Chapter 768
On the deer helmet sentry post, a human man with short blue hair stood there with a depressing expression on his face. He didn't know what he was muttering. He just wanted to find someone to vent his anger on, but there was no one to vent his anger on. Sincerely.

"Those guys from the Twilight's Hammer can run fast, I hope you can have such good luck next time."

"Athoregus, don't worry about this, at least I figured out one thing." Leo gestured to the blue-haired man to follow him, "The Twilight's Hammer abandoned several camps in a row, they The things to be conspired must be big, and in addition to dealing with the Qiraji beetles, we have to be on guard against these guys at all times in Silithus."

Athoregus followed with a gloomy face, and Sindragosa told him to obey Leo's orders. The blue dragon did not dare to disobey the queen's words, so he had to act as a small follower behind Leo.

As a giant dragon, he was ordered to do this and that by a human being. From the bottom of his heart, Athoregus was not happy. Fortunately, Leo did not give orders indiscriminately.

"Where are we going now, or back to the Tomb of the Warrior?"

At the entrance of Un'Goro Crater into Silithus, the night elves built the Tomb of the Warriors in memory of those warriors of the same race who died in the Battle of Quicksand, where the Alliance army in Un'Goro Crater entered Silithus In order to ensure the safety of the Warrior's Tomb, Varian and others sent troops there to strengthen the defense after obtaining the consent of the night elves.

At this time, many leaders of the Alliance have gathered in the Warrior's Tomb, and they are discussing how to attack the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

"As far as I know, the ruins we are about to attack are behind the Beetle Wall. Why is it not sealed there? Or is it that the seal of the Beetle Wall has been broken by the Beetlemen, but no one has told us the truth. "

"We need an explanation and we refuse to fight this battle until we know what's really going on."

Leo, the Alliance resident who had just entered the Warrior's Tomb, heard the voices of Jean and Varian. The two Alliance leaders were asking Naralex to clarify their doubts, and their tone was very tough.

Facing the questioning of the two human kings, Naralex could only respond with a wry smile.


How can he explain?

When the Bronze Dragon Prince Anachronos sealed the Beetle Wall, he did include the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. In terms of the strength of the seal, the Beetlemen of the Aqir Empire were indeed unable to shake it. The Beetles are not the only ones who are sealed.

The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj was the place where the Titans sealed C'Thun back then, and C'Thun, a tyrannical being who was an enemy of the Titans, was also within the seal.

With the ability of the ancient gods, after C'Thun had been corrupted for such a long time after controlling the Qiraji beetle, there was a problem with the seal that Anachronos had placed at the beginning, regardless of the strength, integrity, or area of ​​the seal. significantly weakened.

The ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and the astonishing number of beetlemen in the ruins appeared under such circumstances.

"We wouldn't be surprised if the beetles were able to escape through the loopholes in the seal, but beetle generals like Rajax also appeared outside the seal. How do you explain it?"

Gene didn't show Naralex face, you said there was a loophole in the seal, well, I accept that, but all the strong ones among the Beetles ran out, can you still use the loophole to explain it?

What kind of loophole would allow a guy like Rajax to escape? Are you sure the seal hasn't been cracked by the Beetle?

If a large number of beetle powerhouses suddenly appeared when attacking the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, would the alliance have to face the main force of the Yaqi Empire?
As a result, Jin worried that the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj were a trap set by the Beetlemen, in order to lure them over and lay them in an ambush.

Wasn't that how Archdruid Fandral's son, Vastanen, rushed to help Nanfeng Village?

One learns one's wisdom, one cannot stumble twice at the same place.

With such worries, the Alliance army has not acted since entering Silithus, and everyone is repeatedly confirming the information, exhausting the stalkers who went to reconnaissance.

"I think I can answer your questions."

Leo made a relief for Naralex, and when they heard his voice, everyone turned their attention to him who had just returned to the camp.

Did this kid discover something?
"What did you find?"

Pasonia looked exhausted. Recently, she had spent a lot of time investigating the situation of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. She had personally entered the ruins to investigate a few times, although she had obtained a lot of information about the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. , but the real problem remains unresolved.

Seeing the tiredness on Pasonia's face, Leo felt a little distressed, he didn't make a fool of himself but directly told the matter.

"Athoregus and I went to Silithus to check it out, and guess what I found? The Twilight's Hammer's camps in Silithus were all empty, plus they were in What Azshara did to Azhorregus, we have reason to believe that everything that happened in Ahn'Qiraj is related to them."

As he spoke, Leo took out a few crystal fragments, which together were not as big as a fingernail.

"what is this?"

Gene Varian couldn't recognize the origin of these crystal fragments for a while, but Jaina and Passonia had some guesses.

"This is a fragment of an elemental crystal. Generally speaking, only magicians can use it. What can these fragments explain?"

They recognized it, but Pasonia and Jaina had new questions. There must be magicians in Twilight's Hammer, and isn't it normal for magicians to use elemental crystals to practice and make magic objects?
"These are not ordinary elemental fragments. The elemental crystals are no different from ordinary stones after the magic power is exhausted and become fragments. It is impossible to receive the injection of magic power again, but they are different."

As Leo spoke, he poured a stream of magic power into the fragments, and something surprising happened. The fragments in Leo's hands actually swallowed up the flow of magic power.

"Have you seen it? Being able to accept the magic flow injection again is a special element spar condensed by the essence of the elements. The biggest use of this special element spar is to provide enough energy to cooperate with certain magic circles to open up A specific space plane. As far as I know, the Twilight's Hammer has been collecting such elemental stones for a long time."

"Then, can we make such a judgment that the Twilight's Hammer used some method that we don't know, and used the element spars they collected to expand the loopholes in the seal of the Scarab Wall, making Rajak A strong Beetleman like Si appeared outside the seal?"

After what Leo said, everyone felt that it made sense after thinking about it.

The Twilight's Hammer has been in Silithus for a long time, and if they really have evil intentions-which is almost certain-then they will definitely study the seal of the scarab wall.

Not many people paid attention to the desert of Silithus before. As long as the Twilight's Hammer keeps things secret, no one can discover their secrets.

Naralex thought of a possibility, a possibility that made him angry--the Twilight's Hammer has been collecting special elemental crystals for a long time, is it also related to them that the beetles of the Aqir Empire can break the seal of the beetle wall?
Since the War of Quicksand, the seal of the Beetle Wall has existed for thousands of years and nothing has happened. Why is there a problem now?
Moreover, according to Leo and Athoregus, the Twilight Hammer's conspiracy against the blue dragon that guards the quicksand fragments also started during the time when the Beetle Wall went wrong, and there is no connection between the two. He wouldn't believe it even if he killed Naralex.

Putting the messages together in this way, the whole thing becomes clear.

In order to help C'Thun get out of trouble, and to help the Qiraji beetle break the seal, the Twilight's Hammer has been uneasy since they came to Silithus, and they have planned for a long time.After figuring out the seal set by Anachronos, they cooperated with C'Thun and used the collected elemental crystals to corrode the seal of the Beetle Wall, causing loopholes in the original tight seal. Lysus also affected the infestation of Tanaris and Feralas.

Not only that, after the Twilight's Hammer knew the important role of the Quicksand Scepter, he started a conspiracy against the blue dragon Athoregus who guarded the quicksand fragments.

This is a big conspiracy that has been planned for a long time. It is really incomprehensible that the Twilight's Hammer deliberately wants the Twilight Trial to come and destroy the world.

They don't think they can survive the destruction of this world, do they?

In other words, the members of Twilight's Hammer are all lunatics who tend to destroy themselves. It is not enough for them to seek death by themselves, and they have to drag the people of the whole world to be buried with them!
Deathwing is a lunatic, and the members of Twilight's Hammer are not normal people. Is this the so-called teaching and learning or is it that birds of a feather flock together?

"How strong is the Twilight's Hammer?"

Jin didn't know much about the Twilight's Hammer, but he knew that if this force was behind it, his side would definitely conflict with it, and maybe the Twilight's Hammer would jump out during the battle against the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj.

"The Twilight's Hammer is very powerful. You should also know that the leader of this organization, Jean, is Kogall, the ogre mage. Those who are active in Silithus are only part of this organization, and we don't need to face it yet. The whole Twilight's Hammer."

Leo's words reminded Jin that when the orcs invaded the world for the first time, Cho'gall and his orc clan named Twilight's Hammer were among the vanguards. Racially speaking, Cho'gall and his Twilight's Hammer are notorious for being deadly executioners.

Originally, Gene thought that the Twilight's Hammer was just the same name as the orc clan, but he didn't expect that it was actually established by the ogre mage he knew.

However, the current Twilight's Hammer is very different from the previous orc clan. In order to make the Twilight Trial come, they absorbed people from other races such as human trolls to join them. At the same time, the members became complicated, and it was inevitable that spies from other forces would be mixed in.

Although these spies cannot break into the upper echelons of the Twilight's Hammer, so that their role is limited, but at certain critical moments, these people are powerful eyeliners to grasp the Twilight's Hammer's movements.Among these organizations is the MI[-] established by Passonia.

(End of this chapter)

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