772 The Hunter

Looking around the battlefield, Caderos and Magni led the dwarven warriors of the two tribes of Bronzebeard and Wildhammer to fight against the Twilight's Hammer. Inextricably linked.

The two human warriors, Ekster the Twilight Guardian and Mona the Twilight Predator, rushed forward. With the support of their companions Manna and Havers, they cooperated with the King of Twilight Evolan to send Caderos Blocked it with Magni, so that they could not command the army independently.

In terms of personal strength, both Caderos and Magni are better than any one of the five. However, with the combination of the five, especially if the opponent is the Iron Triangle team composed of combat methods and animal husbandry, it is impossible for the gods to perform their special skills. In the case of descending to the mortal world, Caderos and Magni really couldn't take them down for a while.

The two patriarchs were in trouble, and so were the other strong men in the dwarven army.

Anweimar is currently entangled with a Twilight Overlord. The dwarf general's opponent is extremely cunning. He can always use his men to block Anweimar's attacks in critical moments. Although his subordinates suffer heavy casualties, the Twilight Overlord is fine. , Anweimar was made furious by him but there was nothing he could do.

Similar to Anweimar's experience, all powerful officers in the dwarf army will be targeted by the Twilight Earth King or the Twilight Overlord. Living.

Varian and Jin led the army and were following the Velociraptor. The insect sea in Rego's nest is indeed a sea of ​​insects. Even after the impact of Mosh, the number is still terrifying. Some cunning insects drilled into the ground, The swift and fierce bone dragon army reappeared after rushing past, causing a lot of trouble for the human army.

The two battlefields behind and on the flanks dragged Varian, Jin, Magni and Caderos. The mages of Dalaran cooperated with the mages in the alliance army to continuously cast large-scale destructive spells, controlling the range of activities of the swarm to the optimal strike distance of the skeleton tanks and dwarf cannons.

Mekkatorque is also very busy at this time. The insect swarm from Rego's nest is not a small number. After knowing the attack on the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, the insects in this giant insect nest can be said to come out in full force. How can we defeat the sea of ​​insects composed of tens of millions of insects without large-scale destructive weapons?

Under the personal deployment of this great craftsman, the dwarf engineers are setting up a new shooting platform. From the experience of their companions, they can see that the Rego swarm, which poses a fatal threat to them, will not allow them to succeed. Groups of different species Drilling into the ground, trying to approach from the ground, but what awaited them was Anoksuta's spider monster army.

From the sky to the ground, from the ground to the ground, the battlefield outside the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is no longer a conventional two-dimensional war, but a three-dimensional war.

The Yaqi Empire is under the control of the ancient god C'Thun, and C'Thun's purpose is to destroy the current world and reshape the chaotic era that was composed of raging elements before the arrival of the Titans. This is absolutely not allowed by the Alliance.In order to survive and reproduce the race, even if C'Thun is a powerful ancient god, they have to fight.

One wants to destroy the world, and the other wants to protect his own homeland. There is no room for compromise between the two, and there is no reason to hold back. The battle has entered the most intense fighting from the very beginning.

Either you die or I live!
The sound of guns rumbled, the sound of killing shook the sky, and flesh and blood flew across the battlefield. The soldiers of the alliance kept killing the swarming bugs, and the bugs continued to attack. As long as the opponent was negligent, he would be torn apart by the swarm. Fate in pieces.

The number of bugs was decreasing rapidly, and the corpses of alliance soldiers were also increasing. The monster named War opened his ferocious mouth, swallowing every life that died on the battlefield with a grinning face.

There are gorgeous magic, fierce close combat, and deafening barrage of guns. If you are an outsider, you will see this war with enthusiasm, but as a personal participant, you will feel completely different.

The alliance soldiers fighting fiercely with the swarm had already killed themselves to the point of forgetting their own existence. They only had one thought in their minds - survive!

In order to survive, kill all the enemies who want to die!
In order to survive, don't stop your sword swing!

In order to survive, no matter how seriously injured you are, you must not fall down!

Fight to survive!
Fight until the end of the battlefield war!



Kill all living enemies!
Only in this way can you live to enjoy the glory of victory!
Only in this way can you enjoy the sweetness of victory!
Just like the slogan chanting in your mouth, there is only one goal for you to fight for on the battlefield-to win!
For the sake of victory, there is only victory. Apart from victory, everything is not important. Without the glory of victory, everything you have given now is pale and powerless.

War is like a crazily running harvester. Every time it rolls, countless lives will fall. The more intense the battle and the more tragic the killing, the faster this life harvester will run.

Scarlett's hand holding the sword hilt loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened, the soldiers of the alliance were fighting, Varian and Jean and others had already entered the battlefield, but she was still in the center of the army, the female saint The desire for battle in the knight's heart made her unable to keep calm. If Leo hadn't held her back, she would have rushed to the front with the sword of Ashcandi and fought with the soldiers.

"When are we going to wait?"

"Scarlett, be patient enough, those guys in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj won't watch us kill all their men."

Scarlett is not without patience, but the battle has been so fierce that she really can't stay at the back and watch the fighters in front fight.

The female paladin can give soldiers the courage to fight and lead them to defeat powerful enemies head-on, but it is difficult for them to command a battle calmly. She is a general rather than a handsome talent. This is Scarlett now.

In the final analysis, Scarlett was not mature enough, which was a common problem of young people in the eyes of wily planners, and she was much easier to deal with than the sorcerer named Leo next to her, the female paladin.

What Leo said was right, the strong Beetlemen in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj would indeed not watch their swarms be wiped out by the alliance army.

Rising from the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, clouds are rising from the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. These clouds are made of flying silithids shaped like giant wasps. If these flying silithids are allowed to enter the battlefield, the gnome's combat helicopters alone cannot handle them. , because there are too many of them.

The Qiraji beetles who have been fighting until now in the ruins don't care about exposing their strength, and they have to consider killing all the alliance troops who will commit crimes in the future.

A group of dwarf technicians flew into the sky with the helicopters, regardless of whether the platform's load capacity could handle so many helicopters taking off and landing.

"Oh, bloody bug."

Mekkatorque looked at the dark clouds coming from the ruins and cursed sullenly. Now he has to overload the combat helicopter platform. He only hopes that the shooting platform will be erected earlier so that a new helicopter platform can be built.

Gnome’s combat helicopters are driven by humans, and people will get tired. Moreover, Gnome’s helicopters must go to the platform for recharging and repairing after a period of combat. What about helicopters?
Leo's skeleton fighters are different. To be precise, these fighters fused with necromancer skeletons can no longer be regarded as pure mechanical creations, but half-dead and half-mechanical existences. They have certain characteristics of mechanical creations and With a certain ability of undead creatures, they will not feel tired, and they will also have a certain self-repair ability after the fuselage is damaged. In terms of combat endurance, it is comparable to non-dwarf helicopters.

It might seem like Leo's Skeleton is the ultimate gnome-killing combat helicopter, but that's not the case, as the Skeleton is afraid of soul-level attacks.This weakness is not limited to skeleton fighters, but also to skeleton tanks.

"Victor, go!"

The number of dwarf combat helicopters is not enough, Scarlett calls out the flame dragon eagle, Leo knows that the female paladin is not willing to wait any longer, even if he speaks out to stop Scarlett, she will go to the battlefield, this silly girl will not stop anyone Can't live.

Since it couldn't be stopped, Leo could only choose to help. Nefarian led two thousand dracolich and joined the battlefield with great momentum behind Scarlett. Weakened a lot.

Athoregus did not fall behind, and the blue dragon warrior turned back into the real dragon and mixed with the dracolich army and entered the battlefield.

A giant bee with red wings and purple belly screamed loudly in the alien swarm, and the flying alien became excited like a chicken blood after hearing his cry.

"Giant dragon?" The red-winged and purple-bellied giant bee stared at Esso Regus, the excitement of the predator discovering the prey flickered in the worm's eyes, "The prey that came to your door is really lucky."

Taking the giant dragon as its prey, this giant bee is Ayamis who considers himself a hunter.

Being regarded as prey by Ayamis, Athoregus was furious.

An insect dared to pretend to be a hunter in front of a giant dragon, it was really impatient to live.

"I'm going to crush you to pieces!"

Ayamis' answer to Athoregus was——with a twist of his tail, he shot out a spike of venom.

The speed of the venom was so fast that Esso Regus was too slow to defend against it and almost got hit.

He narrowly escaped the venom of Ayamis, and Aysoregus was not polite to him. An arcane vacuum instantly pulled Ayamis in front of him, and his breath was mixed with frost. Just spray it over.

Ignoring the breath of the blue dragon, Ayamis shook his body, and a toxin with a paralyzing effect hit the blue dragon, and quickly eroded the body of Esso Regus.

When the blue dragon's frosty breath froze his body, Ayamis' eyes flashed red, and he went into a frenzy.

The frenzy canceled out the deceleration effect of the frost breath, and Ayamis's thick tail needle took the opportunity to pierce Athoregus' abdomen. At this time, the paralyzing venom had already played its role, and the blue dragon's reaction was much slower, making him unable to respond in time. Make dodge moves.

Ayamis's tail needle pierced into the body of Esso Regus, and the tail needle, one thick and two long, pierced the blue dragon's muscle and injured his internal organs.

After a successful blow, Ayamis grinned grinningly, and wriggled vigorously in his abdomen. He was actually extracting the blood and internal organs from the body of Esso Regus.


The blue dragon was in so much pain that he didn't even have the strength to roar. He raised his claws and wanted to slap Ayamis away, but the paralyzing toxin he had received earlier made his movements extremely slow. When he got up, the quick slap turned into a gentle caress. For Ayamis, this attack power was too weak to even tickle him.

Athoregus is in danger!

(End of this chapter)

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