Necromancer in another world

Chapter 842 The Sad Ancient God

Chapter 842 The Sad Ancient God

Want to run?

Leo's face turned cold. He never thought that C'Thun would choose to escape. The majestic ancient god was forced to such a field by these mortals. It was enough to shock outsiders when he said it.

As early as Leo was sure that energy extraction could transform C'Thun's eyeballs into energy for him to improve his laws and improve his strength, C'Thun was no longer scary in his eyes.

The tyrannical and terrifying ancient god is regarded by Leo as an energy supply machine, and it is still the kind with a huge reserve.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Ke'suen is ready to escape, how can Leo allow him to escape?

"If you run away, where can I find such a powerful energy supplier?"

With a sneer, Leo called out the power he had never used, and four huge figures like hills appeared on the battlefield.

The roar of the one-eyed Gron resounded in the temple of Ahn'Qiraj. His body was so strong that even Mosh, the king of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon, had a body several times harder than magic iron. His one-eyed eyes shone with tyranny and cruelty, which made people feel Trembling breath, the demigods of the world of Draenor appeared for the first time in the world beyond the Dark Portal.

Demi god!

And there are four and a half gods!

Even the allies who were in the same camp as Leo couldn't help but gasp.

They understood why Leo was so confident in attacking the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and why Leo dared not give the dragon face, it turned out that the strength of his subordinates was already so strong!

No one asked where these four creatures that everyone had never seen came from, although they were very curious in their hearts, because they knew that Leo didn't need to explain to them.

"We only need to know one thing, that is, Leo is on our side, and the stronger he is, the better for us."
Scarlett stood up at this time, and the words of the female paladin woke up some people who were suspicious.

Yes, Leo is the Marshal of the Kingdom of Arathor, and Arathor is a member of the Alliance. We all belong to the Alliance camp. Isn’t it good to have a strong ally? Why should we worry about it?
Kael'thas thought to himself when he saw the one-eyed Gron appear: This kid finally sent them out.

Four demigods from the world of Draenor were sent, and Leo pointed to C'Thun's slowly sinking eyeballs and ordered: "Catch him!"

Ke'thun is an ancient god, powerful and terrifying, but he is not an ancient god who is good at strength. His ability lies in poison and acid, and more importantly, he can only exert one-thousandth of his full strength now. It was a tragedy for him to meet four one-eyed Gorons.

Gogluer and the other four sons of Gruul showed everyone what a powerful force is. The one-eyed Gron stretched out his claws and grabbed the Eye of C'Thun, roaring in unison, and the entire ice layer on the ground was crushed. They stepped on it, and a surprising scene appeared.

The Eye of C'Thun, which was sinking, not only stopped sinking, but also rose slowly under the power of the one-eyed Gron.

The eyes of the ancient god C'Thun were pulled back up by the brute force of the four sons of Gruul.

Poor C'Thun!
Kael'thas lamented for C'Thun who met four one-eyed Grons. This ancient god is really unlucky for eight lifetimes. When it's not good to make trouble, but after Leo became a demigod, his Qiraji beetle It's really unfortunate that the talent broke the seal of the Beetle Wall, and met Leo, the monster Ke'suen whose strength is beyond common sense.

The one-eyed Gron pulled the Eye of C'Thun up again. The Old God was both terrified and angry!
This group of souls are weak, and they don't even give a chance to escape. Is there still a law of heaven, is there still a law of the king?
When did the mortal world have so many demigods? Could it be that the current demigods are all Chinese cabbage on the street, and there are a lot of them if you catch them. When did this world become so difficult to mix?
The golden pupils flickered again, and the red light wall appeared again. C'Thun unswervingly launched a dark flash at Gorgrom, trying to kill this brute force monster.


Leo roared angrily, waking up the blue dragon queen who had been staring at Arygos silently since his appearance.

After recovering from the shock of seeing Arygos, Sindragosa threw a mad curse at C'Thun at the first time, feedbacking all spell damage mad curses.

The red flash shot at Gorgrom didn't work. It wasn't that C'Thun missed his aim with bad eyesight, but Izual's timely shot broke the blow.

It's that nasty light creature again!
I am afraid of Yizuerkesuen, because he understands that although this light creature is weak now, it has terrifying potential. It is not a problem to give him enough time to grow to the same height as himself, and even his achievements are higher than his own. Even higher.

Facing such an existence, Ke'thun really wanted to kill Izual when he was weak, and kill the enemies who would inevitably threaten him in the future, but his current strength was not enough.

Damn Titan Seal!
Cursing angrily, Ke'thun could only imagine in his heart the scene of tearing Izual's body into pieces.

The Dark Flash failed to hit Gorgrom, C'Thun's blow was useless... no!It's not in vain, he issued a spell, no matter what the effect is, the mad spell cast on him by Sindragosa will also work.

Just as C'Thun was thinking about how to deal with the immediate crisis, severe pain struck him again, and the dark flash of the curse feedback acted on him.

Cracks appeared in C'Thun's pupils.

The dark flash was bounced back for the first time, and only a crack invisible to the naked eye appeared in the eye of C'Thun. At that time, the eye of C'Thun was still intact, and the power it could call was more than three times stronger than it is now. The dark flash It is not easy to hurt him.

But now C'Thun's eyeballs are only a third lower, and the power he possesses has dropped several times, and the scar of dark light will no longer be so small—a scar as thick as a finger and about three meters long Impressively above.

Since the start of the war, it was the first time that such a large wound had appeared in the golden pupil, and C'Thun's pupil was seriously injured by Sindragosa's curse.

Hateful mortals!
The sensitivity of the eye pupils is much higher than that of the eyeballs, and C'Thun was in so much pain that he felt extremely resentful towards these mortals who besieged him, and his anger spewed out of his chest like an erupting volcano.

You bastard Titan, if it weren't for your seal, how could a group of lowly and insignificant mortals be so presumptuous in front of me, I must destroy this world!

C'Thun felt ruthless in his heart, and his body hit the seal left by the Titan more and more frantically. If the seal was not too strong, he would have escaped from the trap with the momentum of his frantic collision.

In Titan's prison you still want to escape, save yourself.

The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj shook slightly under C'Thun's desperate impact, which surprised everyone, but they felt relieved when they thought that this was a prison specially set up by the Titans to imprison the ancient gods.

Withdrawing the bloody net, Leo had already absorbed the second piece of purple substance that Izual cut off.

Two-thirds of the Eye of C'Thun was used by him as a stepping stone to improve his strength.

"The law of blood, another perfection." Leo sighed loudly, "It's already two chances to ignite the magic fire, but it's a pity that none of you are my type."

Light the divine fire!

Kael'thas stared blankly, what did Leo just say?
He seems to have mentioned lighting the fire, right?
The blood elf prince looked at Leo with questioning eyes. He believed in his hearing, but what he heard before was too shocking, so he couldn't help but confirm it.

Leo didn't shy away from lighting the fire, let alone Kael'thas, a demigod, even Scarlett, who was far away, heard it clearly.

Seeing everyone's eyes turned to him, Leo scratched his face, with an innocent expression on what you are looking at me for.

"Leo, what you just said was to ignite the fire? Could it be that you..."

It was difficult for others to speak, but Scarlett had no such scruples. The voice of the female paladin was a little trembling. If what Leo said was true, wouldn't he be one step away from becoming a god?
Could it be that mankind is about to give birth to the first god?
Could it be that, as Leo said, the dominance of this world will undergo a major change?
"Are you asking this?" Someone rubbed his chin, with an expression that such a question needs to be asked more, "If you understand a system of laws to the most perfect state, you will have a chance to ignite the fire."

Kael'thas was suffocating for breath, and the divine fire could be ignited if he comprehended the laws to perfection. This news was really important to him, and it gave the blood elf prince a new goal to fight for.

and many more!

Kael'thas, who was secretly encouraging himself to push the laws he mastered to perfection, flashed in his mind what Leo had said before—it was already two chances to ignite the divine fire!

Two chances to ignite the fire!
Ignite the divine fire... twice!

Could it be that this kid comprehended the two laws to perfection without making a sound?

Kelthaston, who thought he and Leo were very close in strength, was hit hard.

The blood elf prince gritted his teeth and said to Leo: "I finally know why Fuchsel called you a soulless person. You actually hide it so deeply!"

Leo blinked, pressed his palms down, and said to Kael'thas, "Calm down, you are a demigod mage, how can you be so restless? Didn't I tell you earlier, you have to be calm even when it comes to big things. .Look at you, why are you so excited? Pay attention to your image, pay attention to your image!"

The hand holding the golden staff of Sin'dorei squeezed the staff rattling, Kael'thas looked angry.

At this time, I still look like a fart!

"You bastard, I really want to punch you."

Leo rolled his eyes, and I said Brother Kai, didn't I just perfect the two rules, didn't I just have two chances to ignite the magic fire, why are you so excited?
"Actually, I'm a good person. You see, I didn't even tell you how to ignite the fire. Isn't my friend very interesting?"

Are you mean enough?
I think you are Hong Guoguo's show off!

Kael'thas snorted angrily, turned around and sent a beam of void light to the Eye of C'Thun. He wanted to vent, and the Eye of C'Thun was a good target.

The sad ancient god has now become the target of others to vent their anger. Who can Ke'suen turn to for reasoning?
(End of this chapter)

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