Necromancer in another world

Chapter 717 Arriving in Silithus for the First Time

Chapter 717 Arriving in Silithus for the First Time
Silithus, located at the southernmost tip of the Kalimdor continent, is close to Un'Goro Crater and Feralas. It has the same landform as Tanaris, which is known as the endless desert sea, and it is also a desert.

Unlike Tanaris, there are no Sandfury trolls here, but there are hordes of followers of the Twilight's Hammer. They have established several strongholds in this desert. Due to their presence, Silithus has no goblins. , naturally there will be no cities built by goblins, and it is not easy to find a place to stay here.

Although there are no goblin cities to replenish drinking water, the rainfall in Silithus is very frequent, which is why this desert maintains biological diversity, at least compared to the saline land in Shimmering Plains. Can be found in Silithus There are many more creatures.

Biodiversity makes many water storage plants grow here, such as cacti.

Well, maybe it's not called a cactus, it just looks like it.

As soon as he stepped out of the teleportation array, a wave of heat rushed towards his face, and Leo immediately opened the magic shield, which made life easier.

In other words, knowing magic is convenient, which is equivalent to carrying a temperature regulator with you, and it is also an energy-saving and environmentally friendly type that can filter the air.

"Welcome to Silithus, Leo."

Naralex's voice came from the side, and Leo followed the sound and saw the elf druid standing nearby with two night elves dressed as guards.

Looking around, Leo confirmed one thing, that is, only the three elves from the Cenarion Council came to pick him up, and there were no people from the tribe.

Is the Horde expressing their displeasure to me?
Before Leo came to Silithus, he and Scarlett had already informed Cenarion Council and Orgrimmar that the army of the Kingdom of Arathor was gathering, and the army could not leave for the time being, but Leo would be one step ahead Reach Silithus to aid in the battle.

People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. This sentence is quite correct.

Although leaders of the alliance such as Varian and Magni are unwilling to spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to help the Horde, they have to make a certain gesture when the night elves help them.

Leo didn't know how Naralex convinced Varian. In short, the king of the Stormwind Kingdom announced that the Stormwind Kingdom had begun to gather troops and was ready to send a large army less than two days after the Cenarion Council's envoy left. Across the Great Sea, travel to the continent of Kalimdor to face the Qiraji.

Varian's decision had a huge impact on the alliance. Magni and Mekkatorque also announced the same news the next day. The three of them had already agreed that the Kingdom of Arathor would stand up against it?

Leo and Scarlett are unwilling to be this villain, because they know that once they express their opposition, they will be used by Stormwind City and Ironforge as an excuse not to send troops. The Horde will definitely hate them, and the still developing Kingdom of Arathor will also Will be pushed to the cusp of the wind and waves.

Leo and Scarlett would not do stupid things like this. As long as a person is not so strong that one person defies the sky, it is best not to go against the general trend. The same is true for a country, even standing in the same camp as you If your allies have promised you to oppose it, that is not courage, but foolishness.

Just saying yes doesn't mean you're actually going to do it.

Playing scheming and tricks, with a thick face and a dark heart, are the strengths of politicians, and there is no shortage of such people in Stormwind City.

May I ask, how many politicians are there among the nobles in power in the Stormwind Kingdom?

Even Varian didn't know the question, because he couldn't count.

On the surface, the Kingdom of Stormwind was persuaded by the Cenarion Council, and they agreed to send troops to Silithus, but if you want to send troops, you have to let me assemble the army, if you want to send troops, you have to let me mobilize supplies, if you want to send troops, you have to let me plan it For your own defense after the troops are mobilized, you have to... have one reason after another to send troops. If the tribe really wants to wait for the alliance to send troops, it will be a monkey year.

In other words, Varian made a promise to send a large army across the sea for the sake of the Cenarion Council, but he is not sure when to send troops. I will procrastinate, and I will procrastinate if I can't.Don't blame me if you break down yourself before I send troops.

What is there to say?

I've been preparing, but I just don't make a move.

The dwarves and dwarves in Ironforge made up their minds to see the situation, as long as the army of the Stormwind Kingdom did not move, they would not attack. Under such circumstances, Leo and Scarlet discussed, and the army of the Kingdom of Arathor also stood still for the time being. The news was released that he was preparing for an expedition across the sea, but Leo first went to Silithus to check the situation, and Scarlett traveled between Stromgarde and Stratholme to preside over the Kingdom of Arathor and the Silver Crusade.

The icing on the cake is easy, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow. Leo's arrival at Silithus first is to express the sincerity of the Kingdom of Arathor to the Cenarion Council and the tribe, and to show that they intend to send troops to Silithus to help resist the Qiraji. It's just that they can't send the army over because of their position.

After all, Arathor is a human kingdom. Although Stromgarde is neutral in dealing with the differences between the two camps under Leo's insistence, this neutrality is limited. Once the alliance decides to join forces to do something, they must cooperate with Stormwind City and Ironforge go forward and retreat together. After all, Arathor is also a member of the human race. He can't tear down Stormwind City, and he can't sing against the Alliance, otherwise it will make others laugh for nothing.

Before coming to Silithus, Leo had thought that the Horde would complain about the Alliance's delay in dispatching troops, but he didn't expect that the other party would do such a great job, not even sending a single person to greet them.

Anyway, I'm also the first person in the alliance to take actual actions to support you, so I don't give face.

Lei Ao narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little bit of displeasure in his heart, but he covered it up very well so that no one could see it.

If I have grievances in my heart, I want to take it out on me. Such an approach will only make the strength that I could have won away from myself. It is impossible for Yisar to choose to do such a stupid thing. So, it is here to lead the tribe Saurfang of the Grand Army?It shouldn't be, how can such a petty approach look like the behavior of a marshal commanding an army?
"Nararex, we meet again."

Leo said as he walked towards Naralex, but the night elf druid raised objections to the magic he cast after politely responding to him.

"The hot weather in Silithus is also a part of nature. We cannot give up contact with nature because we are afraid of the severe cold and loathe the scorching heat."

Leo was speechless at Naralex's words, I opened a magic shield to keep you cool and you said it too, are we familiar?
Besides, death is also part of the laws of nature. Don’t you want to be in touch with nature? Why don’t you die?
The reason why he thinks this is not because Leo doesn’t listen to what others say, but because he finds that Naralex has a problem with his attitude. When the two of them are not familiar with each other, the elders will teach the younger generation what Naralex said. At any rate, Leo had saved him in the Wailing Caverns, but he put himself in a higher position than Leo.

Such is the arrogance with which elves treat other creatures, and it is an attitude that is not welcome.

"The pursuit of pleasure will make people mediocre. I understand what you said, but this is not entirely true." Leo raised his index finger and shook, "Relatively speaking, there will be one weirdo in a hundred people, and one in a thousand people will be a weirdo. There will be a strange person in a person, which is the origin of all kinds of strange things. Whether it is a strange person, a weird person, or the vast majority of ordinary people, they will all have their own desires, but some people have different desires. The first desire is greed, and greed is the commonality of all intelligent beings."

"Because of greed, you will want to get it, and because you want to get it, you will implement it, but to achieve your goal is not simply to do it, so intelligent creatures will think, because they need to use wisdom to think, so they will become better and better. Get smarter, and the smarter you think, the more you think, the greater your desires. This desire includes money, power, power, and beautiful opposite sex, etc., but there is only so much money, and it is difficult to gain power and status. There are only a few of them, and you are not the only one who likes the beautiful opposite sex, because these battles are inevitable."

"A fight caused by greed might sound like a bad thing at first, but it's not like that. Because there's a fight, there's a winner and a loser. Of course the winner is happy and the loser is reconciled? It's because the loser is not reconciled. Progress, which in turn forces the winning side to also find ways to improve, because no one wants to be a miserable loser. The progress of a fight or two is not obvious, but the battles of intelligent creatures are numerous, and these bits and pieces The accumulation of the progress of the drops has contributed to the progress of the entire intelligent life group."

"Think about how much the night elves have improved, and how much humans have improved from the birth of the race to the present. Naralex, do you think what I say makes sense?"

"I don't like the heat in Silithus, so I turned on the magic protection to avoid the heat. This is not good in your opinion, but it is a driving force for me. Because it reminds me that if I want to live Better, live more comfortably, you can't lack strength, because if you don't have enough strength, you can't maintain the existence of the magic shield for a long time."

"That is to say, to you, what I did was wrong, but to me, it is one of the motivations that make me stronger."

After talking eloquently for a long time, Leo patted Naralex on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "So, different positions have different perspectives on issues, even if it is the same issue, everyone will have different opinions. Different opinions. But to say that I am a warlock with dark powers and you are a druid with natural powers, it would be really strange if we had the same views. We can't think differently because others do it differently than we do Just criticize and seek common ground while reserving differences is the way to live in harmony."

Naralex had the urge to twitch his face, and he only said one sentence, which attracted Leo's long speech, which made him extremely depressed, but he also saw the toughness of Leo's character from this.

"Seeking common ground while reserving differences is the way to live in harmony. That's really good." An orc warrior appeared out of nowhere. He looked at Leo with an extremely unfriendly expression, "But, can humans and orcs really live in harmony? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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