Necromancer in another world

Chapter 832 2 go to its 1

Chapter 832
Vek'lor and Veknilas were extremely angry.

What is Leo's attitude towards them?


Undisguised contempt!
Since the birth of the twin emperors, no one has dared to treat them like this.

Today, just today, one human being defied them in the presence of countless others.

Listening to Leo's tone of voice, it seems that there is no difference between the majestic twin emperors of the Yaqi Empire and the cat and dog on the side of the road. It is a great honor for both of them to even let him take a look.

The twin emperors looked at Lei Ao with resentful eyes. If the eyes were lethal, Lei Ao would have been ripped apart by them at this time.

It's useless for you to stare at me, I just despise you, I just don't bother to make a move, what can you do to me?
Gaving the Twin Emperors a provocative look, Leo clasped his hands in front of his chest, with an expression of waiting for a good show to start.

Onlooker status is on.

Twin emperors?


It's not that I look down on you, but that my subordinates are too powerful. If you have time to stare at me, you might as well think about how to deal with their attacks.

Someone came to look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. The invincible and lonely look was so invincible that it didn't show it, but it was too obvious to be pretentious-there is no sky here, only the top of the tunnel with strange glowing plants hanging upside down.

To say who Vek'lor and Veknilas want to kill most now is not the crypt lord Anub'arak who used the ancient Yaqi artifact to take away their special abilities, but Leo.

If you want to kill Leo and the current situation of the twin emperors, you don't even need to think about it, because they can't protect themselves.

Before Anub'arak deprived them of the ability to obtain the ancient Yaqi artifact, the two poisonous demigods, Ilsa and Trigolei, were very small threats to them, but without the ability to save against damage, the three-headed The sea snake and the succubus became their most troublesome opponents.

The venom arrows shot by Trigolei are no longer ineffective on Viknilas, they can corrode the shell of the Aqir emperor, and he has always been fearless against physical blows and toxins. Viknilas had to dodge in embarrassment.

This is true for Veknilas standing in front, and Vek'lor standing behind his brother is even more unbearable. When the damage immunity ability is still available, the poison can work on him and hurt him, let alone now ?

Although Trigolei is very good at using poison, he is not enough compared to Ilsa.

The poisonous shells of the demigod succubi fired at a speed of ten rounds per second, and the green poisonous ball hit the head and face, making it impossible for Viknilas to hide, and even Vic'lor behind him was hit one after another. bomb.

The two demigods of the poison department showed their power, Trigolei and Ilsa swept away the previous depression, and beat the twin emperors into a mess.

It really complied with that sentence: Feng Shui turns in turn.

The twin emperors were in a hurry to deal with the attacks of Trigolei and Ilsa, let alone other people joining in?
Mannoroth's spear, Sindragosa's magic, and Dragonakos' twilight impact, any one of them is enough to break through their defenses and hurt their bodies.

Although the Twin Emperors continued to fight back and tried to suppress the opponent's momentum with fierce attacks, they were no match for four hands. Under the siege of a group of strong men, they soon only had the ability to defend themselves and not to attack and kill. The power of the enemy.

Alliance powerhouses such as Varian and Magni did not stand idly by, they did not care about the rules of fighting alone - it is not a duel between nobles to fight the beetle, there are not so many rules to talk about; Because their own side has the upper hand, they don't do anything. There is no such word as "be kind to the enemy" in their dictionary.

Going to battle to kill the enemy, isn't going to the battlefield just to kill the enemy and win?
That being the case, why should we be kind to our enemies?

Surrounding and beating demigods, and beating two demigods at once, such an opportunity is not something that can be met just by thinking about it.

As the saying goes, don't miss it when you pass by, as long as the 980 eight-footed big guy takes it home... Uh, it seems like a wrong idea.

Varian has merged the two Salameni swords into the Salameni Great Sword. After the two swords are merged, the body of the sword seems to lose weight, and the speed of his sword is more than twice as fast as before.Not only that, but the merged sword is surrounded by a layer of faint shadow. This layer of shadow not only shields the spiritual perception, but also makes the sword not even make a sound when it dances, making it impossible for people to rely on perception. The location can only be seen with both eyes.

How much time do you have to pay attention to Varian in the melee, even if you pay attention, you may not be able to avoid his fast sword.

Viknilas felt the most about this, because the two swords of Salameni left dozens of scars on his body.

Varian played well, and Gene did not show weakness.

The long sword of the King of Gilneas seems ordinary, and it seems that it is not worthy of attention at all, but how can his saber be a piece of ordinary iron as Jinn?

Every time Jin's double swords hit Viknilas' body, the Qiraji emperor trembled all over, and a needle-like force drilled into his body along the place where the sword tip pierced, like a needle prick. The pain of the Qiraji continued to attack the Qiraji emperor.

If it was just one or two swords, it wouldn't have any impact on Viknilas, but Jin's sword is like the wind, and he can stab one sword every second on average. If there are too many swords, Viknilas can no longer Neglected.

Because of the pain, King Qiraji's body was affected, and even his defensive movements began to lose shape.

In terms of strength, Magni and Caderos are only on par with the two human kings, and the seemingly rough sledgehammers in their hands are not ordinary weapons.The two dwarf leaders could smash a small piece of carapace with each hammer. With their efforts, Viknilas, who was standing in front, quickly became barefoot-the carapace on the feet was broken by the two dwarves bit by bit. All fall off.

At this moment, a fiery red figure flew out from the alliance army formation, it was the flame dragon eagle Gayalai.

The Jayalais arrived before they could attack.

Hundreds of flames flew out floatingly, and the speed of these flames seemed slow but they were as fast as galloping horses. When Viknilas found out, the flame bomb had already approached Jayalai.

Boom boom boom...

With hundreds of uninterrupted bombardments and the continuous impact of hundreds of flame bombs exploding, Viknilas took two steps back unwillingly, shaking his body non-stop.

Although unhurt, Viknilas was annoyed at being pushed back.

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and Longquan was beaten by shrimps in the shallows. When did Tangtang demigod be reduced to the point where he was forced to retreat by a few mortals in the legendary realm?


When Viknilas was about to risk his injuries to kill the proudly screaming flame dragon eagle, two golden rays of light flashed across his legs.

Excruciating pain!

The excruciating pain that makes people can't help screaming out!

Viknilas' body fell to the ground with a bang, and the screams of the Qiraji emperor resounded throughout the temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

Scarlett jumped back, dodging the fluid that gushed from Viknilas' broken legs.These bodily fluids are as precious as human blood to Emperor Qila, but they are extremely poisonous to human beings.

Attract the attention of the twin emperors with the flaming dragon eagle Jayalai, and use the flame bomb to confuse their sight, and use these to cover up quietly, and then cut off Viknilas' legs with the sword of Ashcandi.

That's what Scarlett did before.

One blow to completely cripple Viknilas, a successful plan, no?
Leo clapped his hands and applauded Scarlett.

Retribution knight wielding Ashkandi swords, Viknilas, can you afford to be injured?

When fighting, she no longer blindly punches and rushes. When did this silly girl learn to sneak attack?
I hope she won't be like Kael'thas, who didn't learn the advantages of me, but absorbed the disadvantages instead.

A sentence emerged in Leo's mind: Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black.

Veknilas fell, and Vek'lor, who had been hiding behind him, had to stand up.

However, how can Vek'lor's physical defense compare with Veknilas?

In less than ten seconds, King Qiraji's body was covered with scars, and Viknilas, who fell on the ground, had just recovered from the severe pain of losing his legs.

It only took more than ten seconds for the legs to be severed to suppress the pain. Can a human demigod do it?

The twin emperors deserved to be the emperors who ruled the Yaqi Empire, and their physical fitness alone was far behind.

Viknilas struggled to stand up again, knowing that his life would be in danger at any time after his legs were severed.

Don't forget, Crypt Lord Anub'arak is still watching.

Leo seemed to be talking to himself and said to the air: "Barack, stop playing, there is still a C'Thun waiting for us."

Before the words fell, the ground where Viknilas was standing suddenly collapsed, and Vek'lor hurriedly tried to hold his brother to prevent him from falling, but Ilsa, Trigolei, Mannoroth, etc. The man suddenly exerted force, and the violent attack forced him to retract his hands to defend.

A bottomless hole appeared on the ground, but Viknilas did not fall down. Although he lost his legs, he still had his hands. King Qiraji inserted his hands into the wall of the hole and hung himself in the air.

Two thick arms stretched out from the darkness, grabbed Vik'nilas' body, and dragged him down during the struggle of the Qiraji emperor. There were fierce fighting sounds and Anub'arak's body in the cave. Laugh wildly.

Vek'lor's heart was a little chilled, what would happen if he was dragged underground by Anub'arak in Viknilas' current state?
As time passed, the sounds of fighting from the ground were rapidly weakening, and Anub'arak's laughter became more and more distinct.


Vek'lor only felt that something in his body was broken, and he lost his sense of Vecnilas.

"The host killed Viknilas... the item was successfully extracted, and the host obtained: the symbol of the Qiraji emperor, do you want to extract it?"

The twin emperors have gone to one!

A smile emerged from the corner of Leo's mouth. He thought it was a tough battle, but he didn't expect the ancient Yaqir artifact to help him a lot. The decision to go to Zul'Aman to gain experience with Kael'thas was really correct.

(End of this chapter)

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