Necromancer in another world

Chapter 753 Really Interesting

Chapter 753 Really Interesting
Survival is the instinct of all living things, and the endless dragon is no exception.

The current situation is obvious, Dragonakos is the helper that Sano Li has found, and the siege of these two giant dragons cannot be stopped with his strength. Not only that, but it is also very difficult to escape.

The opponent does not leave a way out for himself, which is forcing the endless dragon to do his best.

The so-called ten people are hard to beat by one person, and an endless dragon is desperate, can Sanori and Dragonakos stop it?
Sano Li was not sure, seeing the Endless Dragon attacking her frantically regardless, it meant that both sides would suffer, so she flinched.

Sanoli, the bronze dragon, is very resigned to her life. She is unwilling to risk her life to fight the Infinity Dragon, but Dragonakos is different.

The bronze dragon is very mysterious, and the endless dragon is even more difficult to find. It is so easy to find such a target that allows him to have the secret of time. Can he let the endless dragon go?

With a burst of bravery, the Infinity Dragon pushed Sanoli away, and he was about to take this opportunity to escape, but a strong pulling force found him.

Leo's right hand grasped falsely, and the death grip was retracted as soon as it was applied. The pulling force only appeared for less than a tenth of a second, but it was this pulling that made the Endless Dragon's plan to take the opportunity to escape failed.

Just about to exert force but was blocked, when the sudden force disappeared, the Infinity Dragon had already missed the best time to escape, and Dragonakos had killed it.

The Twilight Dragon spat out a purple Twilight Dragon's Breath unceremoniously, and at the same time, the dragon's tail twitched violently, sealing off the escape route of the Endless Dragon, forcing him to stay and fight.

You're so deceptive, you really don't even leave me a way out.

The Endless Dragon is angry, don't think that you can bully people because of your strength, this dragon is not easy to mess with.

"The twilight dragons have appeared publicly, hehe, is the twilight trial coming soon?" The endless dragon sneered at Sano Li while resisting Dragonakos' attack, "When will the bronze dragon Also cooperated with the Twilight Dragon, you really give the Lord of Time a face."

Sanoli ignored the endless dragon, she stepped forward to join the battle group again, and cooperated with Dragonakos to besiege the endless dragon.

She also knew that Dragonakos was the Twilight Dragon, but so what?

As long as Dragonakos is under Leo's control, as long as Leo doesn't go crazy and want to destroy the world, this powerful Twilight Dragon is not an enemy, but a helper to protect the world.

Sanoli asked herself that she was different from those rigid-minded clan members in the clan. Those people had the urge to kill Twilight Dragon when they saw him indiscriminately, but Sanoli felt that as long as it could help her, no matter what What race?

Sanoli doesn't mind but it doesn't mean that Dragonakos doesn't mind, Twilight Dragon retorted while attacking.

"Don't compare me to those idiots, Twilight Judgment? Stupid and ridiculous idea!"

A powerful twilight dragon didn't even talk about the destruction of the world, but even mocked the twilight trial. Dragonakos' words were beyond the cognition of the endless dragon.

"No wonder you teamed up with Sano Li, you two are different."

The Endless Dragon suddenly realized, no wonder the two guys who besieged him would join forces. Compared to their clansmen, these two guys are different.

It is easy to find a common language between heterogeneous and heterogeneous.

"You talk too much."

Sano Li was very dissatisfied with being classified as a different kind. If it weren't for the limitation of her strength, she would have torn the Infinity Dragon now.

"Nefarian, quick battle."

Leo's attack just now has already broken Nefarian's illusion. Now that his whereabouts have been exposed, Leo doesn't intend to stand idly by, and kill the endless dragon earlier so that he can attack the insect nest of the Great Gap earlier.

Nefarian swooped down and saw a dragon-shaped mechanical puppet aggressively joining the battle group. Infinity Dragon felt that this was his chance. When he thought about it, how could a metal puppet compare with a real dragon? The humans on the puppet's back overwhelmed themselves and joined the war between the giant dragons. Wouldn't this be a disservice to Sanolie and the Twilight dragon?
With Nefarian joining, Sano Li and Dragonakos will inevitably have to give up a position to let him take charge.

Just when the Black Dragon Prince had just joined the battle group and Dragonakos and Sanori made way for him, the Infinity Dragon charged at Nefarian with all his strength, trying to open a gap from him.

Under the attack of the Bronze Dragon and the Twilight Dragon, the Infinity Dragon was already having difficulty parrying, and he didn't have to leave if he didn't find a way out. Even if he knew that Nefarian might not be as weak as he thought, he had no other choice.

If you want to use me as a breakthrough point, you don't know how to live or die!

A red light flashed in Nefarian's eyes, and the dracolich's paralyzing gaze was cast just before the endless dragon's full power. The endless dragon's body froze when he was about to exert his strength, and his movement was interrupted by [-]% of the impact force. Can only lift less than [-]%.

That metal puppet has the ability to fix body.

The Infinity Dragon, who suffered a loss, was pulled back by Nefarian's tail due to insufficient impact force. Although Nefarian, who looked like a dragon-shaped mechanical puppet in his heart, was the weakest link among the enemies besieging him, this But the metal puppet with the head made him very afraid.

Out of fear of Nefarian, the Endless Dragon also became afraid of Leo standing on Nefarian's head. The fact is obvious that this metal puppet was made by the human being who could make this metal puppet Impossibly simple.

As if to confirm the endless dragon's thoughts, Leo flicked his fingers repeatedly, but in the blink of an eye, he put several curses on the endless dragon, weakening at least [-]% of his strength.


Cursed in his body, the Endless Dragon understood Leo's profession. Who else could cast so many cursed spells besides a sorcerer known as a dark mage?

The strength has been greatly weakened, and the Infinity Dragon, who is under the siege of the three-headed dragon, will soon be overwhelmed. While he is resisting Nefarian, Dragonakos seizes the opportunity and slams the tail of the dragon with a bang. Hit the forehead of the Infinity Dragon, making the latter stare at him.

Seeing this, Sano Li was not far behind, the bronze dragon's dragon claws grabbed Endless Dragon's back, and tore off one of his wings with a click.

One of the wings was forcibly torn off, and the Endless Dragon couldn't help but howl, but before his wail could end, Nefarian's ferocious bite came.

The sharp teeth reflecting the sunlight were so cold and terrifying in the eyes of Endless Dragon. His brain told him to dodge quickly, but the reaction of his body made him unable to dodge.


Nefarian's ferocious bite easily broke the scales on the Infinity Dragon's body, and bit the opponent's neck fiercely. Then the Black Dragon Prince shook his head violently, tearing off a large piece of flesh from the Infinity Dragon's neck.

The severe pain made Endless Dragon almost faint, and the loss of a large amount of blood made his body weak. In a weak state, regardless of the strength of the attack, the reaction of the defense will be affected.

This injury kicked off the Endless Dragon's downfall.

Under the siege of Dragonakos, Sanori, and Nefarian, the bleeding endless dragon became weaker and weaker, with more and more wounds on his body, and he suffered in less than 2 minutes After more than [-] heavy blows, the Infinity Dragon was completely unable to hold on, and he fell straight to the ground without even the ability to maintain flight.


Dragonakos and Sano Li Qiqi shouted, a bronze dragon and a twilight dragon chased after him, but Nefarian didn't bother to attack a dying enemy and didn't join.

"You two aliens, I curse you..."

Knowing that his fall was imminent, the Infinity Dragon's face was full of resentment, and he cursed at Sano Li and Dragonakos.

Unfortunately, this curse has no practical effect at all, it can only make the endless dragon's failure even heavier.

To Dragonakos and Sanoly, it is not so much that the endless dragon is cursing them, it is better to say that this is the desperate bark of the defeated who are unwilling to accept the reality.

If verbal curses were useful, everyone would be a master of curses, so why would you need a warlock?

Leo curled his lips, seemingly disdainful.

Before the Infinity Dragon could finish speaking, Dragonakos rushed over and swallowed his head, making the Infinity Dragon completely silent.

Dragonakos is known as the Devourer of All Things. This title is not given for nothing. The Twilight Dragon Prince's appetite is not so good.A vortex with terrifying devouring power appeared in his big mouth. The huge body of the Endless Dragon continued to decompose and shrink in the vortex, and was finally swallowed whole by him.

Sano Li swallowed heavily. The scene where the Twilight Dragon devoured the Infinity Dragon had a strong impact on her, and it also made her understand the horror of the All-Devourer.

Sure enough, it is a terrifying existence created by the black dragon to deal with other four-line giant dragons. If he is given enough time to grow, even the four-line dragon kings may... stop!You can't think like this, an existence like Nozdormu, the great time lord, is beyond the rules of the world, and this twilight dragon cannot be the opponent of the Dragon King.

Stopping the rebellious thoughts in her mind, Sanori flew towards Leo, and Nefarian stared at her with warning eyes, but it was a pity that Sanoli was determined that the Black Dragon Prince would not dare to disobey Leo's will, and Leo He would not refuse to communicate with her, and the gorgeous black dragon prince with cannibalistic eyes turned into an elf and jumped onto Nefarian's back again.

Damn bronze dragon girl, if I get the chance, I will definitely teach you a lesson.

Sanori's behavior made Nefarian very angry. As the black dragon prince, she has stepped on his back twice in a row. Sanori would have been his subordinate long before he became a dracolich. wronged soul.

"The host killed Oculus the Fallen..."

It was a pity for Leo to get nothing but upgrade energy. Dragonakos was not the only one who was greedy for the secret method of manipulating time.

Take Dragonakos back, Twilight Dragon has just swallowed an Infinity Dragon, what is most needed now is to digest and absorb the fallen Oculus.

"Time is in turmoil, what happened?"

A bronze dragon came to the big gap at some point, and he appeared very abruptly, but the bronze dragons can hide themselves in the gaps of time and space, if they didn't show up on their own initiative, it would be more difficult for others to find them than ascend to the sky.Thinking about it, if he hadn't seen Sanoli, this bronze dragon wouldn't have come out.

"I had a fight with an Infinity Dragon, and I have killed that guy. Thank you for your concern, Oculus."

Sano Li made an indifferent tone, as if she was only solving a small problem, Leo couldn't help but secretly despise her, this bronze dragon seemed to be very face-saving and said... wait, the new bronze dragon is called What?

Leo's gaze became weird, it was really a coincidence, really interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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