snakes among the ancient gods, has come to this place.

"Looks like we've inadvertently sabotaged some big Twilight's Hammer plan."

Leo shrugged his shoulders indifferently. It is inconceivable that he didn't feel the slightest nervousness when facing Uratek, who can use the power of the moon god stored in the statue of the moon god, at least in Harm's eyes.

What we are facing now is the descending will of an ancient god. This human named Leo must be too calm.

The four night elves including Sylph couldn't help but stare sideways at him.

Hey, what is Leo doing?
The night elves who cast their eyes on Leo found that Leo had put his hands behind his back while speaking, and with the help of the cover of his body, a red energy line went into the ground without Uratek noticing. There was a flash of splendor, although Uratek saw everyone's reaction in her eyes, she didn't arouse vigilance. The reason why the surprised expressions on the faces of these mortals was because the goddess of poisonous snakes thought that the person in front of them was a powerful Due to the ancient gods.

"Mortal, offer your faith to Uratek, the great snake goddess, and you may gain my help if you fight for me."

The attitude towards the four night elves is completely different. After seeing Leo and Passonia, Uratek's tone is still a bit superior to the ants, but there is a little less hostility and more temptation.As for Paladin Scarlett, Uratek didn't want her to become his believer at all. The power of holy light that represented light and hope on the female paladin disgusted a god like her from the bottom of her heart.

If ordinary people get the help promised by a god, they will immediately sacrifice their beliefs and respect Uratek as their gods without thinking about anything, but are Leo and Pasonia ordinary people?

It seems that Uratek has really fallen.

The arrogance of gods and mortals will not be looked down upon by them. Even if they want you to believe in him, they will only use the tone of charity instead of this kind of seductive tone. The fact that Uratek’s words are wrong shows that she has fallen. Now is it necessary for believers to gather divine power to reshape their bodies?

A god who has lost his god body is much less threatening.

The expressions on the faces of Halm and others were much more relaxed. They now understood why Leo wasn't too nervous. This human warlock must have heard the news of Uratek's fall long ago.

"Uratek, the God of Poisonous Snakes?" Leo looked at the statue of the beautiful snake with a playful face. His demeanor was completely devoid of the humble attitude that mortals have when facing gods. , This scene fell into the eyes of others very strangely, "Although I don't know how the Twilight's Hammer brought you here, I do know that every point you use now will lose one point of your power, Luna The statue has lost most of its divine power since no one has worshiped it for tens of thousands of years, how much is left, and how many times is it enough for you to attack? Ten times, or twenty times?"

"Mortal, do you want to try?"

Being reprimanded by Uratek, who was told the truth by Leo, seemed a bit harsh to others. It was not so much that the snake god was berating Leo, it would be better to say that she was using it to cover up her panic.

Now Uratek is very disturbed, she didn't expect Leo, a mere mortal, to be so calm after knowing that he is a god, but he has already seen through his own reality in just a few words, and today's incident may not be possible Well, the divine power stored in this statue is not much. In addition, the previous one that knocked back the four night elves can only support her to launch a total of six attacks. No wonder Uratek was not strong enough to speak out because of his limited strength.

"This world speaks with big fists. If you want me to believe in you, you have to show enough strength, Uratek."

Before Leo finished speaking, Uratek's face suddenly changed, and one hand of the Viper Goddess slapped upwards violently, and the bobcat priest Halraz was beaten out of his figure by this blow.

After all, gods are gods, and Halraz's sneak attack on Uratek is impossible to succeed. She only lightly hit the bobcat priest who was trying to sneak attack, and his bones were broken, and he fell to the ground and could not move at all.

clap clap!

Leo clapped his hands, as if he was applauding Uratek's strength, but unfortunately, the Viper Goddess was not in the mood to appreciate this. Since the other party has already attacked her, it means that the other party has seen through his weakness.

"Stupid mortals, the great Uratek will kill you all."

Although there were only four shots left, Uratek was full of confidence. The wrath of the gods was beyond the imagination of these mortals. Now she was going to kill all those who dared to offend her.

Seeing that Uratek was going to attack actively, everyone present became nervous. Even if Uratek is a fallen god, even if this fallen god has just awakened, even if the power of the poisonous snake goddess is very limited, she is a god after all. A god who is aloof to all beings in the world, a god that people can only look up to, who dares to be careless when facing her anger?

"Is God angry?" Leo curled his lips in disdain, and the playful look on his face became more intense, "It really scares me."

Does this guy think that he didn't die fast enough? Now he still dares to provoke Uratek. If you provoke him, you can provoke him. Didn't you see that the other party is about to make a move? Why doesn't he even have a fighting state? Is he really tired of living? no?
Leo's posture made the other people present puzzled, but what made them even more puzzled was yet to come.

Faced with another provocation from a mortal, Uratek, who had said he would do something before, actually endured it. Scarlett and the others, who were prepared to resist the attack of the snake god, were surprised.

"Mortal, it's still too late to offer your faith to Uratek."

Uratek tried to recruit Leo again. Since when did she become so talkative? Does Leo have anything to worry about?
"I'm really flattered to be so valued by an ancient god," Leo said, curling his lips in disdain, not at all flattered as he said, and Uratek had a very bad premonition in his heart, "It's just that I rejected you. What can you do with me? Your Excellency Uratek, the God of Poisonous Snakes who can’t even move.”

"It turned out to be your fault, damned mortal."

Uratek's voice was full of resentment, just as Leo said, she really has no ability to move now. When Harraz was seriously injured, Uratek had already discovered that the divine power that could have supported him to launch several attacks was unexpectedly gone. The time was gone, which was why she failed to kill the Shanmao Priest.

"Although it's rude to talk to a lady like that, I still have to say it," Leo said here with a murderous look on his face. The Disintegration Staff appeared in his hand, and several spells such as Chaos Arrow, Shadow Arrow Rain, and Lava Rock He slammed his head and face at the statue of the beautiful snake, without any sympathy, "Go to hell, Uratek!"

Scarlett and Passonia will naturally not stay aside to watch the show. The sword of Ashcandi and Devil's Strike attacked the statue of the beautiful snake under the brandishing of their respective masters. Sylph and the other four night elves Seeing this, he was not far behind. The thief's sharp blade and the druid's natural spell were also activated at the same time.

The statue of the beautiful snake transformed from the statue of the moon god is not much harder than a rock after losing its divine power. Facing the attacks of several strong men, it has already cracked into hundreds of pieces of rubble before it even had a chance to make a loud noise. .

"Humble mortals, I will not let you go."

A palm-sized pocket-sized statue of a beautiful snake quickly flew out of the hall, and Leo realized that there was an extremely powerful soul in it.

"My God, this is Uratek's box of souls, and there is a godhead in it!"

Seeing this pocket version of the beautiful snake Etienne couldn't help but exclaimed.


Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, including Scarlett and Passonia's eyes were burning hot.

It is almost impossible for mortals to cultivate their godheads. At most, reaching the demigod level is already their limit. Becoming a god is out of reach even for many demigod level powerhouses, because it not only requires If you have strength, you must have luck against the sky, otherwise existences like Archimonde and Kil'jaeden would have been conferred gods long ago.Of course, this is also related to the high vision of the two of them. It is not the godhead of the little god who is their opponent.

Uratek's godheads Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are despised, but the problem is that not everyone has the qualifications to pick and choose like these two burning legion bosses. They have godheads and gather divine power. The most difficult part of the four steps necessary for mortals to become gods is to shape the body of the gods and ignite the fire of the gods. The most difficult thing is to have the godhead. As the saying goes, it is difficult to have a godhead at the beginning. The next three steps are relatively simple.

Everyone yelled and rushed towards the pocket version of the beautiful snake statue at an almost crazy speed. Unfortunately, their movements were a bit slower. Uratek's soul flew to the entrance of the hall. Once she flew out of the hall, it would be like a trapped dragon ascending to heaven It is very difficult to stop it.

"Stop her!"

During Leo's shout, a huge metal beetle burst out of the wall, just blocking Uratek, and the leader of the crypt demon, Anubrekhan, came out at a critical moment, and successfully stopped Uratek, the goddess of poisonous snakes, with his huge body. .

(End of this chapter)

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