Necromancer in another world

Chapter 844 The Ignored Stone Demon

Chapter 844 The Ignored Stone Demon
There is a price to be paid for underestimating an opponent, especially an opponent like C'Thun.

The ancient god is very aggrieved now, it’s okay for Kong to have a tyrannical power but can’t use it because of the suppression of the Titan seal, and he can bear the siege of many demigods, but why is there Izual who can break the darkness Shining guys exist, and there are mortals like Leo who ignore the majesty of their ancient gods.

When Leo and Kael'thas felt that the outcome was decided and were planning their next plan, the Eye of C'Thun's final counterattack came.

The golden pupils that had been corroded to half by Leo's poisonous nova suddenly exploded. There was no deafening bang or dazzling light, but only a burst of energy.

The amount of energy possessed by the materialized golden pupils of light energy is absolutely terrifying, even if it is only half of its heyday, it is enough to kill a god, not to mention demigods and legends.

The sudden explosion of the golden pupil caught everyone by surprise, but this did not include Leo and Kael'thas.

C'Thun is an ancient god, even if his strength can only be [-]/[-] due to the suppression of the Titan seal, it should not be underestimated. How could Kael'thas and Leo make such low-level mistakes as underestimating the enemy?

At the moment when the golden pupils blew themselves up, the two of them changed their manner of talking and laughing, and their expressions became extremely serious.

The void beam of light appeared again, and Kael'thas broke through the space again with tyrannical magic power, but this time his purpose was not to kill but to save people, and the void beam of light was different for different purposes.

In the past, Kael'thas used the beam of void light to break through the space directly at the target's hiding place, attacking the target with the tearing force of the endless void, but now he casts the space around the target, blocking the energy of C'Thun's self-explosion. Endless void, unable to hurt others.

Integrating wounding the enemy and saving lives, the Void Light Pillar is a good skill.

Kael'thas' goal is to stop C'Thun, and Leo's is to devour.

Countless bloody silk threads shot out from his hand, these silk threads did not weave into a big bloody net but gathered into a person.

A person?

That's right, it was a person, to be precise, it should be a blood-colored humanoid creature.

Blood Golem of the Necromancer!

"Let me see your skills!"

Leo smiled evilly, he wanted to see how powerful the blood stone demon created with the complete blood law was.

As one of the necromancer clay, blood, flame, and steel, one of the four major stone demons has not been able to play for a long time. It is not that the blood stone demon is useless but that this guy is not easy to control. summoned.

The reason for this is that the blood stone demon has an ability, that is, damage transfer.Once he takes damage, part of the damage will be transferred to the necromancer who summoned him. How many times can the mage's body withstand the damage transfer?

Who wants to be killed by the transferred damage before the enemy is killed?

So the blood stone demon was naturally put on the shelf, even the previous Leo was no exception.

However, all of this changed fundamentally after Leo pushed the law of blood to perfection.

The energy that exploded after the self-explosion of C'Thun's Eye encountered the blood golem, and Leo waited for the next scene with a look of optimism.

Facing the energy so violent that it could kill even gods, the blood stone demon was not afraid at all, and he jumped on it, like a hungry dog ​​who saw a bone, fast and fierce.

The berserk energy hit the blood golem, and the energy surge, which was as fierce and ruthless as a flood that broke through a dam, seemed to have encountered a big black hole that could not be filled at all. .

It's a loss, and the Eye of C'Thun's self-explosion this time can be regarded as a loss.

“A delicious meal, really good!”

Leo licked his lips, and all the energy absorbed by the blood stone demon was transferred to him. It can be said that C'Thun's self-destruction saved him a lot of time. If it wasn't for his self-destruction, it would take at least more time to solve this eyeball double.

In the self-destruction against the Eye of C'Thun, the blood stone demon not only did not bring any damage to Leo, but also devoured the energy of the self-destruction with a very high efficiency. This is the blood stone produced by the perfect blood law Demon - all energy-based attacks are food that he can devour, unless the energy is far beyond his endurance, you don't want to hurt him.

In this way, only physical attacks can inflict damage on the blood golem. If he encounters a tyrannical physical attack type enemy, will Leo abandon the blood golem?

of course not.

Physical blows can indeed injure the blood golem, but it is impossible to injure Leo, not for anything else, but for the existence of one thing, which is one of the components of the necromancer's exclusive suit-the leader's mark.

Blood Golem, Trag'Oul suit, Necromancer's skills and suits are really interlinked.

Lei Ao, who had absorbed a lot of energy, was feeling comfortable but found that Izual was looking at him, he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"I don't have flowers on my face. I'd be shy if you looked at me like that."

Leo was in a good mood after defeating C'Thun, and this kid took the initiative to make a joke about Izual.

The latter replied blankly: "These energies are pure power of light, it's too wasteful for you."

Leo rolled his eyes, who will give back the energy if I don't give it to me?

No, actually I can give it to Scarlett!
Leo patted his forehead hard, he regretted it.

If Scarlett's strength can be raised to legend, so that silly girl can inspire the code of light left by the titan, I don't know what will happen.

Leo knew that he had missed a good opportunity to improve Scarlett's strength.

"You said it on purpose to make me depressed, otherwise why didn't you say it before?"

Izual shrugged like someone else, and then turned into a golden light and penetrated into Leo's body.

If you have the ability, don't come out!
Leo gritted his teeth with hatred, he really didn't expect Izual to molested him in the end.

The self-exploding energy of the Eye of C'Thun cannot be used, but as long as the golden water droplets in my hand are used properly, it is not impossible to raise Scarlett's strength to legend.

After thinking about it, Leo knew Izual's real purpose. He turned a corner to remind Leo of the role of those golden water droplets.

"Is this a win?"

Caderos' questioning voice came to mind in this empty square, bringing out echoes of winning and winning.

"Yes, we won!"

Leo answered the dwarf prince with an affirmative tone, and his voice awakened everyone who was still a little sluggish.

We did it!
Not only did we defeat the Qiraji, but we also defeated the Old God C'Thun!

We won the Battle of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj without the help of dragons!

Realizing this, everyone's faces showed ecstasy.

Varian, Scarlett, Jean, Jaina and other alliance leaders all had smiles on their faces. They knew they had made the right bet this time.

In this battle, the self-confidence of the entire alliance race has been greatly improved. The status of humans, dwarves, and gnomes will be improved. A certain amount of respect will be maintained on the surface.

Some people may think that this is just an extremely small step, and it is useless, but they don't understand that it is this step forward that will lead to the next step forward, and the significance of taking this step is far from adding a few more legions , occupying a few more pieces of land can be compared.

If a race can't even achieve self-confidence, you still talk about self-reliance and self-improvement. Isn't that laughing at others' big teeth?
Shocking cheers resounded in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and all the mages were celebrating wildly, but Varian and others gathered together.

The subordinates can relax, but as leaders they cannot, they now have to plan for the future.

"K'Thun's eye was destroyed. After this battle, he will calm down a lot. We can still give it to the dragon to seal it again. Anyway, the goal has been achieved. Give them some credit and give them something to do." Cheng, now is not the time to fight against Dragon Rest Temple."

As he spoke, Lei Ao glanced over everyone's faces, and he was relieved when he saw that no one objected.

What he was most worried about was that someone would be dazzled by the victory. Now it seems that Varian and the others are still very clear-headed.

The leaders of the alliance have no objection and have their own considerations. They don't understand the seal of the Titans. Rather than wasting their energy, it is better to let the dragon deal with it. As for whether they can handle it properly, it is none of their business. If there is a problem, it is the dragon's fault. , has nothing to do with the union.

Wanting to share the fruits of victory, but unwilling to contribute, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

The current human race is not the puppet that obeyed them in the past. Leo, who has several demigod subordinates and is also a demigod himself, is the confidence of the human race.As for the higher battles, it's impossible for the Guardians to do nothing.

Secretly winked at Scarlett, Leo coughed, and said to Kael'thas who was about to leave beside him: "There were no such gatherings before, and I am not qualified to represent the alliance, so some words have been unable to speak." Say. Now, I think it's time. Your Highness Kael'thas, on behalf of the Alliance, I would like to apologize to you and your clansmen for the matter concerning Garithos, and I hope His Highness can put aside the past."

In the past, Leo could only be regarded as one of the strong men of the human race, he could not represent the human race, but when he became a demigod and led the human race to such a great victory, no one objected to him saying that he represented the alliance.

Kael'thas stopped in his tracks. What happened to Garithos was a heart problem for Kael'thas. It was a shame that the dignified blood elf prince was imprisoned by a human marshal. This was also the official break between the blood elves and the alliance. the reason.

Turning around to look at Leo, Kael'thas sullenly.

"You don't need to apologize, that matter has nothing to do with you."

"In any case, Garithos is the marshal of the alliance, and the alliance must be responsible for it."

Kael'thas was about to speak when Scarlett stepped forward, and the female paladin gave Kael'thas a standard knight's salute.

"Please accept our apologies."

Scarlett both stated that Varian and Jean could not sit idly by, and the two human kings chose the same approach as Scarlett after a quick weigh-in—although they were very upset, what Garithos did actually Ask them to wipe their asses.

"Kyle, I'm sorry I couldn't stop that from happening."

Jaina looked apologetic.

A little bit of struggle flashed in Kael'thas' eyes, and finally he turned and left.

"Cooperation is fine, but I won't join the alliance."

Liadrin followed behind Kael'thas. Jaina, a woman, still had a lot of influence on His Royal Highness. Is it a blessing or a curse for the blood elves?

(End of this chapter)

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