Chapter 762

Many friends, many paths, this is the principle of dealing with things that Leo has always believed in. Don't look at the Timbermaw Furbolg's current appearance of being in despair, if they are allowed to survive this most difficult time, the outbreak of this race will Strength can make everyone look sideways.

Compared with the orcs who also inherited the shaman culture, the furbolgs are worse in that the vast majority of their tribesmen are not smart enough. Give them enough time to evolve and they are no worse than the orcs. Orcs are stronger and will not be weaker.

Helping the furbolgs when they were in the most difficult time and letting them tide over the difficulties is not only forming a good relationship, but also helping human beings themselves.

Looking at the position of the furbolg, you can understand why Leo wanted to show their favor to them. The southernmost point of Winterspring is the Woodmaw Stronghold that connects Azshara and Winterspring. The distance between this city and Orgrimmar is so close. Leo couldn't ignore it.

Although the relationship between the Kingdom of Arathor and the orcs is relatively friendly now, who can say for sure what will happen in the future?
Once the militant faction among the orcs rises, the humble Timbermaw furbolg can become a sharp knife hanging over the orcs' head. With the grievances between the furbolg and the orcs, can the two sides reach a real reconciliation?
As long as the alliance shows a little bit of talk, the Timbermaw furbolg will help secretly even if it doesn't stand up. It's not a problem to borrow the Timbermaw Fortress to send the alliance's army there.

"Are you going to deal with the orcs?"

Lying on Nefarian's back and looking at the rapidly receding land, Sanori guessed the purpose of Leo's Woodmaw Fortress.

The alliance with the furbolgs went very smoothly. At this time, the furbolgs of the Timbermaw tribe were eager for someone to help them, and Leo's initiative to make this request was exactly what they wanted.

According to Ragroll's idea, with the help of the human army, Winterspring, which is regarded as its own private land by furbolgs, does not need to be opened to orcs. Although humans will ask for a certain reward, it is better to give the resources of Winterspring to humans than to those The orcs had to come to make him comfortable.

Who let the orcs take away the favor of the elemental gods from the furbolgs?
Having departed from Timbermaw Keep after a rough alliance with Ragroul, they had arrived in Feralas, where Nefarian was carrying them to Eresthalas.

"People don't have long-term considerations, but they must have near-term worries. No one knows what will happen once Thrall resigns as the great chief. There are quite a few orcs who advocate launching a war. It is better to prepare early than to be in a hurry."

Leo didn't think there was anything wrong with planning for a rainy day. Although he didn't have too many expectations for the furbolg, the furbolg was a force that could be relied on after all. There was nothing wrong with having an extra force on the same front as him .

This guy must know a lot, for sure!

Sanori, who was lying on Nefarian's back, shook her fist fiercely. The Bronze Dragon didn't believe that Leo accidentally mentioned Thrall's resignation. With Thrall's current prestige among the orcs, who would? to think about it?
"I know some things you know, and I still know what you don't know, so you don't need to be so entangled."

Leo's words seemed to reassure Sanoli, but the actual effect was to make the latter very angry.

Bronze dragons have the ability to see the future from the endless torrent of time. Peeping into the future and controlling the development of the world are what bronze dragons are best at. Human beings are compared, how do you make her feel?

"Is there anyone who comforts you like this? Tell you, I'm in a bad mood right now, so don't talk to me."

Sanoli decided to ignore Leo and concentrate on watching her scenery. Nefarian showed a gloating expression. Seeing this hateful bronze dragon deflated really made him feel good.

Isoregus, who didn't know the truth, blinked, and looked at Leo with a bit of worry in his eyes. In his memory, bronze dragons are not easy to mess with. This human doesn't know that he provoked Sano Li. What the hell is going to happen.

Leo didn't pay attention to the mood of the three dragons beside him, because Elesalas had arrived.

"Xiao Hundan, do you still know how to come back?"

What greeted Leo was Fuchsel's anger. The female elf gritted her teeth with hatred for this guy who ran away to the island of terror and made a catastrophe before disappearing.

After getting into trouble, he ran away and left all the troubles on her. Fuchsel had the urge to press Leo on the ground and beat him up.

"I'm just wondering why the world-hate naga is interested in the Island of Terror. I never thought that I would meet two beasts with the power of demigods there. You know, demigods are very powerful, and I can't escape."

Leo blinked, with an innocent expression on his face. Seeing him like this, Fuchsel immediately kicked him with his toe, causing Leo to grin his teeth in pain.

"Because there was no way to escape, so you killed those two Chimerok demigods, didn't you? You also captured all the Chimeroks on the Island of Horror, so that the world would not have such a race as Chimeroc, the above It's all accidental, right?"

Fuchsel grabbed Leo by the collar and pulled him in front of him. The female elf's face was very ugly.

"Do you know that the Red Dragon put pressure on Silvermoon City because of this matter, because I informed Shandris that you went to the Forgotten Coast, the night elves put all the responsibility on us, and you little soul You actually disappeared without a trace after the accident, and now you still have the guts to appear in front of me."

Chimeroc is a race that has the ability to threaten the status of giant dragons. If they hadn't been trapped on the island of terror, Chimeroc must have the name of Chimeroc among the powerful races in this world.

Originally, the giant dragon planned to trap them on the island of terror and allow them to destroy themselves. The number of Chimeroks has also changed from two thousand when they first came to the island to four or five hundred now. It will not take many years for this race to Natural death.

Unexpectedly, Leo, a stunned man, came out and took all the Chimeroks away with audacity. How could the dragon ignore it?
The dragon trapped Chimeroc on the island of terror and made them an isolated race. It took a lot of effort at first, but seeing that this threat could be resolved after a while, Leo ran out to do bad things It's no wonder they don't hold grudges.

After capturing all the Chimeroks, Leo went to the world of Draenor, and the red dragon who came out to inquire about the matter could not find him. Scarlett was very cold to them because of the real face of the red dragon who had seen the red dragon in the Black Rock Mountain. The red dragon is unwilling to have conflicts with humans at this time, so they have no choice but to transfer the pressure to Silvermoon City.

Fuchsel, who informed Leo of the news, was under a lot of pressure, and Krasus even came to question her.

Because of what Leo did, Fuchsel took a lot of anger, now seeing Leo, how could she not want to vent it?

Scratching his face, Leo realized that he really forgot about this.

"Help me send a message to Wyrmrest Temple. I know what they are worried about. Chimerok will not reproduce in this world."

What the giant dragon is worried about is that Chimerok will obtain enough resources, and the race that owns a vast land, which is enough to threaten the status of the giant dragon, will reproduce at an alarming rate and impact them.

He didn't know how the little Jiujiu Leo in the dragon's heart would be. To make Chimerok develop, the solution to this problem is very simple, just take Chimerok out of this world.

"You put Chimeroc in Draenor?" Leo knew what was going on as soon as Leo finished speaking, and the female elf nodded in agreement after pondering for a while, "This is also a way, If the world of Draenor had a strong race, the Burning Legion's invasion of our world would be more resisted."

The world of Draenor is the springboard for the Burning Legion to invade this world. If there is a powerful race in Draenor to obstruct the actions of the Burning Legion, the world where the elves and humans live will be under much less pressure. I am also happy to see the results. I believe that Longmian Temple will not entangle in this matter after getting the answer.

The only problem is that Leo kept the Chimerocs in Draenor, but he himself is in another world. Can he have enough control over the Chimerocs?
The power that cannot be controlled has a very limited effect no matter how strong it is.

"Lamark is the only member of the royal family of the Chimeroc clan. Lakmara is much weaker than him, but he is still a demigod. These two strongest Chimeroc clan members have become my subordinates. Do you think I Is it possible to control the entire Chimeroc family?" Leo said with a mysterious smile, and whispered in Fuchsel's ear, "Since I captured them, would I let them out so easily?"

"Xiao Hundan, your hands and feet are never clean."

Fuchsel made a pun, it turned out that Leo's hands had already wrapped around her waist unconsciously.

"'s just a matter of getting used to it."

Leo laughed, with a very embarrassed expression on his face, but the movements of his hands were completely opposite. Not only did he not let go, but he hugged him tighter and tighter, so that Fuchsel's whole body was almost pressed against him. body.

"You are becoming more and more lawless, and you dare to take advantage of me? Are you not afraid of angering the little queen of Arathor?"

Fuchsel's eyebrows were cold, but Leo would not let go of the opportunity to take advantage of her until she had an actual action. The warm, fragrant and nephrite embrace made someone reluctant to let go.

"You are not afraid of the shadow slanting when you are upright, you and I are innocent, and you are afraid of others spreading rumors and slander?"

When it comes to playing rogue, that's what Leo is best at. It's the bastard's egg not to take advantage of the advantages. How could he let go before Fuchsel didn't actually take action?
"Innocent?" A cold snort came, and Eldala's voice reached Leo's ears, "What is your innocence?"

Leo followed the sound and saw Liadrin and Eldara walking from a distance. The face of the morning walker was very ugly, which was in stark contrast to Liadrin's smiling face, but in Leo's heart, the latter His danger index is far from comparable to that of Eldara.

Liadrin didn't stay in Silvermoon City, but came to Elesalas, and brought her most powerful assistant, Eldara, what is her intention?

(End of this chapter)

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