Necromancer in another world

Chapter 840 C'Thun's Fear

Chapter 840 C'Thun's Fear
The blood-colored energy lines were wriggling rapidly, and their wriggling made the whole blood-colored web tremble non-stop, just like a spider's web fluttering in the strong wind, making people worry that they would not be able to withstand the ravages of the wind at any time and break and shatter.

Fortunately, the bloody web released by Leo's energy extraction is not a real spider web. No matter how much it trembles, as long as Leo's magic power supply is not cut off, it can continue to exist.

Something that made Leo extremely happy happened.

As the blood-colored energy line squirmed, the energy extraction had an effect on the purple substance wrapped by it, and a huge energy rushed into his body like a torrent, even with Leo's demigod magician ability, he still felt very strenuous.

It's good to work hard, hard work means more energy, if you don't work hard, Leo will be disappointed.

With the squirming of the energy line, Leo felt that the magic power in his body was getting more and more full. At this time, the voice of Goldfinger sounded in his head.

"Discover unknown energy, do you want to absorb it?"

How can you not suck it?

For Leo, energy is the law, the guarantee for his physical improvement, how can it be let go?

C'Thun is worthy of being an ancient god, and the energy contained in his body is by no means comparable to any creature Leo has encountered before.

Look at the upgrade energy bar that is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. With Leo's current level of a demigod warlock, this small part of C'Thun's body, which is not even a drop in the bucket, can actually fill his entire body. There is still a surplus in the entire energy bar. It is conceivable that the energy possessed by C'Thun is a terrifying sum.

Fortunately, most of the power of this ancient god was locked by the seal of the Titan, otherwise Leo and the others would have died instead of fighting when they came to the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

"The host gains energy, does it perfect the law?"

Goldfinger's voice sounded again. This greedy energy vampire would not let go of any opportunity to earn energy. Seeing that Leo made a small fortune, he immediately appeared.

To upgrade or improve the law, this is a question worth considering.

According to the current rising momentum, Leo can guarantee that if Ke'thun's eyeball is completely absorbed, it will not be a problem for him to rise to level ninety.

If level [-] allows him to be promoted from a demigod to a god, Leo will definitely use it to upgrade directly, but becoming a god is not as simple as leveling up.

In the Trilogy of Becoming a God, it is easy to build a god body. As long as you have enough energy, it is not a problem. It is different to ignite the god fire and condense the godhead. Leo is completely confused about these two points. What's the use of raising the level to ninety?

"Perfect the law!"

If you can't become a god, you should perfect the law first. If you can't change qualitatively, you should change quantitatively first. It is the right way to maximize the efficiency of the power in your hands.

"Consuming energy to perfect the law... the poison system method is being perfected..."

It's the law of the poison system again!

Leo rolled his eyes, damn Goldfinger, won't you help me perfect the law of death, I'm your host, will you die if you help me?
Fortunately, the law of the poison system is not useless. It is inferior to C'Thun, a master of poison use, and it can be used to deal with other people. There is no problem at all.

Thinking of this, Leo felt some comfort in his heart.

The golden pupils were wide open, seeing Leo absorbing part of his body, Ke'thun widened his eyes and looked at Leo with disbelief.

Is that guy with black hair and black eyes really a mortal?

Are you sure he's not a god in human skin?
An inexplicable fear was born in C'Thun's heart. This ancient god never thought that a mortal could actually absorb his body, which was something even a Titan could not do.


This mortal must not be allowed to live!
The inexplicable fear made C'Thun go crazy, and the Old God was terrified.

Ke'thun is afraid of Leo, a human being who can absorb his body, because he knows that since Leo can absorb a part of his body, as long as his teeth are good enough and his appetite is big enough, he, the ancient god, can be absorbed. Swallow it whole.

Devoured by a mortal!
How could C'Thun not be afraid when he thought of this possibility?
The golden eyes flickered wildly, Ke'thun didn't care about the more damage he would receive after the pupils opened, he launched the dark flash with all his strength, intending to kill Leo.

"Hahaha..." Leo dodged while laughing. C'Thun obviously wanted to kill himself regardless of the cost. In order to prevent him from hurting others, Leo had to activate an ability called ridicule. Live the hatred of the ancient god, "The ancient god Ke'thun, you are nothing more than that. With me today is your death day!"

The contemptuous eyes, arrogant look, and arrogant words all deeply stimulated Ke'thun and made him even more crazy.

A little human dares to look down on me because of his ability, I can't feel at ease if I don't kill him!
C'Thun and Leo were playing a game of chasing and fleeing, and others took this opportunity to attack the fully opened golden pupils, Kael'thas and Jaina's magic, Hawksbill's sharp arrows, Magni and Ka Dros' Storm Hammer, the Holy Light flashing in Liadrin's hand... and so on, all kinds of attacks surged like the fury of the sea.

Under the attack of the crowd, scars appeared on the golden pupils.

At other times, Ke'thun would definitely shrink his pupils to avoid further trauma, but now he would never do this because of Leo.

C'Thun couldn't accept an opponent who might eat him. Leo's appearance made him more angry, frightened, and crazy than when the Titans sealed him.

A mad Old God is scary, but so what?

If you can't hit the enemy, no matter how strong your attack is, it's useless.

Others were attacking Ke'thun, but Scarlett didn't have the eye pupil. The female paladin had already seen it. The reason why Ke'thun chased Leo was that he acted like a mad dog biting Leo. It was precisely because Leo used magic to absorb the part of the purple substance that fell from his body.

You have to do what the enemy is afraid of. This is the way to fight the enemy.

Therefore, what Scarlett has to do is not to attack C'Thun's eye pupils, but to continue what she did before - using the two Ashcandi swords in her hand to lose weight for C'Thun.

Excruciating pain!

Accompanied by the female paladin's slashes, the pain continued to attack Ke'thun.

The Old God knew what Scarlett was doing, and he wanted to kill this human paladin, but Scarlett was very careful, she would rather cut a few cuts less, and even give up the part of the eyeball that was about to be chopped off to fight with Grace. Su En's pupils were wide enough.

When the female paladin attacked C'Thun, the flame dragon eagle honked from time to time, as if mocking C'Thun's embarrassment.

Damn flame creatures, really disgusting!

When did Ke'suen encounter such a thing, the majestic ancient god, standing at the top of the entire elemental biological chain, is now being ridiculed by a flame dragon eagle, and he must laugh at other people's big teeth when he speaks out.

Scarlett's attack had an effect, and another piece of purple substance the size of a football fell from C'Thun's body. Seeing this, Leo immediately sprinkled a large bloody net, and another energy extraction began.

Seeing that the other party was absorbing his body again, Kesuen's pupils twitched.

I am a powerful ancient god, how could I have fallen to such a point?

Ke'thun is very unwilling, but it is useless to be unwilling again. With the seal of the Titans suppressing him, the power he can exert at this moment is only about one-thousandth of his true strength. Although this part of power is powerful, it is not enough to instantly kill Leo.

You bastard Titan, if it weren't for the broken seal you set up, why would I be here?

Ke'suen was furious. If he could exert one-tenth of his power, no, even one percent, it would be easy to kill Leo, but he could only exert one-thousandth of it. You let him how to think?
An ancient god can't do anything to a lowly human being. Is there anything more tragic and angry than this?

C'Thun thinks he's the saddest Old God ever.

The reason why human beings appeared is because of the curse of flesh and blood released by the ancient gods to better absorb the creatures of this world. In the eyes of the ancient gods, human beings are the food they made, but now Ke'thun, who is the ancient god, is Leo, a human being who was supposed to be food, was eaten bite by bite. There was indeed nothing that made C'Thun more angry and panicked than this.
Despicable human beings, don’t let me escape, or I will crush you to death... No, I want to watch as you watch me exterminate your human race and let you die in pain and despair. Your wailing will be the most beautiful music .

What a tragedy that the mighty ancient god can only rely on fantasies to comfort himself when he can't do anything to a human being!
"K'Suen, when you met me, you were destined to be a lunch box—tableware larger than cups."

A certain person shook his head and sighed while absorbing the body of a certain ancient god. Although he looked deep, the deception on his face had already betrayed him deeply——this kid was very happy.

"Consuming energy to obtain the perfect law...the law of the poison system has been perfected...the host has obtained the complete law of the poison system!"

He was having fun playing the game of chasing and fleeing with Ke'suen, when the notification sound of Goldfinger sounded again, which made Leo's happiness index soar again.

"Does it consume energy to improve the law of the poison system to perfection?"

The perfect poison law?
I don't know exactly what it looks like, but it sounds pretty powerful.

Leo didn't hesitate. Since Goldfinger raised this issue separately, there should be something special about it. Anyway, Leo doesn't lack energy now, and Ke'thun's eyeballs were only cut off about one-twentieth. He can slowly play slowly.


"The host confirms that the law of the poison system has been improved to perfection... energy consumption..."
The reminder from Goldfinger sounded, and Leo found that the energy was being consumed at a speed ten times faster than before, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

Elevating the complete law to perfection seems to be extraordinary!
Rubbing his chin, someone thought it was funny.

"Let me see what's so special about a perfect law!"

(End of this chapter)

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