Necromancer in another world

Chapter 809 Very Strong and Violent

Chapter 809 Very Strong and Violent

Fierce fighting, the struggle between humans and insects, the contest between war machines and flesh and blood... The wall of beetles has become a huge meat grinding field, and tens of thousands of beetles have been killed every minute and every second since the start of the battle. Life is passing.

The nerves of every participant in the battlefield have been numb. They mechanically waved the weapons in their hands and slashed at the enemy. After killing one enemy, they continued to attack the second enemy until they were killed.

Corpses were strewn all over the field, and blood flowed like rivers. Words like these were not enough to describe the brutality of this battle.

Either kill or be killed, live or die, the battlefield is so simple, so simple that there is no room for anything other than cruelty and indifference.

Humans, orcs, dwarves, trolls, and their enemies, the alien species, fell to the ground in groups. Death is a greedy monster. It never knows what satisfaction is, and it is trying to deprive everyone here of life. .

The battle has been fought for three full hours from the beginning to now, that is, six hours. During these six hours, although the alien swarm suffered heavy losses, the casualties of the alliance were not a small number.

There were 3 people in the Kingdom of Stormwind, 4 people from the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer dwarves, and more than [-] Alliance soldiers who spilled blood on Silithus. They fell on the battlefield and could no longer fight for the Alliance.

The above are only the dead, and the number of wounded is more than three times more.

If the alliance hadn't mobilized enough troops before the war, they would have been forced to shrink their lines of defense by this time due to the shortage of troops.

But now, the alliance, which has overwhelmed most of its wealth, still has several reserve teams in its hands. With these fresh troops, they are enough to prolong the war time tenfold.

"Casualties are less than expected, but..." Varian looked at the front line shouting to kill the sky, the king of the Storm Kingdom did not lose the sense of relaxation that was less than expected, but his face was heavy, "It's getting dark .”

Darkness naturally means the coming of night. Night battles don't have much impact on the Horde, but it is different on the Alliance.

Humans, dwarves, and gnomes are not races with natural night vision ability, and the casualty rate in night battles with alien swarms will inevitably increase sharply, so why not worry Varian.

"Leave the next battle to me."

Gene strode forward, his werewolf army was not afraid of night battles, and the werewolf with night vision ability has not made a move until now.

"Your Majesty Jean, the battle at night depends on you Gilneans."

When it comes to night battles, even Varian has to admit that the Gilneans are the strongest in the alliance except for the night elves, and their return makes up for the shortcomings of humans in this regard.

During the day, it is so hot that people want to pull off a layer of skin, and at night, it is so cold that people have to wrap up thick blankets. The temperature difference between day and night is huge. This is the weather common to deserts, and Silithus is no exception.

In normal times, everyone would either stay in the camp or gather around the fire, but now the soldiers in front of them are fighting with the swarm of alien insects with their swords against the deadly low temperature.


A shrill howl of wolves came from the alliance army. The werewolves howled at the moon, as if they were making a collective pilgrimage. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Gilneas, who were originally human, had thick and long wolf hair on their bodies, and their appearance changed accordingly.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes like small light bulbs stared at the xenogeneic worm. The bloodthirsty light made the xenogeneic worm uneasy, and they screamed in response.

Leo didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he always felt that the moon was particularly round tonight. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, he felt a lot easier.

Didn't that guy at Goldfinger tell me to pray to the moon if I'm in danger? Today is another moonless night, so I think I'm safe.

"Oh shit, I hate nights."

Mekkatorque grumbled that the daytime battle, hard as it was, was heavenly compared to the blurry night.

During the day, the dwarves don't have to worry about not being able to find the traces of the xenomorphs, let alone worry about the sudden killing of enemies around them. They won't panic when they see the enemies.

How can it not make people feel anxious at night when they only hear the sound of fighting but cannot see the enemy's position clearly and do not understand the situation of the battle?

What if the people of Gilneas hadn't withstood the onslaught of the swarm?
What if those bugs play sneak attacks?
On the battlefield of life and death, it is not a good feeling to suddenly become blind.

What, you say magic lighting?

It's not that the mages are stingy, but it's useless for them to cast it, not for anything else, but for the thousands of obsidian destroyers standing upright behind the alien swarm.

As a race with the ability to devour magic power, the Obsidian Destroyer has always adhered to the principle that if you dare to let me eat magic, I will dare to eat it, and if you dare to make me full, I will dare to explode you. With them, the formation mages have to be cautious, or to be precise It's timid.

The mage who has the reputation of the king of attack can't even play half of the role unless they are dealt with, so they are the first target for Leo to eradicate.

The so-called blessing and misfortune depend on each other. The night brought troubles to the alliance, and similarly, it also brought opportunities.

During the day, a person like Leo is the focus of everyone's attention, his every move is under everyone's attention, and any move he makes will be discovered immediately.

It's different at night, the night can cover up many things.

"Can it be resolved?"

Leo tilted his head, and behind him stood a big bald man with a spear in hand. His shiny bald head lit up with the bright moon in the sky, which was very interesting.

Mannoroth nodded with a murderous look on his face. Now he has got rid of that damn weakness. Although his strength has not returned to its peak state, it is not comparable to before.

Hinasaraia was not the only one who benefited from Leo's promotion to demigod.

"Then go."

Resisting the urge to shout, Mannoroth closed his mouth and quickly charged into the alien swarm. His double-headed spear was swung by him like a windmill spinning at high speed. All the alien insects within ten steps of him would be killed within half a second. When the time came, he was shredded.

Mannoroth deserves to be the strongest abyss lord in the world of Anellan, once he gets rid of his weak combat power, it will be amazing.

There was an astonishing scene of the heterogeneous swarm pouring out from the wall of beetles. A bald man launched a counterattack against the swarm. He single-handedly entered the swarm and quickly killed the rear of the swarm. Anyone who dared to All the alien insects that blocked him were killed by the bloody spear shadows that formed one piece.

Strong and violent!
Unfortunately, his valor on this night-shrouded battlefield was seen only by a select few, and those were the leaders of the Alliance.

Leo was sure that someone from the tribe was watching him, but they couldn't see clearly from half of the battlefield. The densely packed Xenomorphs blocked their sight. These people didn't even know that Mannoroth was showing his might in the swarm .

In this chaotic battlefield, with Mannoroth's strength, as long as he deliberately hides his breath, few people will be able to find out.

The Obsidian Destroyer and the alien swarm are not in the same system. These titan creations are mechanical creatures rather than zerg, so there are naturally obstacles in communication between the two sides.

This kind of obstacle is nothing in normal times, but it is very easy to cause problems on the battlefield.

Mannoroth's purpose after he entered the swarm was very clear. He went straight to the Obsidian Destroyer. The Destroyer did not hide his purpose. The alien worms quickly saw it, but the Obsidian Destroyer didn't know it. They were overwhelming The alien worms blocked the line of sight, and they had no idea that someone had launched a counterattack. When they found out that the situation was not good, it was too late.

The bloody double-headed spear extended suddenly, Mannoroth let out a low cry, and the spear swept out, and the bloody spearhead drew a crescent moon in the swarm of alien insects, the color was as bright red as blood.

If the body of the Obsidian Destroyer was as hard as Moam, Mannoroth would be unsustainable if he killed at most three and four in this sweep. However, Moam was just a special case, and the ordinary Obsidian Destroyer was no match for him.

Mannoroth's almost sneak attack cost the Obsidian Destroyers dearly - more than a third of their companions were cut in half.

As a mechanical creature, the Obsidian Destroyer has a strong surface resistance, but its inside is extremely fragile. The Obsidian Destroyer that was cut off by Mannoroth immediately lost the ability to move, and stopped functioning within ten seconds.

Mannoroth was even more merciless when he succeeded in one blow. Before the Obsidian Destroyer could react, he swept out again, but this time the victory was not as good as the last time.

Two sweeps killed nearly half of the Obsidian Destroyers in the formation. Mannoroth's battle results were brilliant, but this also angered the opponent. The alien swarm and the remaining Obsidian Destroyers came to him one after another, vowing to kill him. Get rid of this big bald head.

Seeing that the opponent pointed the attack target at him, Mannoroth made a 180-degree turn without saying a word, and swung the double-ended spear back to kill.

How can there be such a good thing if you want to run after a sneak attack?

The Obsidian Destroyers were in hot pursuit, and it was their companions who let Mannoroth kill.

Leo, who has been paying attention to Mannoroth's actions, gestured to Jaina when he saw this. If the number of obsidian destroyers is still thousands of alliance mages, they will naturally be unable to resist, but four or five hundred obsidian destroyers are different. They have Ability to eat, not to mention Leo has prepared a big meal for them.

Gorgeous magic illuminated the battlefield, and magic appeared. Obsidian Destroyer instinctively absorbed magic power. Jaina seemed unaware of their actions, and she was not at all worried that Obsidian Destroyer would use the absorbed magic power against the alliance. Under her order, the mage group of the alliance did not stop, and threw magic one by one towards the opposite side.

Soon, the magic power in the Obsidian Destroyer's body reached full value, and they immediately stopped chasing Mannoroth, and turned to mobilize the magic power in their bodies, intending to use the magic power of the alliance mages to deal with the alliance army.

At this moment, a two-headed disaster dog appeared in the alliance army formation. It was the demon lord Immortal.

Countless demon pupils opened from Immotar's head, and under his gaze, the Obsidian Destroyer showed a terrified expression for the first time.

Boom boom boom...

Blow up!
The mana accumulated in the body lost control like boiling oil, and exploded in the body of the Obsidian Destroyer. After this explosion, the number of Obsidian Destroyers was less than a hundred.

Leo rubbed his chin with a playful look on his face.

"The taste of mana burning is not good."

 National Day, happy holidays everyone, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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