Necromancer in another world

Chapter 743 Elf Scout

Chapter 743 Elf Scout

Height and length are very advantageous, especially in the fight against each other. Orentir's size is much larger than that of Nefarian in human form. His attack hit the target one step ahead of the Black Dragon Prince.

Even with your small physique, you dare to come face to face with me, let's see how you die!
Orentyr was vaguely proud of himself, he had full confidence in himself, thinking that even if his attack couldn't kill Nefarian, it could still seriously injure him.

The knife-sharp forelimbs slashed on Nefarian's body, making the crisp sound of gold and iron colliding, and Oren Tilton was dumbfounded for a moment.

Why is the body of this claw druid so hard?
In astonishment, Orentir's tail needle pierced Nefarian's chest, and there was another clang.

how come?
This is impossible!

The confident Orentir was dumbfounded. It's fine that the epic weapon's forelimb failed to cut through Nefarian's skin. This can also be explained that the attack is not strong enough, but what about the tail needle?
Even the tail needle, which can pierce a hole in the body of a legendary druid after turning into a bear, failed to injure the opponent, which cannot be accepted by Orentyr.

My strongest tail needle attack actually only pierced the oily skin of this sharp claw druid. How hard is his body?

It has such a strong defensive ability without transformation, how terrifying would it be if it was transformed?
Orentil was at a loss. The overlord of the Yashi Hive had never seen such an enemy. How could he fight against him with such a hardened body?Do you still want the worm to live?

You idiot, want to hurt both sides with me, do you have the qualifications?

Nefarian snorted softly. Even though he is in human form now, he is also a giant dragon, a majestic prince of the black dragon clan, with the blood of Deathwing, how can an insect hurt him?

Oren Tier was at a loss, but Nefarian couldn't. The Black Dragon Prince's dragon claw once again opened up the opponent, and another big hole appeared on Oren Tier's head.

The head was severely injured twice, and Orentyr's body trembled in pain. At this time, Nefarian raised his hand again, and the dragon claw took another shot.

No, this claw druid's body is too hard, my attack can't hurt him at all, and I will die if I don't get rid of his control.

Thinking of death, Orentyr is terribly frightened. Being wise, he is different from the low-level worms in the nest. He will be afraid. Facing the invincible enemy, Orentyr loses the courage to fight. He works hard. Struggling, trying to get rid of Nefarian's control and slip away under the cover of the swarm.

How could the Black Dragon Prince give him such an opportunity?

If all the ducks in his mouth let him fly away, how would he explain to Lei Ao?

Nefarian grabbed Oren Tier's head firmly with one hand, no matter how his opponent struggled, it would be of no avail. Unless Oren Tier cut off his head, he would not be able to escape the control of the Black Dragon Prince, but if Oren Tier really After doing this, how could he survive?

Damn Druid, he doesn't give me any way out.

Orentier was panicked. His hatred for Nefarian did not turn into motivation to fight back. Instead, it continued to reduce his fighting spirit. The overlord of the Yashi Hive has long forgotten what counterattack is, and his mind is full of thoughts After getting rid of his opponent's control and fleeing, he was grabbed by Nefarian's head and slapped wildly.

puff!puff!puff! ...

The dragon claws of the Black Dragon Prince kept rising, and then fell down quickly, patting Oron Tier's head with pits and holes, like a path soaked by heavy rain and then ravaged by countless elephants, it was a horrible sight.

With more and more wounds on his head, Orendir struggled less and less. After losing his fighting spirit, the Overlord of the Ashe Hive was beaten miserably by Nefarian. There was a breath left.

The opponent was powerless to resist, and Nefarian's attack did not stop there. The sympathy and pity did not belong to the black dragon prince. Seeing that Orentyr was about to die, the black dragon prince raised his hand to deal with it, but Leo stopped him at this moment. over him.

"Leave him alive and bring him to me."

Nefarian didn't dare to disobey Leo's order, he carried the dying Orentyr from the swarm all the way to Leo's side.

Seeing that the leader was caught by the enemy, the bugs became more and more crazy, but what if they were crazy?
In the face of an absolute gap in strength, it is not that you can change anything if you explode. Leo simply ignored the crazy swarm. The bloody net was an insurmountable obstacle. As many worms came, they died .

The reason why Orentier's life was spared was not that Leo's heart softened after killing the worms, but because a certain message reached his ears, and Leo decided to sell the other party's face.

The bloody net revealed a gap that could only be passed by one person, and a night elf suddenly appeared there, and quickly passed through the gap to Leo's side.

"You said you were a scout sent by the Cenarion Council to investigate Yashi's nest. Is there anything that can prove your identity?"

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Leo asked first, which showed that he wanted to take the initiative of the conversation in his hands.

The night elf first gave a courtesy to Leo and Nefarian, and then took out an emblem. During this process, in order to avoid misunderstanding between Leo and Nefarian, she moved very slowly.

"My lords, my name is Jia Liya. This is a medal blessed by Lord Staghelmet. It has the breath of Lord Staghelmet on it."

Every strong man has his own unique aura. Even if he wants to forge it, not everyone can forge the aura of someone like Archdruid Fandral Staghelmet. To successfully forge it, at least a demigod is required. It must be of the same profession, and a druid with demigod power will forge a medal with the breath of staghorn?
Just think about it and know it's impossible.

Although Leo had never seen a deer helmet, the strong natural atmosphere on the medal could not deceive anyone. He nodded, as if he recognized Calia's identity.

"This bug is my trophy. If you want to know anything, go and check it."

Leo first declared Orentier's ownership, and then sold him a favor.

Now Orentyr has long since lost the power of the overlord of the Ashe Hive, and he may die at any time when he is dying. Calia dare not neglect, she hurried forward, put her hand on Orentyr, A natural breath flowed into Oron Tier's body, and the druid began to extract what he needed from Oron Tier.

Is this natural magic or soul magic?

Leo glanced at Calia rather strangely. At the moment when the night elf scout put his hands on Orentyr, he sensed a wave similar to soul magic, but only similar to that of a warlock. Soul spells are still different.

Seemingly aware of Leo's doubts, Nefarian explained to him in a low voice: "This is the druid's spirit of nature, they use it to feel the thoughts of plants and animals, act in accordance with the will of nature, so that they will not be harmed by nature spell."

It turned out to be the case.

The so-called idea of ​​feeling animals and plants, isn't the simplest and most accurate way to communicate directly with their souls?
No wonder there will be fluctuations similar to soul spells.

Although Orentyr is dying, he is still the overlord of the Ashe hive among the three giant hives in Silithus, and he wants to forcibly obtain the secrets of the Yaqi Empire from his soul. So simple?
Calia's probe didn't last long before she was knocked away by a powerful soul force. After the blow, Orentyr died, and the night elf scouts showed annoyance.


Calia felt that it was a pity that she managed to capture Orentir, and thought that she could get information about the Qiraji beetle from him, but she failed in the end.

This is a hive overlord, there are only three hive overlords in the whole of Silithus, not to mention catching them, even seeing them is extremely difficult, these three hive overlords know The secret is by no means comparable to that of the worm leader of an ordinary worm nest. Today, he finally had such a chance to take over a dying worm hive overlord from Leo, but he unexpectedly failed.

Jia Liya stomped her feet angrily. It was really heartbreaking that she failed at such a good opportunity.

"Night Elf, that worm is dead, and now my master wants to take him back."

Seeing that Oron Tier was dead, Nefarian came out to speak. He was replacing Leo to remind Calia, don't forget whose spoil Oron Tier was.

Calia put Orentyr's body next to Leo with great interest, and after she finished this, she thanked Leo again with respect: "Dear strong man, on behalf of the Cenarion Council, I thank you s help."

Although it was not successful, Calia did not lose her manners because of the annoyance in her heart. After all, Leo agreed to her request and had already helped her a lot. As for whether it was successful or not, that was her own problem. , can't blame Leo.

Besides, Calia watched from the sidelines for a long time. From the time Leo entered the Ashe nest alone until now, the number of insects that died in his hands was no less than the total number of druids from the Cenarion Council. But the man has not shown a trace of fatigue after the battle, what does this mean?
This shows that the strength of the human being standing in front of him is far beyond that of ordinary legends.

The weak must show enough respect to the strong is the rule of conduct of all races in this world, and Leo is a human being allied with the night elves, even if he rejects his request, Calia can't do anything wrong.

Even though the night elves were arrogant, they were definitely not stupid. It was impossible for them to do such stupid things as turning their allies into enemies.

"It's easy." Calia thanked Leo and accepted it with a smile. He pointed to the swarm of worms whose eyes were red from the death of the leader and said to the night elf scouts, "It's not convenient to go out now, wait until I kill all these worms." You can leave later."

"So, thank you very much."

(End of this chapter)

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