Chapter 749 Annamis
The hive queen Annamis is very irritable now. Since she came to this desert and established the Corruption Lair, except for the first period of time when it was peaceful, people have always come to trouble her.

She was originally a lair of corruption that was built quietly, and no one should know about it in this vast desert, but the damned troll got the news from nowhere and came to invade.

Fortunately, the Nest of Corruption had grown to a certain scale with her support, and the trolls were not very strong. The speed at which Annamis laid eggs was far greater than the opponent's ability to kill the swarm, which made the Nest of Corruption The nest gradually expanded under the troll's attack.

The trolls finally stopped, and they have not been seen for a while, but groups of adventurers ran over again.

Under their continuous hunting, the number of worms in the Corruption Nest increased extremely slowly. In order to deal with them, Anamis had to expend a lot of energy to lay a large number of eggs of different kinds of flying insects. She used air power to deter adventurers and would be discovered. The insect catchers killed, which allows the insect population to be re-developed.

However, before Annamis was happy for a few days, someone came to find fault again.

The guy who came to find fault this time was not ordinary. Their huge size, tyrannical strength, and metal body reflecting the sun all showed their strength.

Annamis saw with her own eyes that the alien flying insects she had laboriously produced were easily wiped out by the other party, and also saw how the group of metal puppets slaughtered her descendants under the tactics of the sea of ​​insects, all of which made her extremely angry.

Anger makes people impulsive, and impulsive behavior leads to irrational behavior.

Annamis, who was supposed to stay in the safe rear and wait for her swarm to kill her opponent, appeared on the front line of the extremely dangerous battle, and took the lead in attacking the enemy.

Annamis's attack was very effective. She smashed the skulls of two dracolichs one after another, but just when she was about to attack the third enemy, her capable man, Solider, died.

It is not easy to give birth to a leader like Solid among the insect swarms. The corrupt lair built by Annamis has tens of millions of alien insects, but the only leader-level alien insect that can be born is Solid. You can see how difficult this is from the proportions.

With Solid here, Annamis can concentrate on laying eggs, and the development speed of the Corrupted Nest will be doubled as before, but now that Solid is dead and killed by the enemy, Annamis wants to How could she not be angry that the plan to rapidly develop the Nest of Corruption was ruined?
The Hive Queen slammed into Filmer with all her strength, nearly twice as fast as she showed before, and Filmer had no time to dodge.

Annemis hits the target.


Several cracks appeared in Filmer's skull.

The impact of Annemis was so powerful that even Leo looked sideways at her.

Before becoming a dracolich, Filmer was also a warrior-level black dragon, and Annamis almost crippled him with one blow. Such an impact was really terrifying.

With the impact power to instantly kill a warrior-level dragon, the Hive Queen really cannot be underestimated.

Leo was thinking about whether to help Filmer, but saw Annamis fall from Filmer's head with a dazed face, and hit the ground with a slap, exactly like Solider.


Leo was speechless.

This is the hive queen?
Are you here to be funny?
The impact force was indeed strong enough, but once the impact failed to kill the enemy, the dead one would become himself. Such an attack method had no future.

Leo watched and shook his head secretly. It is true that Annamis's collision was indeed fierce, but the shortcomings were too big and too fatal. Nine lives would not be enough to die when encountering a hard stubble.

"Go to hell, bug!"

Filmer didn't step on it this time. Out of resentment towards Annemis, he directly used his mouth. Sen Han's sharp teeth bit down and rolled Annemis into his big mouth, and then creaked. The sound of chewing sounded, and the poor hive queen was bitten to pieces by Filmer.

"The host killed Annamis..."

Leo shook his head, the Hive Queen's death was really unbelievable, you said that you, Filmer, are so true, you obviously don't have any digestive organs, why are you chewing so hard, and the stumps and broken arms are everywhere.

The death of Anamis angered the insect swarm. The queen who was the source of the development of the insect nest died, which broke their roots. How could the heterogeneous insects not work hard?
Anyway, without the Queen, this nest of corruption will be over sooner or later, and their swarm will inevitably perish. The alien worms who knew their end started the final madness. The enemy goes to hell together.

Where is hell?
Leo said: That's my place!

Therefore, the dracolich will not go to hell, only the alien worms will go down.

The war of dragons and insects on the ground has entered the most intense and boring time. Without the leader and the queen, the attack of the insect swarm seems crazy but chaotic. After losing the restraint of the superior, the brutal nature of the insects is here. The moment is revealed.

Anyone who hinders him, even his companions will attack, but anyone who dares to attack him will not be finished unless he fights to the death.

Before the dracolich army could exert its full strength, the swarm began to fight among themselves, and their fight amused Leo.

With the number of insect swarms in the Corrupted Nest, it would take two or three days to kill all the insects here if Leo alone could not complete it. But now that the insect swarms are fighting among themselves, the time has been greatly shortened, because the worms in the swarm More worms died at the hands of their companions than the dracolich army.

I have to admit that internal strife is the most exhausting behavior.

When the swarm started to squabble, when the alien worms started wielding butcher knives at their companions, Leo knew that this battle was completely out of suspense and lost its focus. He curled his lips and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

No suspense, no point of view, this is for Leo, for some people, this battle has just begun.

Before Leo's arrival, more than [-]% of the adventurers in Tanaris wandered around the Corruption Nest in order to kill the silithid.

Don't get me wrong, these adventurers are not here to help the Horde and Cenarion Council against the Qiraji Beetlemen. They have only one purpose to hunt and kill the alien worms, and that is to get the worms whose bodies are as hard as steel. shell.

Whether these worm shells are used by themselves or sold for money, they can earn a good income. A five-member adventurer team can get an income comparable to half a year at other times as long as they hunt and kill ten different kinds of worms. How can you not be tempted?

The life of an adventurer is not as written in the novel. Traveling around the world in a very chic way, it is best to describe it as a life-seeking three words. In order to earn enough gold coins to survive, they are often in danger. Be careful and you will die.

When Leo's dracolich army descended on the Lair of Corruption, the adventurers wandering nearby had already discovered this group of behemoths.
Many adventurers couldn't help cheering when they saw the dracolich army clashing with the xenomorphs and killing all the xenomorph flying bugs.It's not that they are not calm enough, but that they have suffered too much from these alien flying insects. Many people's companions, comrades-in-arms and even relatives have died at the hands of these alien flying insects.

There are too many different kinds of flying insects, and the adventurers can't take revenge, but it doesn't mean they don't want to take revenge.Now that someone helped them kill the alien flying bugs, the adventurers who witnessed the destruction of their enemies couldn't help but secretly thank each other.

Unbeknownst to Leo, his popularity among Tanaris adventurers had turned into respect.

Seeing the worms crazily flocking towards the dracolich army, and there was a large-scale internal strife on the way, some adventurers boldly tried to attack the worm swarm, and they were surprised to find that they ignored their attacks on the alien worms.

This discovery made the adventurers overjoyed. The bugs ignored them, but it didn't mean they would ignore those bugs as well. Isn't the vast majority of adventurers who came to the Nest of Corruption just for money?

Now that the opportunity to make money is in front of them, will they be willing to give it up?
Some daring adventurers rushed out of the hiding place first, and their actions stimulated other people who were still watching. After seeing that these people were not besieged by the swarm, the other adventurers couldn't help it. Adventurers have sprung up near the time-corrupted lair.

It's not that Leo didn't know about the existence of these people, and it wasn't that Leo didn't notice their actions, but he didn't stop them.

What do adventurers endure the scorching sun in the desert for?
Who is willing to suffer this crime not to make some money for living?
Although their attack on the swarm would reduce the number of corpses Leo got, how much could they grab these adventurers if they let them go?

The number of simorphs they can kill is far from enough for even a fraction of what Leo can kill, and it doesn't matter if they grab some.

It's not easy for adventurers, Leo doesn't want to cut off their money by relying on their strength, and let them suffer so much near the nest of corruption but get nothing.You know, cutting off a person's wealth is like killing one's parents, and the feud has become serious.It's not worth it, it's not worth it, to forge such a big hatred for a few bugs.

The adventurers who took the initiative to attack the swarm while taking advantage of the swarm's infighting and fighting against the dracolich army suddenly heard the words from the sky: "You can kill as many as you can before I destroy the nest of corruption. , if you want wealth, earn it by your own ability."

The sound of rolling thunder made the adventurers pause. Many people looked up at the sky and tried to find the source of the sound but found nothing. However, these words also made the adventurers understand that driving those huge dragon-shaped mechanical puppets The strong man who dealt with the alien worms had no intention of stopping their actions.

It's really a good man for him to attract the hatred of the silithid swarm and give us the opportunity to hunt the similax.

(End of this chapter)

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