Necromancer in another world

Chapter 807 Fear Is Also a Power

Chapter 807 Fear is also a kind of power

If a person moves by floating instead of walking, what do you think will happen to him?
Pretending to be a ghost?

The person who said this, Leo, would definitely spray him in the face, because Leo was floating.

The last Chaos Armor of the necromancer suit also appeared, and the whole suit was activated. When the suit effect was triggered, the first thing Leo noticed was not the bonus of ability, but the additional effect of the suit—anti-gravity!

Leo remembered very clearly that in the Diablo game, once the Necromancer's Targ'Oul suit is assembled, the suit effect will make the character's image different.

A Lich, or another way of saying a Vampire, is a special image of Targ'Oul's suit.

Of course, the Targoal suit in Leo's hands would not make him into that kind of image. If the suit really had that effect, it might not be possible for Leo to wear it. Goldfinger would not be so boring.

It didn't affect Leo's appearance, but the abilities he should have didn't fall, just like the Lich's floating that violated the rules of gravity.

As terrestrial creatures, human beings have a natural yearning for flying. Flying with one's own strength and driving a pet to fly in the sky are two completely different feelings. After discovering the anti-gravity ability of the Tag'ao suit, Leo made the first One thing is to control the body and float into the sky.

By the time he had had enough fun, it was already two hours later.

Putting away the dracolich that maintained the illusion, leaving Nefarian alone, Leo drove the black dragon prince towards Auberdine.

The things to do on the Black Coast have been done, so it is natural to return to Silithus immediately, and the battle with the beetle is about to break out.

"A day ago, cracks appeared on the wall of the Beetle Wall, and it took only a day or two for those bugs to break the seal. Leo, what do you think?"

Kael'thas found Leo before he entered the alliance camp, Leo was not surprised at the appearance of the blood elf prince, he knew that Kael'thas would definitely come.

With such a big move by the alliance, even if the blood elves' intelligence system is far behind, it is impossible not to know about it. How could Kael'thas remain indifferent?

This blood elf prince, the only descendant of the Sunstrider Dynasty, is not a peaceful person either.

Although the blood elves are also a branch of the elves, they do not have a deep relationship with the dragon like the night elves. The establishment and development of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas depended on themselves. As the strongest magic race, they How could he be willing to be crushed by a dragon, especially now that Kael'thas has become a demigod?
Under Kael'thas' strange gaze, Leo floated to the latter's side, put his arms around the blood elf prince's shoulder, and said with a smile, "You and I are still playing these charades? You want to take this opportunity to see how the mortal race Can you get rid of the oppression of the dragon, and worry about failure, right?"

Kael'thas is not an indecisive person, but as a blood elf prince, he must be responsible for the entire race. It is not a joke to fight against the dragon. If he succeeds, he will be happy. If he fails, the consequences will be borne by the current Kingdom of Quel'Thalas. Sorry.

"My race is still trying to regain its vitality. It is different from your humans. I must be cautious." Kael'thas admitted generously. How sure are you?"

Leo looked around carefully, and then dispersed his mental perception. After confirming that there was no one, he lowered his voice and said: "If the dragon is determined to suppress the human race by any means, I am not even half sure, but if they I only want to weaken our strength with the hand of the Qiraji Beetle, and I have three points of confidence."

Kael'thas groaned, three points seemed to be low, but it was not, and things could be done with five points of confidence.

With Leo's current strength, unless the giant dragons forcefully make a move regardless, they will not be able to suppress the rise of the human forces.

Leo's strength may not be well understood by others, but Kael'thas, who hunted the one-eyed Goron with him in the Blade's Edge Mountains, is still clear about himself. Not to mention other things, the four sons of Gruul, Gorgrum, are not alone. good stubble.

If the giant dragon thought that Leo was the only demigod-level combat power possessed by the human race, they would definitely fall into a big stumble.

But the news that Leo has four one-eyed Gorons as his subordinates is known to no one except him, Scarlett, and Pasonia. The dragon made a wrong judgment based on wrong information, so can it have a chance of winning?

Kael'thas absolutely didn't believe it, what's more, he knew that Leo's hole cards were far more than the four one-eyed Grons.

Leo has many subordinates. These subordinates Kael'thas asked Liadrin and others, and found a phenomenon, that is, every time Leo's strength increases, they will become more or less stronger than before. This phenomenon Not individually but all.

Kael'thas concluded from this: All Leo's subordinates formed a relationship with him similar to a master and pet who signed a contract, just like warlocks and the demons they drove, as long as the power of the warlock strengthened they served The strength of the demon will become stronger accordingly.

Did you see anything here?
Kael'thas noticed that some of Leo's subordinates hadn't appeared since he was promoted to a demigod, and these subordinates who did not appear were all close to demigods before he became a demigod.

Leo must have hidden his strength, and it was enough to shock everyone!

"Three points?" Kael'thas smiled, he had already made a decision, "You are too modest."

Rolling his eyes, Leo pouted.

"Are you kidding me, do I seem like a humble person?"

"If you have a five-point chance, I will join hands with you to make this vote."

Well, I have to admit the correctness of this sentence, the originally elegant blood elf prince who has been in contact with Leo for a long time has also taken on a bit of sarcasm. One vote for such words.

Leo tilted his head and asked, "Have you thought about it?"

Sure enough, as I thought.

Kael'thas knew it well, and Leo's reaction confirmed his guess.

"The army of Silvermoon City has been mobilized, and I will give orders."

The question in his heart already had an answer, Kael'thas didn't delay, and left immediately after saying this.

Leo spread his hands. Kael'thas had planned it long ago. If he hadn't judged it in his heart, how could he gather the army in Silvermoon City in advance? The reason why he came to find him was just to be on the safe side For sake.

"Really, what I wanted to do turned out to be me dragging you into the water. I said, you can't be so unkind."

While muttering, Leo drifted into the alliance barracks where there was already a tense atmosphere before the war.

He didn't come back at the right time. As the number of cracks in the Beetle Wall continued to increase, Scarlett and other alliance leaders took people to the front line to check.

not here?
That's okay, so I can also be quiet.

Leo is not very interested in military discussions and the like. What he wants most now is to take a good rest. It took him a lot of energy to collect the giant sword stuck on Saugus's head. If he was not worried about Xi Lisu In Si's case, he would sleep in Darkshore before returning.

Speaking of Saugus, Leo realized that he had overlooked an extremely important matter.

In his camp, a woman with black hair and black eyes quietly appeared.

With a mature charm and the aura of being in the top position unconsciously emanating from her body, this is the model of Yujie.

Seeing a little tiredness on Leo's face, the black-haired woman consciously walked behind him and began to massage gently. The pair of jade-like hands distracted Leo, who had just broken the ban with Fuchsel.


A soft call brought Leo back from his thoughts, and the black-haired woman behind her was a little nervous.

After coughing twice, Lei Ao cleared his throat, reached out and grabbed a jade hand that was lightly pressing on his shoulder, and carefully played with it. The woman behind her shrank her hand subconsciously, but unfortunately she couldn't break free.

"Even if you have broken through to the same level as Deathwing, if you can't get rid of the shadow of that incident, you will never be able to defeat him. Do you understand, Hina Saraya!"

The woman standing behind Leo is the Queen of the Black Dragon, Hina Saraya. Before Leo became a demigod, she was infinitely close to a demigod. The breakthrough Leo said naturally meant that her strength had risen to a higher level. --Demi god!
However, there are differences in the strength of the same realm, such as Deathwing, he is the best among demigods, not to mention new demigods, even gods may not dare to provoke this lord.

Xinai Salaya's strength is not as good as the opponent's. If there is still a shadow in her heart, she will be weak in mentality. She has no chance of winning when she meets the Black Dragon King.

Strength is important, but so is a person's mentality.

Why are the same human beings, some people can overcome obstacles and keep moving forward, while others stand still, some people can be indomitable, while others are sluggish, all because of mentality problems.

People with confidence and tenacity are hard to be completely defeated.

This is why Leo and Varian made such a big bet in order to break the psychological shackles imposed by the dragon on the mortal race.

If a race doesn't even have self-confidence, how can it talk about self-improvement?
Any race that wants to stand at the pinnacle of the world without enough self-confidence and determination to face difficulties is tantamount to nonsense.

Keeping a low profile for too long will only make you used to humiliation, and when you get used to it, it will be too difficult to cheer up.

Only those with a heart like a tiger can become truly strong.

Xinasaraia's body trembled slightly. Leo said that she didn't understand, but the trauma caused to her by Deathwing was too deep. Whenever she thought of the Black Dragon King, she was filled with fear, not to mention Deathwing's war. Even if you overcome the obstacles in your heart, there is still a long way to go.

Turning his head to look at the beauty behind him, Leo suddenly smiled, and Hina Salaya was confused.

"It's good that you're afraid."

Is this okay?
Hina Saraya was confused. Leo thought it was a good thing because she had a problem with her mentality, which is incredible.

A red soul stone radiating endless power of fear floated out from between Leo's eyebrows, it was the Red Nightmare.

"Fear is also a kind of power!"

 I wish everyone a happy holiday... Well, by the way, don't eat too many mooncakes.

(End of this chapter)

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