Necromancer in another world

Chapter 847 Let Me Come

Chapter 847 Let Me Come

Taking two steps with his hands behind his back, Leo turned to Sindragosa and asked, "Have you found out about those trolls?"

The Queen of the Blue Dragon shook her head, and said what she knew: "Trolls have always disliked humans. In order to avoid accidents, our navy did not contact them. In addition, we were chasing the Bloodsail pirates at that time, so we just confirmed After their existence, they left."

Rubbing his chin, Leo ordered to Syndra: "Let the people below check it out. We are about to launch an operation in Stranglethorn Valley. I don't want any accidents."

The Blue Dragon Queen bowed her body, and replied respectfully: "Follow your orders."

Pacing back and forth in the room, Leo was constantly thinking.

The trolls of the Gurubashi Empire wanted to let the evil god Hakkar come to this world under the encouragement of Jindu. It should not be surprising that the Zandalari tribe appeared at this time, but Leo always felt that something was wrong.

Without his intervention as a time traveler, the Zandalari tribe should be allies of the Horde and the Alliance in the matter of stopping the plot of the Gurubashi troll, because everyone has the same goal-to destroy the blood god Hakkar.

But the reality is that Leo, a little butterfly, has already appeared. What he flaps his wings is no longer a breeze but a hurricane. forced to migrate.

It is hard to guarantee that the occurrence of these things will not change the concept of the Zandalari tribe, so that the Troll Empire of the Wise Men realizes the fact that the troll race is gradually dying out-slowly but firmly towards extinction, allowing them to intervene in advance things of this world.

Whether the troll's empire of wise men will advance the rise of Zandalar is a question that Leo must consider.

These things came one after another, and it was endless.

Rubbing between his brows, Leo felt that it would be better for him to go to Stranglethorn Valley himself. He had to figure out what the attitude of the Zandalari tribe was, but when he was about to speak, he saw Viri walking in in a hurry.

"What happened?"

As his chief guard, Viri seldom showed anxious expressions, and Leo knew something was bound to happen.

"Lord Leo, Her Royal Highness Scarlett has decided to retreat into the Legendary Realm. This is the news she sent back from Stratholme."

Silly girl's stubborn temper has committed another crime!
Leo was very helpless, Scarlett must have been stimulated, this silly girl found that the gap between herself and Leo was widening, how could she not chase desperately with her temperament?
In Scarlett's current state, it is best to stabilize the current state and wait for a while before attacking the legend. This is the best choice. She must know that Leo will object to attacking the legend now, so she ran to Stratholme Here comes a cut first and then play.Seeing that she didn't even tell Leo the news directly, but conveyed her thoughts through Viri.

"Let her go."

Leo waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to mention this matter again. Scarlett has hundreds of drops of golden liquid that he decomposed the eye of C'Thun, and those are the products of the materialization of light energy. Even if Scarlett fails to hit the legend, her strength will be improved.

"Syndra, make arrangements, I'm going to Stranglethorn Valley once."

"Master, how can we reply to the Wildhammer dwarves?"

When Sindragosa said this, Leo remembered. He promised Caderos to visit Eagle's Nest Mountain as soon as possible. He didn't know what would happen when he went to Stranglethorn Vale. Caderos, wait stupidly?
This would damage the relationship between the Wildhammer dwarves and the Kingdom of Arathor, and it would not be worthwhile if there was a rift between the two parties.

Too many things, not enough time.

At this time, Leo couldn't help but feel that he was incapacitated.

Now how to do?
Is it going to Stranglethorn Vale or the appointment at Eagle's Nest Mountain?
Scratching his face, Leo was distressed.

Whether Stranglethorn Vale or Eagle's Nest Mountain is a place of right and wrong, there is no telling what will happen. If too much time is spent in one place, another place is very prone to variables.

After much deliberation, Leo decided to hold on to the Wildhammer dwarves as an ally first. After all, Stranglethorn Vale is an enclave, too far away from the mainland of the Kingdom of Arathor, and the Eagle's Nest Mountain, which settled in the Hinterlands, directly borders Arathor. Can't look far away.

"Tell Caderos that I will..."

Before Leo finished speaking, the ground suddenly trembled. If he hadn't been too powerful to defend against him, he might have fallen to the ground.


There was a muffled sound from the ground, as if the ground was a big drum, and someone beat hard on it.

The shock came and went quickly. If you didn't experience it yourself, you would really take it as an illusion.

After the vibration stopped, Viri looked confused, Arygos looked around as if aware of it, and Leo and Sindragosa looked in a certain direction.

The Blue Dragon Queen asked Leo: "Master, do you need me to investigate."

"Heaven's evil is still forgivable, self-inflicted, can't live." There was a sneer on Leo's face. According to his induction, it was the source of the vibration, and it was also the last of the four magic circles in Arathi Highland. Where it is, "I don't want to trouble you, but you jumped out on your own initiative, and I can't let you down even if you are eager to die. Let me finish you today!"

"Veri, go and tell Adlaide, let him quickly appease the chaotic people, and let the army do a good job of defending Stromgarde. The earthquake will be more violent in the next period of time."

"Yes, my lord!"

Viri promised, and left several times faster than when he came. He followed Leo for a long time. The leader of the dragon blood guard knew what would happen next. That guy named Misrael wanted to Bad luck.

A huge dracolich lifted off from Stromgarde, and the people of Arathor, who were flustered by the sudden earthquake, calmed down after seeing the dracolich.

There is a powerful human demigod in Stromgarde, so why should they worry about Leo?
Even in the event of an earthquake, the powerful demigod will keep Stromgarde safe.

It was with this thought, coupled with Adlaide's timely response, and a large number of soldiers helping to maintain order, that the panicked people could reply quickly.

However, the people who regained their composure soon got a news that surprised them, that is, there will be an earthquake in the future, and they cannot go back to their houses for the time being.

The successive earthquakes were frightening news. Fortunately, when the soldiers told them this news, they also passed on another news——Marshal Leo had personally gone to deal with this matter, and the source of the earthquake would be cleared up soon. .

Ordinary people can't see anything from these two messages, but the strong are different.

When talking about the source of the earthquake, the soldiers of Arathor used the word "clear", which means that the earthquake did not happen naturally but was caused by someone, and Leo went here just to get rid of that guy.

Who dared to act wild in the Arathi Highlands after eating the courage of the ambitious leopard?
Doesn't he know how powerful Leo is? With several demigod warlocks under his command, is this something ordinary people can afford?
The strong men who thought of this all mourned for that unlucky guy.

Even if you are impatient and want to die, this is not the way to find it. Leo is a demigod warlock, and playing with the soul is a warlock's specialty. If you really want to provoke him, he will not be able to settle down even if he dies.

That unlucky guy, looking for something, doesn't look at the person, he is too brainless.

Imprisonment array!

See also the imprisonment circle!

There is one biggest difference between the confinement circle seen this time and the three that Leo used to fuse his subordinates - it has split.

Cracks slanted across the surface of the magic circle, dividing the magic circle into two.

"It seems that we came in time, if we let the guy below us for a day at most, he will be able to break through." Leo pointed his chin, and gave Sindragosa an order, "Go help her, let her Come out early."

Don't think that Leo would be so kind, the reason for letting the existence imprisoned by the confinement circle break out earlier was not to sell the other party's favor, but to kill her earlier.

In one sentence, it is: I am in a hurry, and I don't have so much time to play slowly with you.

He had to be so patient if he had to wait in this place for a long time or even a whole day.

To waste time is to waste life, even if the demigod can live for a long time, it cannot be so wasted.

"let me!"

Arygos couldn't stand it anymore, he kept following Leo, fearing that Sindragosa would suffer, but Leo directly regarded him as air, the blue dragon prince felt that he couldn't be so invisible, let alone look at Xindragosa Dragosa was instructed by Leo to do this and that, so he stood up.


Leo gave Arygos a sideways glance, and this time the blue dragon prince finally came into his sight—although it was only from a very inconspicuous corner.

Curling his lips, Leo said two words: "Whatever."

The attitude of this human is really bad!
Under the watchful eyes of Sindragosa, Arygos held back his breath. He roared and transformed back into the real body of the blue dragon. His huge body fell to the ground and began to vigorously destroy the imprisonment circle.

The blue dragon is the race that uses magic the most among the five dragons. It is said that even the bronze dragon and the red dragon's magic are taught by the blue dragon. The blue dragon king Malygos is even called the king of magic. Arygos, the dragon prince, has no low magical attainments.

With profound attainments in magic, it is naturally impossible for him to be unfamiliar with the structure of the magic circle.

For most magicians, the confinement circle is so complicated that they have to spend a lifetime studying it, but it is not the case in the eyes of Arygos.

Maybe it will take a lot of time for Arygos to set up the formation, but destruction is easier than construction. It only takes ten minutes to destroy this imprisonment circle.

The blue dragon prince wreaked havoc below, and the prison circle quickly became a mess. Arygos used this to vent his anger accumulated in Leo's place. He was destroying vigorously, but he didn't realize that there was a pair of indifferent eyes in the sky looking down at him.

"Arygos, the blue dragon prince, poor guy." Leo sneered, "It's just a chess piece laid by the ancient gods. Do you really think I don't know?"

(End of this chapter)

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