Necromancer in another world

Chapter 774 Anubisath

Chapter 774 Anubisath

Kulinax looks like a bloated centipede, perhaps because the body is too fat. This fat centipede has very few arthropods, only six short ones.But you must not underestimate these six arthropods, their sharpness far surpasses epic weapons.

The reason why Melting Throat dared to use his body to wrap around Culinax was because of all his reliance.

There is a thick layer of rock on the body of this giant worm covered in lava. Even if he is standing up, it is not something ordinary people can cut through, even if this person uses an epic-quality weapon.

But melting the throat under the limbs of Culinax suffered a loss, and it was a huge loss.

The body was entangled by the molten throat, seeing two giant earth-boring insects, Dreadscale and Acidmaw, pounced towards him, but Kulinnax was not panicked. The six jointed limbs on his side exerted force on the molten throat that was entangled with him. With one stab, the hard rock was punctured, and the body of the molten throat was injured.

After the stab, Culinnax exerted force again immediately, the jointed limbs were pulled horizontally, and the body of Molten Throat was pulled out with six long and wide openings. Not a serious injury but the fate of being dismembered.

He was seriously injured, and his molten throat was also ruthless. He tried his best to entangle Culinnax tightly, just not giving him a chance to break free.

This time Kulinax was in a hurry, because Dreadscale and Acidmaw had already been killed.

Flames, acid, and toxins hit Culinax head and face. The two giant earth worms did not waste the opportunity created by their companions. After a fierce attack, countless hard shells on the surface of Culinax's body were born. road crack.

Just produce countless cracks?
That's right, the joint attack of Dreadscale and Acidmaw only cracked Culinax's hard shell, but failed to really hurt his body.

Such a hard shell!

Leo felt a little annoyed, Melting Throat had been disconnected from him, so it goes without saying.Sacrificing a molten throat, in exchange for cracking the opponent's shell, not even smashing it, let alone hurting Culinax, this deal is a big loss.

With the attack of Fearscale and Acid Throat, he killed the seriously injured Molten Throat. Before he could express his excitement, Culinnax burst out of the prison made of white bones and locked his body tightly, allowing him to regain his strength. The free Culinax was once again imprisoned.

Leo's Bone Hand came very timely. Kulinax, who was locked in the Bone Prison, was pinned down on the ground and unable to move, even the six jointed limbs on his side couldn't move. After seeing the sharpness of his jointed limbs, Lei Ao Otto took care of them specially.

You can't fight back just by being beaten. No matter how hard the shell is, Kulinaks can't hold it. The attack power of Dreadscale and Acid Throat is not weak. How long can s last?

Fortunately, Culinnax was not alone after the war, and behind him were other strong men from the Yaqi Empire.

Hundreds of kobolds rushed out, and under Flintage's astonished eyes, these kobolds rushed from the back of the swarm to Culinax's side in a few steps, and they raised their feet towards the two giant earth borers. step on.

what monster is this?

Flintag swears that he never imagined that a kobold could grow so tall, so strong, so... well, in Master Leo's words, just—handsome!
After the defeat of the war with the troll empire, the twin emperors Veknilas and Vek'lor of the Yaqi Empire created a powerful force and loyal to the empire in the eternal flames of Ahn'Qiraj. army, this is Anubisath.

Anubisath made his debut in the Battle of Quicksand. These terrifying monsters with an average height of more than 20 meters, a body with sharp black muscles, and a body hardness comparable to magic iron shocked everyone, including the dragons, with their terrifying strength. , an Anubisath sentry can annihilate a night elf squad, and even fight a full-grown dragon hand-to-hand without losing the wind.

Fortunately, only a few of Anubisath can cast spells, and the dragons finally defeated them with magical attacks using air superiority.

However, the good times didn't last long. After an Anubisath named Osirian discovered a way to deal with the dragon and killed a dragon named Gracaron on the spot, Anubisath became a headache again. powerful enemy.

Their existence reversed the situation that the Yaqi Empire was suppressed due to its weak air combat ability when fighting against the giant dragons, and made the battle of quicksand extremely fierce. The four series of giant dragons participating in the battle were killed and injured.

Of course, the claim that Anubisath was created by the twin emperors is just that the Qiraji beetle is putting gold on his face. This powerful creature and the Obsidian Destroyer are both creations of the tol'vir, but they are not the same as the beetle. People are also controlled by the ancient god C'Thun, so they will fight side by side.

Apart from Leo, the only ones who know this secret are the twin emperors and C'Thun.

"Is this the perfect form of my clan?"

Flintage looked stupidly at Anubisath who had entered the battlefield, because he was so shocked that he had already forgotten where he was. If Nalorak and Malalok were not by his side, the dazed kobold Zhanshi would have Knocked down by the swarm.

Nalorak swept across with his claws, smashing the bodies of several alien species that rushed over, and flew out like rags. The bearman yelled at Flintage: "Why are you in a daze, you are dying?"

After being yelled at by the bear man, Flintage just woke up.

Million volts, electrostatic spray, and thunderstorms were fired one after another, cleaning up the swarms around the three of them, allowing Nalorak and Malalok to take a breather, but Flintage's eyes still fell on Anu Bisas body.

"Flintage, it's time for you to become a geomancer, but these are the little ones in Anubisath. There is a big guy with blue skin in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, he is the most suitable for you of."

Because of his heartbeat, Flintage sent a message to Leo, and Leo's reply was very fast. It is a waste of the ability of the Kobold Land Sorcerer to become a Geomancer when it is used on the Anubisath sentinel at the minion level. , if you want to use it, use it on the strong Anubisath.

Hearing Leo's answer, Flintage calmed down. Since there was a big guy in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, he would naturally look down on these little guys who came out now.

Boom!Boom! ...

The ground was trampled by the Anubisath sentinels, and their heavy bodies could raise a cloud of dust every time they stepped on it. Although it was completely incomparable with the small sandstorms created by Ossirian, hundreds of Anubisath sentries The Bisas sentinels add up to a lot of power.

Fearscale and Acidmaw felt uncomfortable, but the appearance of Anubisath sentries stopped them. Seeing that Kulinax was trapped in the bone prison but unable to attack, the two earth burrowers screamed angrily.

The acid was sprayed on the Anubisath Sentinels, who didn't look directly at them, and the sprayed flames couldn't hurt them. After being controlled by C'Thun, these powerful monsters turned into terrifying killing machines. Even the giant dragon has a headache seeing them, not to mention fear scales and sore throat?
What should I do, just be forced back by the Anubisath sentry?

Just when Fearscale and Acidmaw went underground and wanted to escape, Leo pointed out, Corpse Explosion!

Melting Throat's corpse exploded!
The corpse explosion performed with the corpse of Molten Throat as a sacrifice is not insignificant. After killing Molten Throat, Kulinax was trapped in the Bone Prison. Molten Throat's corpse is still hanging on him. The corpse explosion that Leo pointed out killed Culinnax.

The hard carapace was completely shattered, and the fragile body under the carapace was full of scars. If the carapace hadn't blocked most of the lethality of the corpse explosion, Kulinax would have been blown into pieces, not like it is now. Just lose the power to fight again.

kill him!

Leo gave Dreadscale and Acidmaw the order to kill Culinax, saying that he would kill him while he was sick, so if he didn't kill him at this time, would he have to wait for the strong xenomorph to recover from his injuries?

After receiving the order, Dreadscale and Acidmaw sneaked past at full speed from the ground. The distance between them and Culinax was not far away. Under normal circumstances, they could reach Culinax in a few seconds, but Anubisath He will not sit back and watch his own powerhouse have an accident.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ...

An Anubisath, who was half a head taller than others of the same kind, raised his foot and stomped on the ground. The ground was filled with sand and dust, and the ground was cracked like a spider web. Each crack was as wide as a person. This Anubisath launched What is impressive is the trampling of war.

"You look so miserable, Culinnax."

A part of Dreadscale's body was exposed under the cracked ground, and Anubisath, who launched the war trampling, smashed it down with a fist.

This punch directly smashed the shell of Dreadscale, punching a hole in his body.

"Surtis, grab that bug out and tear him apart."

Kulinax said bitterly, he is now so severely injured because of his dread scales and acid throat, if it weren't for the two earth borers that cracked his hard shell before the corpse exploded, causing his defense to be greatly reduced, what he suffered The injury would never be so serious.

"I don't need you to teach me what to do, you'd better take care of yourself."

Surtis opened the big hand that hit Fearscale's body, grabbed the latter's body and pulled it outward with all his strength, trying to pull Fearscale out of the ground.

Fearscale struggled desperately, but he was no match for Surtees in terms of strength, and was about to be forcibly pulled out from the ground. A dark green vine jumped out from under the feet of Surtees, wrapping him into rice dumplings.

The winding strangulation of poisonous flower vines!


Surtis, who was entangled, roared, his body tensed, and the poisonous flower vines wrapped around him made a crunching sound, and he was about to be torn apart.

So much power!
The entanglement and strangulation of the poisonous flower vines failed to kill Sirtis, and he was in danger of being counter-killed by him. This Anubisath's powerhouse is indeed extraordinary, but even if the poisonous flower vines were broken by Anubisath The goal has also been achieved, and Dreadscale has taken this opportunity to escape from Sirtis' grasp.

Leo can be summoned again after the poisonous flower vine is dead, but Dreadscale cannot.

Seeing that Dreadscale was about to burrow into the ground again, a big hand grabbed it at this time. The owner of the big hand was no different from ordinary Anubisath sentries in appearance, which caused Leo to fail to find him in time The presence.

The big hand grabbed the fear scale that was about to dive, and then pulled it hard...

"you wanna die!"

After sacrificing the poisonous flower vines but still failing to save Fearscale, Leo cursed angrily and pointed his finger without hesitation.

The strong Anubisath who succeeded in the sneak attack was pulling the broken fear scale to his chest, trying to show off his achievements by raising it above his head, but unexpectedly, his chest was blown to pieces with a bang.

Anubisath's lower body and head with unbelievable eyes hit the ground with a bang, and remained motionless.

"The host killed Loman Kahn..."

(End of this chapter)

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