Chapter 735

As the saying goes, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well. In everything you do, you should pay attention to a teacher who is famous. Wear a divine halo.

Of course, the standards of justice are different, but everyone has the same purpose-need a name, a fig leaf.

Leo originally wanted to fight the orcs of the Draenor world, and he was wondering what excuse to use to start the war. The evil orcs of Sesgo gave him a surprise, saving him the effort of consuming brain cells.

"Gorthick, remember, the war between us and the evil orcs can't stop even if Sesgo is captured, even if it's just a verbal crusade, we still have to continue the atmosphere of the war. Evil orcs? Humph! Do you really think we can't hold them down? I'll let them understand what a river-crossing raptor is."

Mork led his tribe members to attack the mines in Honor Hold. With this excuse, Leo has no reason to let the war end. As long as the atmosphere of war between the two sides is not lifted for a day, Leo has a good reason to mobilize The troops launched an attack on the evil orcs.

Now part of the human forces in the world of Draenor are composed of soldiers from the Kingdom of Arathor. These soldiers are absolutely and unconditionally obedient to the orders of Leo and Scarlett. The other part is composed of the sons of Lothar. Scarlett can mobilize them But they may not listen to Leo's words, there is no plausible reason that Leo can't command Danas.

Master, is this paving the way for the subsequent war?

From Leo's words, Gothick and Korok seem to have seen a new storm from humans in the world of Draenor.

Impulsive fel orc, stupid Mork, he will not know what his actions have brought to the orcs of the world of Draenor.

No one has mentioned the Sethko war. No matter whether it is Korok or Gothick, they all know that a little Seskau is not in the eyes of Leo, and their master's eyes will not be limited. In that small abandoned city, it will not only be placed on the Hellfire Peninsula. What he has to do is to let the entire world of Draenor know the power of human beings.

"By the way, the war started because the orcs attacked the mines in Honor Hold. Didn't they find the mines?"

Leo discovered a problem, which was the cause of the war. What did the evil orcs led by Mok attack the mines in Honor Hold? Doesn't it mean that they lacked ore?

"Yes, master. The orcs didn't find the ore vein, they didn't have a stable source of ore, and the reason why the sons of Lothar built Honor Hold here is because there is a mine vein here."

Although the evil orcs are the natives of the world of Draenor, the terrain in many places has changed during the big explosion that shattered the entire world, such as Hellfire Peninsula.Changes in terrain caused changes in resources. The evil orcs couldn't find new veins for a while, and they wanted to expand their strength, so they had no choice but to focus on Honor Hold.

In the eyes of the evil orcs, this world belongs to them, and humans are outsiders, so why should they enjoy the resources of the world of Draenor?
With such thoughts, plus the fact that the evil orcs themselves are hostile to the sons of Lothar, and they go to snatch humans without mineral veins, such an approach is taken for granted by the evil orcs, as natural as the sun rises and the moon sets.

Orcs don't have mineral veins?

Didn't they find mines near Salma?

Leo rubbed his chin. This possibility is not small. After all, the Hellfire Fortress has only been rebuilt not long ago. Before that, the energy of the evil orcs was put on repairing the fortress. Fire Peninsula to explore mineral veins?

What's more, the mine lode near Salma is very close to the camp of the demon army, almost right under their noses, and the chance of finding it is even lower.

It's okay, who would stroll under the eyes of the demon army of the Burning Legion?

Do you really think that the fel energy cannon erected by the demon army on the high mountain of the legion camp is just a decoration, if you can't kill you, can't you?

"Gorthick, bring me the map of Hellfire Peninsula."

The hand is fast, the hand is slow, the door of darkness has not yet been opened, Salma is also a land of no man, and the mine veins there have not yet been discovered. In this case, why not take it before everyone else?
Leo roughly delineated a range on the map, where the Horde established Salma in the name of the great chief after it invaded the world of Draenor.

"Send someone to this place to explore the mine veins, be careful, don't let the evil orcs and the Burning Legion discover our purpose."

Gothick and Korok's eyes lit up. Leo was so sure that there was a mine vein in that place, and there would be one hundred percent. He didn't expect that there was a mine near the demon army's legion station. No wonder the evil orcs didn't find it.

Fortunately, they didn't find out, otherwise they would definitely go mining, and with their own veins, they would have stable equipment raw materials, so that the strength of the evil orcs would soon rise to a higher level, and the human beings who were their enemies would be sad .

"Master, should we only send thieves with stealth ability? It is very difficult to establish a stronghold in that place with our current military strength."

Gothick expressed his worries. It is easy to find mineral veins, but it is difficult to gain a foothold in that place. The demon army will not allow someone to build a stronghold at the gate of his garrison.How can it be possible to fight against the swarming army of demons with the strength of Arathor Kingdom in the world of Draenor?
Leo shook his hand, Gothick would be wrong.

"I didn't ask you to do it now. The purpose of investigating that place is just to confirm the specific location of the vein so as to discuss the best and fastest mining plan. We have to slowly find opportunities to occupy that place."

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Once the Dark Portal opens, the demon army's strength will definitely be attracted. At that time, it is the best time for Gothick and the others to establish a stronghold in Salma and occupy the mine.

If Gothick and the others occupy Salma, the Horde's army will have to move to another place after the Dark Portal is opened. Seth High seems to be a good choice.

But now the army of the Kingdom of Arathor is attacking Sesgao, what if I let Rasubios and the others take Sesgao too?

Leo grinned, although he needed to face the pressure of the demon army after occupying Salma and Sesgao, but compared with the benefits obtained, these sacrifices are worthwhile.

With these three strongholds, together with the giants that have been subdued, most of the Hellfire Peninsula, the first piece of land that entered the world of Draenor from the Dark Portal, fell into the control of the Arathor Kingdom.

These sites will be bargaining chips that can be exchanged for benefits in the future, and the current efforts are not worth mentioning compared to the future gains.

At this moment, neither Sesgo nor Salma competed with Arathor Kingdom. This is the advantage of entering the world of Draenor first. Only by walking ahead of others can we easily obtain strongholds that require huge sacrifices in the future. .

Maybe I should remind Kael'thas to let the blood elves monopolize the Falcon Sentinel. In this way, someone will help share the pressure. If the interests of Hellfire Peninsula are all occupied by the Kingdom of Arathor, it will make people jealous. Eating food alone is a dangerous behavior. .

The Dark Portal is on the Hellfire Peninsula. This is the gateway to Draenor from the world where the Alliance and the Horde are located. If you master this place, you will have the right to speak in the world of Draenor. However, in such an important place, the two camps are different. It will be controlled by one force. With the strength of Arathor Kingdom, if they want to monopolize this benefit, the final result will be choking to death.

But the blood elves are different. Anyway, the blood elves are now members of the tribe. Even if they don't get along well with the orcs and trolls, the tribe still gets a lot of benefits here, but the alliance takes the big head. That's all, even if the tribe has objections to this, it can't be done.

While thinking about it, Leo had already roughly planned the direction of Hellfire Peninsula. What he has to do now is to inform his subordinates such as Gothick who is in charge of affairs here, so that these subordinates can carry out according to his wishes.

"Master, there is one more thing that needs to be reported to you."

After Leo finished his orders, Gothick delivered new news.

This news actually has little to do with Leo, but he has to take it seriously.

Fort Alleria got in touch with Fort Honor, and they wanted to make Alleria Windrunner and Turalyon's son, the half-elf Alator Redeemer, their leader, to take charge of Fort Alleria affairs.

The elves there had sent the same message to Danas, the son of Lothar, but these requests were rejected by Arator. The half-elf who lost his parents had no interest in managing Fort Alleria, he just wanted to Find your parents.

"Danas used to ask Alator to respond to such requests before. He neither intended to persuade Alator, nor prevented him from managing the Alleria Fortress. How will the child choose after receiving such a request? Don't Danas know?" Gothick lowered his voice, "Master, I think there is a problem here, Danas is not willing to give this branch that belongs to The troops of the Alliance Expeditionary Force were assigned to someone else, even if the elves in the Alleria Fortress did not obey his command."

Alator is a child, even if he takes over the management of the Alleria Fortress, he will definitely not be able to handle it well, and he will still have to turn to the Son of Lothar for help, which seems to be no big deal.

But children will grow up, who can say clearly what will happen once Arator is mature?
Through a period of contact, Gothick discovered a characteristic of Danas. Although Danas hid it well, the Soul Reaper still saw it.

Perhaps it was because he spent too long at the bottom of society before he made his fortune, and had a deep understanding of power and privilege. Danas had an extraordinary desire for power.

"Gothick, go and get Alator." After speaking, Leo ordered again, "Don't let others know."

(End of this chapter)

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