Chapter 725
Lamark is the royal family of Chimeroc. Unlike his clansmen whose wisdom is still a little ignorant, as the prince of Chimeroc, Lamark's intelligence is not inferior to any wise man.

There is one, no, two clever heads, which is Lamarck's pride and the source of his troubles.

Wisdom far surpassing that of his fellow clan gave him a vision far beyond that of his peers, making him think more, and also made him more worried, worried about the future of the Chimerok clan.

After living on the Isle of Terror for so long, Lamarck was very satisfied with his life before the world-hating naga appeared and contacted him, but after he understood the vastness of the world, he looked down on the Isle of Terror.

The island of terror is too small. If my clan were given more land, how could our Chimeroc clan only have such a small number?

Lamarck began to yearn for life outside, but now he can only think about it. Don't think that Chimeroccans can fly just because they have huge wings on their backs. In fact, the wings on their backs can only allow them to fly at low altitudes. After gliding for a short distance, you can't even fly through the narrow strait between Sardo Island and Terror Island, so how can you go to Feralas?

Desiring to obtain a broader living space for the entire race, allowing the Chimerocs to multiply and develop, but being restricted by the vast sea, Lamarck felt helpless.After knowing the situation of the Chimerok clan, he understood why the world-hating naga would tell him everything so easily. They were clearly convinced that they would not be able to cross the sea to a wider land.

Intentional and powerless, we are talking about the current Lamarck.

Sobriety is often more painful than ignorance. As the only royal Lamarck with sufficient wisdom in the clan, it is painful. His ignorant clan members have no ability to share his worries, and all things can only be solved by him.

In order to obtain a wider living space for the race, Chimeroc must accept the help of the Naga, but the conditions offered by the world-hating Naga are extremely harsh, which makes Lamark very hesitant and unable to make a decision for a long time, and the Hate Senaga seemed to be determined by him, and he was not in a hurry at all, so that the matter has not been resolved until today.

The world-hating nagas are sure about Chimerok, and Lamark has to agree to their terms, so they don't mind giving Lamark enough time to think about it. They are sure that Lamark will bow his head in the end, but the naga don't know that many things are procrastination. No, it's not too late, otherwise things will change.

No, here comes the variable.

The new visitor to the island of terror—Leo is the variable, and the world-hating naga would never have thought that such a character would appear on this island that no one has set foot on for thousands of years.

Since entering the island of terror, under the cover of Nefarian's illusion, Leo and the Black Dragon Prince deliberately joined forces to launch a surprise attack on Chimeroc. Except for the first unlucky one who was killed, the others were beaten half to death. He was imprisoned by magic and thrown into Leo's private space.

It is not a problem to deal with Chimerok with the strength of Leo and Nefarian. In addition, they used the method of phantom attack, and the number of Chimerok on the island of terror is rapidly decreasing. In less than an hour, Leo More than 50 Chimeroks have been caught.

About [-] Chimeroks were caught in an hour, and this was still under the condition that Leo did not disturb the world-hating naga and other Chimeroks. If he did not care about the impact, the number would double or triple.

Nefarian and I alone are still too slow, we need to send a few more people, as long as there are enough people, it doesn't matter if two or three Chimeroks are together.

Leo is very dissatisfied with the current speed. He knows very well that it is impossible for others to catch Chimeroc with the importance attached to Chimerok by the world-hating naga and night elves. It's just that the calmness of the island of terror has made both sides relax. Only by being vigilant can you take advantage of the loopholes. If they find out, it will be almost impossible to catch Chimerok in the future.

With only one chance, Leo must capture as many Chimeroks as possible before being discovered.

The dracolich powerhouses such as Perision, Hectors, Valastrasz, and Filmer were all summoned, and the number of people who captured Chimeroc was several times higher.

There are more people and more strength. This is not a joke. With the help of Perision and the others, the efficiency of capturing Chimerocs has been multiplied several times. However, the number of Chimerocs captured within ten minutes has reached less than [-]. many.

The number of Chimeroks on the Isle of Terror was reduced by half at once. To Chimeroks, Leo was as terrifying as locusts, and Chimeroks disappeared wherever he passed.

I've caught so many Chimeroks, the world-hate naga and Feathermoon Sentinel should soon find out the anomaly here, let's count as much as you can catch now.

Knowing that time was running out, Leo's movements became faster. He was about to release Hina Saraya and other powerful men to make a fortune, but someone's reaction was faster than him.

No, it should not be a human being, but a Chimerok.

As the prince of the Chimeroc tribe, Lamark has a habit of inspecting the territory of the Chimeroc tribe every day, because he is too boring to stay on this island. If Lamark’s intelligence is not high, he will feel nothing. But he happens to have enough wisdom, if he doesn't find something to do, he eats and sleeps all day, and the life of sleeping, eating and eating will drive him crazy.

I thought it was another peaceful day that would remain unchanged for thousands of years, but the result was far beyond Lamarck's expectations.

When inspecting the territory of a certain tribe, Lamarck was surprised to find that he was not there. Originally, Lamarck didn't care about this matter, and he had encountered such a situation before, but when he continued During the inspection, after the clansmen disappeared collectively, the Prince Chimelok no longer dared not to take it to heart.

problem occurs!
Something must have happened!
The disappearance of a large number of people made Lamarck's heart tense, especially when he discovered that there was blood of the people somewhere, his premonition became even stronger.

Someone is against my people.

Lamarck made such a judgment from the blood on the ground, and this judgment made him extremely angry.

Originally, there were not many Chimerok clansmen, and Lamarck cherished every clansman very much, but now someone slaughtered his clansman without him noticing, and the number of clansmen killed was quite large. Destroy his entire Chimeroc clan.

Anger was burning in Lamark's chest, and the Chimeroc prince swore to find that damned guy.

Just as he was about to release many strong men under his command, Leo suddenly felt a tyrannical momentum rising into the sky, which was the place he had passed by.

It was discovered!

This was Leo's first reaction.

Who is the other party?

This was the second thought that came to Leo's mind.

As for the third...

"Who is it? Get out of here! I, Lamak, swear as Prince Chimelok, I will tear you to pieces."

Lamarck's coercion covered the entire island of terror, and his angry voice echoed throughout the island. Such a big movement naturally alarmed the world-hating nagas near the island. The naga knew that something would happen on the island of terror. Misfortune happened.

You know, but under the coercion of Lamark, few world-hate naga dared to go to the island, and they all trembled under the coercion of Prince Chimelok.

The performance of his subordinates made Sharzalu, who was in charge of the place, very angry. He finally had a big man around him, and he was about to curry favor with the Lara. A sense of depression that vomits blood.

These useless guys actually dropped the chain at a critical moment, didn't they intend to embarrass me?
"General Scorsese, I didn't expect that beast named Lamarck to be..."

Before Sharzaru finished speaking, Naga, whom he called General Scorsus, snorted angrily and interrupted his words arbitrarily.

"There are still many things you didn't expect. Remember, it's okay to call the beast in private, but don't let it reach Lamarck's ears, otherwise it will ruin the matter of Her Majesty. Ten lives are not enough to die. of."

"General, your lesson is that I won't call Lamarck like that anymore."

After being reprimanded by Scorsese, Sharzaru didn't dare to show his anger in his heart. It would be terrible if Scorsese knew that he dared to hate him.

Being missed by a superior person, he didn't know how he died. Sharzaru didn't want to receive an inexplicable task and then die inexplicably.

Sarzaru, who bowed his head to Scorsese, accidentally saw Sarlai, who was standing beside him behind Scorsus, sniggering, and he couldn't help but feel great hatred in his heart.

This nasty witch has always been at odds with herself, and now she must be very happy to see herself making a fool of herself.

How dare you laugh at me, don't give me a chance, hum!
The world-hating nagas are paying attention to the situation on the island in the sea near the island of terror. Generally speaking, they are safe, but Leo is not.

Demi god!

This was the third thought that came to Leo's mind after Lamarck's aura enveloped the entire island of terror.

Isn't it just a small island?

Isn't it just a small race with only four to five hundred people?
Why did your Chimerok clan become a demigod?

Demi god?

That's right, it's a demigod!
Prince Lamarck of the Chimeroc clan is a demigod, and he is not an ordinary demigod.

If Leo faced more than one demigod, such as the spider demigod Shadra and the three-headed sea serpent demigod Gazrilla, he thought he could win the battle even without the help of others, but the problem was that Lamarck is not Shadra, nor Gazrilla.

From Lamarck's aura, Leo judged that Prince Chimerocco was far stronger than the spider demigod and the three-headed sea serpent demigod, and not even a little bit stronger.

Coupled with the fact that Lamarck can speak, it shows that he is not a beast without wisdom, but possesses a foolish intelligence. Leo knew that he had hit an iron plate this time.

(End of this chapter)

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