Necromancer in another world

Chapter 770 You Are Falling Behind

Chapter 770 You Are Falling Behind

Just when the alliance army was about to come into contact with the sea of ​​insects, there was a rustling sound from their right side, and a part of the desert surface of Tanaris was lifted, revealing the predators hidden inside.

"Damn it, why are there so many sand-grabbing spiders and stone whip scorpions?"

Many alliance officers were taken aback by the desert creatures that suddenly appeared from the right, but they reacted quickly, and within ten seconds, several troops went up to meet them, fighting the sand-grabbing spiders and stone whip scorpions Get up and protect the right wing of the team.

Leo was standing on a skeleton tank. The sand-grabbing spider and the stone whip scorpion were beasts in the desert of Silithus. They were not the same as the bugs of Ahn'Qiraj, but now these beasts gathered to attack the alliance. The army launched an attack, and it looked like it had been planned for a long time. The culprit in this situation was definitely the Twilight's Hammer.

"Those lunatics who worship the theory of annihilation gave me a surprise."

Leo pouted, Leo ordered [-] skeleton tanks to turn their guns. The combined number of sand-grabbing spiders and stone whip scorpions is not as much as a fraction of the sea of ​​insects, but the total number is tens of thousands. These beasts can survive in the desert. Naturally, they are not weak. With Goldfinger's current conversion rate, they have almost reached a ratio of two to one. Leo doesn't mind turning them into a part of his skeleton army.

tom tom tom...

The dwarven artillerymen declared their existence with a cannonball. These artillerymen mounted the guns on the skeleton tanks and moved with the movement of the skeleton tanks. Now they only need to load and aim to attack the enemy, not as before. I still need to bother my hands, and the small life is so pleasant.

The march of the army was not affected by the wild beasts. The skeleton tanks quickly reached the best shooting position. Before they stopped, the human soldiers jumped from above. Under the command of the officer, these soldiers lined up in the shortest possible time. Gaining momentum, he stepped towards the sea of ​​insects.

The alien worms were very anxious. They found that they could not kill Nalorak and Flintage before the human army joined the battle, and Savath made all land bugs in order to ensure the secrecy of the worm nest. Even if they wanted to use The flying xenomorphs slow down the pace of the human army and there are no soldiers available.

Part of the alien worms got into the ground, and the advancing human army immediately became vigilant. After all, this is the home field of worms. Who knows what is in the land under their feet. If the ground is hollowed out by worms, they step on it. Go up and definitely fall into the pit.

Rubbing his chin, Leo gave Varian and Genn the look of giving me something.

If you want to play underground warfare, are you sure you can beat me?

In the dark and dark underground, the alien worms are preparing to sneak under the human army from the tunnel they have dug long ago, and use the underground attack to slow down the progress of human beings. They, by the time the xenomorph reacted, they were already dead and injured.

The appearance of the spider monsters made the xenomorphs both shocked and angry. What shocked them was that these creatures from the Aziaki civilization came to Silithus, and what was angry was that the spider monsters of the same species as them actually helped Humans have launched an attack on their fellow humans.

The wrath of the alien worms burned their poor sanity, and they gave up their intentions when they drilled into the ground and fought with the spider monster army. The human army approached the sea of ​​insects without any attack from the ground. .

Seeing the human army approaching, the worms on the periphery of the worm sea immediately turned around and rushed towards the humans, and the army of the alliance fought against the worm sea.

"Aha, look, what a perfect masterpiece!"

A group of dwarf engineers shouted excitedly. When the sea of ​​insects was attracted by the advancing human army, these dwarfs, who are famous for their engineering, assumed fifty shooting platforms with a height of ten meters by using tools such as wrenches in their hands. There are ten cannons on each platform.

The cannon barrel is as thick as an ordinary person's thigh, which makes people know its extraordinary lethality at a glance.

boom!boom!boom! ...

The dwarves controlled the cannons and conducted a round of test firing at the sea of ​​insects. There was not a single living insect within a radius of 30 meters of the artillery shells. The shock wave generated by the explosion spread to 50 meters away, and many insects did not die. Under the bombardment, he was shocked to death by the aftermath of the explosion.

There was an obvious gap in the sea of ​​insects shot by the dwarves. Although the insects found the threat of the shooting platform, the human army blocked their way. With the dwarf artillerymen and the skeleton tank group, they couldn't even take a step forward. , the front was firmly controlled by the alliance.

"Adjust the accuracy and prepare for the second round of shelling."

The dwarf engineer's hands and feet were very fast, but the data was adjusted in just half a minute, and the cannon on the platform fired again.

The alien worms were bombarded next to each other, feeling aggrieved in their hearts.

As for you, we are just a bunch of bugs, and you are both tanks and cannons, and you are too bullying.

Only tanks and cannons?

of course not.

Just as the bugs were being bombarded by the cannons, another group of dwarf engineers erected hundreds of new platforms.

There are no cannons on these platforms, just helicopters.

Helicopter... just return it!

Did something go wrong?
The xenomorphs are about to cry, do you really think this is a high-tech war, with planes, tanks, and cannons?
The gnomes' battle choppers took to the skies, and a cloud of death hung over the silithids.

Amidst the sound of machine gun fire, countless light spots formed a large net symbolizing death and fell into the sea of ​​insects, and the alien insects were beaten to pieces.

"The times are developing, the world is progressing, bugs who still follow the way of fighting tens of thousands of years ago, you..." Leo held his head high, and a disdainful chuckle spread throughout the battlefield, "... you are outdated!"

Tens of thousands of years ago, the alien species relied on their own bodies when fighting. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and they still rely on their own bodies to fight, nothing has changed.However, new races such as humans, dwarves, and dwarves have produced swords, crossbows, armor, battlefields, artillery and other tools of war. The Qiraji beetles want to sweep the world like they did in ancient times, which is nothing short of a dream.

"Humans, you will pay for this."

A roar came from the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, as if warning Leo not to be so arrogant.

"Are you very angry?" Leo shook his head, his mouth made a tsk sound, and his voice was transmitted to the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj through the magic of amplification, "You can't change anything in the face of overwhelming strength."

Relying on the superiority of weapons, facing the joint attack of the sea of ​​insects and the herd of beasts, the Alliance not only did not fall behind, but took an absolute advantage. Tanks, cannons, and planes all went into battle, killing the alien insects and the herd of beasts.

From the start of the war to the present, less than 100 human soldiers have been killed or injured, while tens of thousands of alien worms and herds have died.

Judging from the current situation, this is no longer a battle, but a massacre. The sea of ​​insects and the herd of beasts were almost helpless by the alliance.

This is what Leo meant by overwhelming strength.

"I value facts more than lip service."

Gene added a sentence at this time. With a wave of his long sword, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gilneas who were fighting the beasts howled to the sky, and the werewolf army made its debut in Silithus for the first time.

Transforming from a human body into a werewolf, the military strength of the Kingdom of Gilneas has reached a new level. The strength and agility of the werewolf form are more powerful than those before the transformation.

The strength of the alliance army suddenly became stronger, and the beast herd composed of sand-grabbing spiders and stone whip scorpions was immediately defeated, and the threat from the right wing was eliminated.

What is slap in the face?

This is called face-slapping!
The unknown existence in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj had just said that he would make humans pay for it, so Jin turned his army into werewolves and defeated the herd of beasts. what is it
Didn't you say that you will make us pay the price? Now that I have defeated the herd you found, what can you do?
That's the message Gene is trying to convey.


Yes, it is provocation!
The unknown being in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj was furious, and the alliance's actions completely angered him.

"Kill the Death Hook..."

"Kill Klarak..."

"Kill Glazer..."

The herd of beasts was defeated, and the werewolf army of the Kingdom of Gilneas pursued and killed them. The three beast leaders who commanded the herd wanted to resist. Although they were strong, they couldn't stop the werewolves swarming in, and they were quickly besieged and killed by the werewolves.

Without the leader, the herd immediately fled in all directions, and the Twilight's Hammer Cultists who were secretly manipulating the herd were angry and helpless.

Without the assistance of the beast swarm, the alliance's army could concentrate on attacking the alien swarm. In order to prevent the swarm from being defeated like the swarm of beasts, the Twilight Cultists had no choice but to stand up.

Leo and Varian both laughed when they saw a team composed of undead, humans, orcs and other races attacking their own army from a corner of the battlefield.

The Twilight's Hammer was forced out by them, and these lunatics who attempted to destroy the world and break the seal of the Scarab Wall will be punished as they should!

"Kill the offal of the Twilight's Hammer."

The dwarves under Magni and Caderos went up to meet them. There were not many people in the Twilight's Hammer. Although the number of dwarf warriors was only one-third of the human army, they were still quite human compared to the Twilight Cultists. There are so many powerful people, there is no problem in dealing with them.

"Master, be careful behind!"

At the same time as the Twilight's Hammer appeared, Anoksuta sent a warning message to Leo. An army of xenomorphs had quietly copied the alliance army's back route. There are spies hiding underground, but they really can't find the other party's whereabouts.

"We're surrounded by bugs?"

The leaders of the alliance were shocked when they heard the news. They had carefully inspected the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and its surroundings before dispatching troops. In order to prevent the secrets of the ruins from being discovered, the xenomorphs did not build nests around the ruins. Yes, the closest one is the Rego Nest, one of the three giant hives in Silithus.

"Where's the Horde? Where's their troops in Hive Regal?"

Varian and the others were dark-faced. There was a tribal army stationed outside Rego's nest. Before they acted, they specially informed the tribe through the Cenarion Council to prevent the movement of the swarm. But what happened now?
The alien army had already killed the alliance army, but the Horde didn't even have a warning.

"Chopsticks!" Varian and Genn bristled, "Those green-skinned beasts tricked us!"

(End of this chapter)

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