Necromancer in another world

Chapter 864 Gandronda's Trap

Chapter 864 Gandronda's Trap

The rustling sound of writing finally stopped, Leo slowly put away the magic pen, and the first Warlock Grimoire written by a human demigod: The Birth of Evil Ruler!

There is no change in the situation, and there is no surge of power. A far-reaching magic tome has been completed quietly. Blessed are the warlocks who serve in the Summoner Legion of the Kingdom of Arathor.

With a smile on his face, Leo slowly flipped through the pages, admiring his masterpiece.

With this book of Evil Control, everyone will be shocked when the Summoner Legion appears again, and the Warlock Legion will have a qualitative leap due to the improvement in the quality of demons at their disposal.

After finishing the magic tome of domination of evil, Leo has the energy to pay attention to other things.

Zulvasha's war is not over yet, and the Wildhammer dwarves and the Vilebranch trolls are still fighting inextricably. The total number of soldiers killed on both sides must exceed [-]. Such a loss is already traumatic for the two tribes.In the past, the two sides would definitely stop fighting, but this time is different. Who let the Wildhammer dwarves occupy Zuvasha?
"Still fighting? This battle is really time-consuming."

Leo yawned, flicked his fingers, and cast dim vision on the herd.

Don't you beasts rely on your night vision ability? The darkness can make you feel like a fish in water, so I will make you blind and let you know that you will encounter ghosts when you walk long distances at night.

The beasts attacking Zuvasha couldn't see anything under the influence of the dim vision. They only felt that the surroundings were dark, and chaos inevitably occurred.

The herd was in chaos, the wild beasts who couldn't see anything started biting each other, the Wildhammer dwarves who fought against the herd didn't care about that, the enemy was in chaos and they just took advantage of the opportunity to kill and kill them. Under the leadership of Branigan, the dwarves took the opportunity to kill There were quite a few beasts, and when Leo's dim vision failed, most of the beasts were killed or injured.

The beasts gathered by the Amani trolls were cursed by Leo with a curse.

The massive casualties of the beast herd accelerated the progress of the war a lot. The beasts were beasts after all. After recovering their eyesight, they found that their own side was weak, and they made a normal reaction—fleeing.

Without the beasts to keep them in check, the Wildhammer dwarves were able to concentrate their forces on the Vilebranch trolls, and as soon as the trolls got word that the herd had been routed, more dwarves appeared on the walls of Zulvatha.

Caderos looked up at the sky after hearing the news that the herd was in chaos for no reason, and he knew that it must be Leo's hands and feet.

Leo still intervened. Although he didn't directly use magic to blast away the herd of beasts and evil branch trolls, the strange and sinister curse of the Warlock was the most unpredictable spell.

He's getting impatient with this time-consuming battle, but with the strength of the evil branch troll, what can I do?

Caderos swung his hammer heavily, and roared at Branigan: "What are you doing here, show off your beast-killing energy, and kill those evil branch trolls for me."

Didn't you ask me to explain the situation to you?
Branigan was aggrieved, Caderos is unreasonable.

What should I do if I am wronged?
To vent of course.

Branigan didn't have the courage to vent to Caderos, so he could only use the evil branch troll as a punching bag.

Poor Vilebranch troll, it's too innocent and unfortunate to be shot for doing nothing.

Nefarian has long been impatient with the battle on the ground. The two mortal races are fighting back and forth, and there is no strong man confronting each other. Isn't this a waste of his time?
Seeing Lei Ao doing something, the Black Dragon Prince hurriedly showed his courteousness: "How can I bother the master to do some trivial things, let your servant do it for you."

The strength has not improved much, but the ability to flatter horses has increased a lot.

Leo couldn't help laughing at Nefarian's dogleg, he waved his hand to stop the Black Dragon Prince.

In order to speed up the progress of the war, it is enough to do tricks secretly. If they do it blatantly, Caderos will definitely have objections. After all, the Wildhammer dwarves have not issued a request for help.

It seems that I have to continue to be bored.

Leo pouted, why did he feel bored? Could it be because he was used to big battles and completely lost interest in non-dangerous battles?
Someone feels that it is boring to watch others fight safely, but he does not know that someone is desperately trying to get out of danger when he expresses emotion.

Broken Tooth has never been in such a mess before. Relying on his strong defense after transforming into a giant bear, Dakala forcibly broke his spear after being stabbed by him more than a dozen times, holding the spear that lost its tip , broken teeth want to cry but no tears.

This is too bullying, Dakala is not kind, how could he do this?

The leader of the dignified Amani trolls, your battles are too unskilled.

Broken Tooth complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to slow down a bit. Under Dakara's attack, he could only dodge, and kept dodging.

With the spear in hand, he can't do damage to Dakala, let alone now that the spear is destroyed.

Damn, isn't there a time limit for this guy's transformation?

After chasing and fleeing with Dakala for nearly 10 minutes, Broken Tooth was chased into a panic. He originally planned to delay the end of Dakala's transformation time, but after waiting for so long, the other party's body did not change at all. Broken Tooth finally Understand that Dakar's transformation has no time limit at all.

The leader of the Amani troll saw through Dakar's plan, and he grinned provocatively: "What is more exciting than releasing the holy spirit of the bear? Broken tooth, look at your embarrassed appearance, how long can you escape, now It’s not too late to ask for forgiveness.”

Hundan, don't push yourself too far!
Broken Tooth was furious. After all, he was also the leader of the clan. Dakara provoked him in front of many evil-toothed trolls. If he didn't fight back, how could he hold the position of clan leader?
But if you want to fight back, how can you do it without weapons?
Just when Broken Tooth was anxious, Ganderangda's voice came from the side.

"Patriarch, continue!"

Accompanied by this cry came a spear commonly used by Brokentooth trolls.

At critical moments, my own people are reliable. Although Gandlunda has always been at odds with me, I am the patriarch after all.

Broken Tooth reached out to take the spear, and the green light shining on the tip of the spear gave him infinite confidence.

Dakala, who was chasing and killing Broken Tooth, was shocked. The spear that Broken Tooth took over was obviously blessed by witchcraft. There is not much advantage in front of the weapons of the witch doctor, even if the trolls of the same race as them are held at a respectful distance.

"Dakara, go to hell!"

After being chased for so long, Broken Tooth broke out immediately after getting a weapon that was good enough to deal with Dakara, and he roared and stabbed at his opponent.

After all, he sat on the throne of the patriarch by force, no matter what Broken Tooth said, he still has a few brushes, and Dakala's speed really couldn't avoid his angry blow.

The tip of the spear shining with miserable green light penetrated the body surface of Dakala, and pierced the body of the leader of the Amani troll. The voodoo on the spear tip invaded Dakala's body, and a piece of green was visible to the naked eye. The speed spreads on the body surface of Dakar.

What a powerful voodoo!

Dakala yelled inwardly that he was not good, and he hurriedly backed away, trying to find the witch doctor in the clan to help him detoxify.

Broken Tooth, who had been chased for so long, finally got the chance to come back, so how could he let it go? He smiled ferociously, and followed Dakala closely. As the spear stabbed repeatedly, Dakala's body had several more marks. scars.

The bear spirit gave Dakara a strong body but did not give him enough speed, so that he could not get rid of the broken teeth. Coupled with the obstruction of Gandronda and other evil-toothed trolls, he could not get rid of the voodoo soon. Become a green bear.

After the body surface was completely occupied by the voodoo, the toxin began to erode his body in an all-round way. Dakala's defense was declining, and the bear paws he swung were not as powerful as before, and Broken Tooth slowly gained the upper hand.

"Dakara, you also have today." Broken Tooth grinned grimly, and this smile fell into Dakala's eyes, giving him a sense of success as a villain, "Let me tell you, dare to betray me Broken Teeth, dare to fight my evil What will happen to the Tooth Tribe as an enemy?"

After speaking, Broken Tooth held out the spear and stabbed again.

A dog will jump over the wall when it is anxious, and a rabbit will jump on an eagle when it is anxious, let alone a giant bear?
Dakala, who felt that he was in trouble, started a Jedi counterattack. Instead of hiding, he rushed forward while he still had strength, and tried his best to get close to the opponent with a broken tooth and a spear.

Broken Tooth was chasing vigorously, but he saw Dakara turning back to find himself desperately. Fortunately, he is also a warrior who has experienced many battles, so he was not flustered by the situation. Spear and can't get out, but he still has legs.

Dakara's body was pedaled twice, and from the muffled sound from his body, it could be seen that the strength of Broken Tooth's legs was great.

If Dakara hadn't been possessed by the spirit bear, he would have flown backwards after these two kicks. However, after the spirit bear possessed him, his physical fitness was too ferocious, and the attack of the broken tooth could only make his body shake twice.


Seeing Dakala approaching, Broken Tooth had to let go of his hands and give up the spear.

It is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing for a soldier to be forced by the enemy to throw away his weapon, and he hated Dakar Broken Tooth for forcing him to this point.

At this moment, Broken Tooth noticed that there was an unusual red light in Dakala's eyes. This red light was very similar to the red light when he was furious. The distance between Dakar and Dakar is no more than two meters, but it can be seen very clearly.

The bloody red light, isn't this a sign of the voodoo that consumes life in the clan in order to stimulate the maximum combat power in a short period of time?

Broken Tooth was startled, he knew that he had stepped into the trap set by Gandran Dabu.

How could Gandlunda, who had always been at odds with him, give him a weapon so kindly?
He has other plans.

This Hundan wants me and Dakala to fight to the death, so vicious!
He understands the truth, but the current crisis will not be alleviated because he understands the truth of the matter.

When Broken Tooth scolded Gandronda for being shameless, Dakala, who was making a final effort, had already rushed forward. The leader of the Amani troll possessed by the bear spirit uttered a sky-shattering roar, and the huge sonic impact made Broken Tooth His head was in a daze, and his reaction was slow. When he woke up, he was thrown down by Dakala.

"Broken tooth, go to hell!"

"Dakara, get the hell out of here!"

The two troll leaders wrestled desperately together.

it's time!

Gandlunda sent a signal to several companions, and several powerful members of the Evil Tooth tribe slowly surrounded them.

The Darkspear witch doctor standing beside Tortugai let out a creepy low laugh.

The time to reap the fruits of victory has come.

(End of this chapter)

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