Necromancer in another world

Chapter 886 Nightmare Tyrant

Chapter 886 Nightmare Tyrant
Intangible and intangible magical power formed a heavy shackle and locked Haka in the center of the magic circle firmly. The blood god and his followers finally moved their hands.

The trolls are not very good at magic, and it took a lot of effort for Jindu to get this magic circle. In order to deal with Haka, and to fulfill his ambition of becoming a god, Jindu really took great pains.

Fortunately, the magic circle obtained with great efforts did not disappoint him, and the weak Haka was trapped.

It wasn't that Haka was pretending, but that he really couldn't break free from the shackles of the magic circle.

Although the timing of Jindu's launch was a bit late, Haka's current situation is extremely bad. Not only has his own strength dropped to the lowest point since his birth, but even such a poor strength can only exert less than [-]% .

Under such circumstances, even gods may not be able to defeat mortals.

Haka is struggling, and at the same time delaying time, because he knows that the longer he stays in this world, the more power he can exert. After three to five hours at most, he will be able to use his power [-]% play out, as long as it lasts until then, these trolls who betrayed themselves are still under control?
What Haka needs is time, and the high-level priests such as Jindu and Yeklik don't know about this situation. For the sake of safety, the latter fights to slowly wear down Haka's power, and wait until Haka's strength declines to the lowest point Haka is still a god, and Jin Du dare not push him too much when he still has the strength to fight back.

It is conceivable what would have happened to Jin Du, Ye Kelik and others if there were no external forces to intervene.

The internal battle in Zul'Gurub has fallen into the calm before the storm, and the external battle is now fierce.

The appearance of Jammalan and his fanatical Atalai priests who were loyal to Hakkar injected a powerful backup force into the Gurubashi trolls and the Nightmare Dragonmen. With the assistance of this powerful reinforcement, the Nightmare Dragonmen and the ancient The Labash troll put great pressure on the Darkspear troll who was at the forefront.

Tortugai and the other Darkspear officers were entangled by their opponents, and they couldn't free their hands for a while. If they only relied on the power of the Darkspear trolls, it would be extremely difficult to successfully enter Zul'Gurub, even if they succeeded in losing It must not be small either.

"Are you still going to stand by and watch?"

Vol'jin's words were full of dissatisfaction with Kael'thas and Leo, and now even Braddock and Zalazane beside him rushed to besiege Jammalan, leaving only one occultist, Yalkin By his side, the Darkspear tribe had already scored eight out of ten.As an ally of Darkspear, the Arathor army led by Leo and the blood elves under Kael'thas didn't even use their strength. Why isn't Vol'jin angry?
Kael'thas ignored Vol'jin, the blood elf prince knew what to do when, and Vol'jin's attitude didn't affect him.

Leo smiled and pointed to the sky in Zul'Gurub.

"Woljin, the opponent I'm waiting for is here, don't say I'm not doing anything."

Four green clouds were rushing toward the battlefield at high speed. Vol'jin took a closer look and found that they were not green clouds at all but four green dragons—the four green dragons that followed Ilan Kunis into the Temple of Atahaka , the source of the nightmare dragon clan.

Once these four green dragons join the battle, the pressure on the Darkspear trolls will be great. They are real dragons.

A real giant dragon is equivalent to an army on the battlefield, and four green dragons are equal to four armies. Their participation will definitely break the existing balance of the battlefield. If they are not contained, the war situation will be worrying.

With Wojin's strength, it is still possible to give him enough time to kill the four green dragons. The question is, does Wojin have enough time?
For every second these four green dragons existed, their influence on the battlefield would increase. I am afraid that the army of the Darkspear tribe would collapse before Vol'jin could kill them.

To deal with these four green dragons, Leo really had to come.

With this in mind, Vol'jin had to be patient.

Amid the sky-shattering dragon chant, the three dragons of Hectors, Valastats, and Perision greeted them.The three dracolich powerhouses faced off against the four nightmare green dragons. Although they were one less in number, they couldn't stand up to their strength, and blocked the four nightmare green dragons with their inferior numbers and superior strength.

The battle between the dracolich and the green dragon declared that the battle in Zul'Gurub was not limited to the ground, and the air battle also kicked off, and the specification of the air battle was much higher than that of the ground war.

Leo didn't know if the Nightmare Tyrant Ilan Kunis would appear on the battlefield, so he saved a hand, and the black dragon prince Nefarian did not play.

Seeing Leo's dracolich stop the four nightmare green dragons, Wojin breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to cause more losses to his subordinates.The four green dragons only need to give them half a minute to at least increase the casualties of the Darkspear troll by [-]%.

Kael'thas looked at the fierce battle in the sky with some doubts on his face.

"Green dragons actually appeared in Zul'Gurub. Could it be that the Gurubashi trolls really teamed up with green dragons?"

The green dragon once fought with the troll in the Swamp of Sorrows, and the green dragon, the Atalai priest who tried to summon Hakar to descend, has always been killed on sight, so how could he cooperate with it?

Kael'thas really couldn't figure it out.

The blood elf prince didn't understand, but Leo did.

Blood God Haka is not an independent entity, he has an unclear relationship with the ancient gods of this world.

Look at Eran Kunis corrupted by his power, the Green Dragon Warrior now has a new moniker - the Nightmare Tyrant.

Nightmare, these two words were not taken at random, but meant that his appearance could affect the Emerald Dream.And Iran Kunis was eroded by Hakkar's power, so the blood god Hakkar was also one of the murderers who polluted the Emerald Dream.

The Emerald Dream created by Ysera, the queen of polluted green dragons, is mainly the ancient god Nezhas, and Hakkar is the accomplice of Nezhas. Is it possible to say that the two of them have nothing to do with each other?
"Ysera won't do that, things are never that simple."

Leo shook his head, signaling Kael'thas not to think too much.

Anyway, the answer to the mystery will be revealed with the appearance of Elan Kunis. It is a waste of brain cells to think about it now.

The addition of the Nightmare Green Dragon did not change the situation of the battle, and Jammalan couldn't sit still.

Being able to become the leader of the Temple of Atahaka, the strength of the prophet Jammalan is fully worthy of the word strong, but when he is attacked by the joint siege of Zalazane and Braddock, let alone killing the enemy reveals the strong Demeanor, even self-protection is difficult.

Braddock is a great witch doctor, and although Zalazane is not that strong, he is not too far behind. Both of them have the ability to single out Jammalan. At this time, the two troll witch doctors Together, it is extremely rare for Jammalan to keep himself from being defeated.

Facing the joint siege of two witch doctors who were only stronger than himself but not weaker than himself, Jammalan knew that he couldn't last too long, and if he didn't take advantage of his undamaged strength to summon help, it would be too late after he was injured.

Mophras and the four nightmare green dragons couldn't help him, and Jammalan didn't hesitate, he immediately summoned his most powerful hole card.

"Who is it? Who dares to disturb this sacred ceremony, who disturbed my sleep, who is it?"

The tyrannical atmosphere covered the battlefield with the appearance of a green dragon warrior. The size of this green dragon warrior was no smaller than Nefarian's. It was the fallen green dragon warrior Nightmare Tyrant Ilan Kunis.

"Reptilians, if your purpose was to piss me off, you have succeeded. I, the mighty Iran Kunis, will make you pay for your stupidity."

Green Dragon Warrior Iran Kunis!
Didn't he die in the Swamp of Sorrows? How could he appear here?

Kael'thas and Vol'jin were shocked at first, and then doubts appeared in their minds.

In the war to prevent the priests of Atalai from letting Hakar come to this world, a powerful force broke out to create the green dragon artifact-Isn't Elan Kunis, the summoner of the dragon, dead?

"Ilan Kunis? Hahaha..." Leo's sarcasm reverberated across the battlefield in a contemptuous voice, "Are you sure you are the green dragon warrior Ilan Kunis and not corrupted by Hakar's power? A fallen puppet? The title of Nightmare Tyrant scares me."

It turned out that Iran Kunis was really not dead, but he was corrupted by the power of the blood god Haka, and degenerated due to the invasion of evil divine power.

Having obtained enough information from Leo's words, Kael'thas and Vol'jin understood what was going on.

Hakkar is worthy of being the blood god, and the power of the gods is extraordinary. Even powerful green dragon warriors like Ilan Kunis can do it. It is a pity that Ilan Kunis is obviously a hero, but now he is controlled by evil forces and reduced to Blood God's accomplice.

From revered hero to outcast villain, Eran Kunis made a transformation, one destined to bring shame—from green dragon warrior to nightmarish tyrant controlled by Hakkar.

"A lowly person..."

Someone taunted him, and Iran Kunis immediately wanted to find the other person to kill him, but when he found a human with black hair and black eyes was the guy who taunted him, he immediately stopped talking.

Leo is a weakling who will not be insulted by others. When Iran Kunis uttered the word despicable, a trace of divine power shrouded this nightmare tyrant.

Shaken by the pressure of Shenwei, Yilan Kunis, who almost fell from mid-air, had no time to finish his sentence. He was too busy stabilizing his body to fight against Shenwei, so how could he continue with meaningless words? ?
You can't even bear my mental pressure, and you dare to say that I'm humble, do you know how to write the word dead?
Let me tell you, the first stroke of the word "death" is the horizontal stroke, the horizontal stroke of the corpse wilderness.

Leo snorted coldly, and a huge metal dragon rushed out, the skeleton with metallic luster reflected the shining light under the sunlight.

"Victor, the guy who claims to be the Nightmare Tyrant is handing it over to you."

The black dragon prince Nefarian, a dracolich stronger than Perision and Hectors, appeared on the stage. This time he no longer appeared as Leo's mount, but as a strong dracolich. appeared as the author.

The nightmare tyrant Iran Kunis and the black dragon prince Nefarian, the nightmare dragon clan and the dracolich, two existences formed by the transformation of giant dragons, clashed in the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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