Chapter 931
The bright white electric light is dazzling, and the darkness of the Inverted Abyss is broken by the grid shot out by Thunder Fury.

According to the oncoming electric current, Sarah slapped a palm, and countless grim-faced resentful souls smashed into the grid with resentment, and two invisible forces began to confront each other.

Under the control of Leo, even the gods dare not underestimate Thunder Fury, which can control thunder and lightning. However, Sarah, who is controlled by the resentful soul, ignored it. Relying on her own strength, she wanted to use the most brutal and violent Ways to break Thunderfury's grid.

Resentment and lightning collided, and under the constant impact of the two energies, the poor space barrier was shattered again, and amidst crackling sounds, space cracks appeared again.

Leo understands why the gods rarely appear in the mortal world, and even the gods in the mortal world rarely take action. It's not that the gods are not easy to fight, but that this world is too fragile.


Yes, it is fragile.

Look at the current inverted abyss. Since Yizuer rushed out, the space cracks are like Chinese cabbage on the side of the road. There are crops after crops. Can break the space barrier of this world.

Living in such a fragile world is like living in a house made of paper. If you don’t pay attention, you will poke a hole in the house. At that time, the feeling of being careful and afraid of using too much force makes people feel extremely uncomfortable. Let me ask, who Are you willing to live in such a place for a long time?
Leo knew very well that only a Thunder Fury could not defeat Sarah. At the moment when the power grid collided with the resentment, the demigod's hand surrounded by black energy slapped Sarah.


This is Sarah's attitude towards the Hand of the Demigod.

Facing the approaching demigod's hand, Sarah didn't even raise her head, relying only on the resentment of her bodyguard to block it.

Leo sighed, the strengthening of the demigod's hand has reached the point of no delay.


A meteorite whizzed down and hit Sarah with a bang, which made Leo feel that it was a pity that because the space here was too narrow, the meteorite had no potential energy at all, and it only relied on its own weight to crush the target, even Sarah's bodyguard. The grievances have not been broken.

It's a pity that the meteorite technique failed to make a contribution to Leo, but it was no accident. The purpose of using the meteorite technique has been achieved, and Sarah's attention was distracted, which made her not notice the changes on the ground.

A miniature volcano rose rapidly, and lava and flames filled the entire space. Before Sarah could make a move, Leo stretched out his hand.

The volcano exploded!
Boom boom boom...

The tyrannical energy flow exploded in groups, and the entire Inverted Abyss was like a detonated ammunition depot. Being in it, one felt that the world was crimson, and it was a scene of doomsday.

The violent energy directly shattered the space, this time it was no longer a space crack, but a space black hole with a diameter of 30 meters.

Leo hit with all his strength and injured the space barrier.

After the space black hole appeared, Leo did not pursue it any more. Instead, he stared at the black hole that crazily devoured energy in an attempt to heal himself in a daze. No, the word daze is not appropriate. To be precise, it should be thoughtful.The appearance of the space black hole gave Leo some inspiration and made him think of something, and now he is trying to grasp that flash of inspiration.

But, is it okay to be distracted in a combat state?

The lethality of the black hole in space is terrifying. Even if the gods are in the center of the black hole, they will be injured. What will happen to Sarah?
As early as the beginning of Leo's volcanic eruption, Sarah's protective grudges were blown away, and then the tyrannical energy hit her body directly, and the raging energy turbulence made her body sway like a grass in the strong wind Before Sarah stabilized her body, the space black hole appeared again, and she happened to be in the center of the space black hole. Even with the infinite grievance enough to kill the gods, Sarah was not lightly injured.

The cutting power of the space crack is not at the same level as that of the space black hole. Sarah can ignore the crack but can't win in front of the space black hole. In order to break free from the tear of the space black hole, Sarah has to cast a grudge skull and detonate it , to counter the black hole's suction, Sarah rushed out at the moment when the energy generated by the resentful skull's explosion cut off the space's black hole's suction.

Possessing the power to slaughter gods, and far stronger than Leo, but being forced into such a mess by Leo, the resentful souls in Sarah's body howled angrily. These guys who had lost their wisdom and only acted on instinct controlled Sarah to grab Leo.

The dark shield is broken!

Bone armor shattered!

The evil armor is broken!
The energy shield is broken!

Sarah grabbed with both hands, and Leo's protective shields shattered one after another. These magic shields that can prevent the attacks of demigods can't stop the crazy Sarah.

Finally, the lead singer appeared.

Sarah's hand grabbing Leo was blocked by the cantor's mark.

Sarah's second strike towards Leo was also blocked by the leader's mark.

The two consecutive attacks failed, the resentment in Sarah's body boiled like boiling water, and her third attack arrived.

The leader's mark was knocked aside, and the boiling resentment couldn't even be stopped by the leader's mark. At this time, Leo's body's protection had been completely broken, and there was no external force that could stop Sarah, with her hands wrapped in boundless resentment Grabbing Leo's chest, trying to break his heart.

"The resentful soul also wants to kill me?" Leo's train of thought was interrupted. Sarah's attack prevented him from grasping the flash of light that flashed in his mind when the space black hole appeared. "Get out!"


The flickering electric light of Thunder Fury changed color, bright white turned into deep purple, purple electricity!
Among the three demon gods of hell, the purple lightning of the feared demon god Diablo!

At the moment when Sarah's hands were about to catch Leo, the purple lightning from Thunder Fury hit Sarah, and the purple electricity covered her body, and Sarah screamed suddenly.

Do not!
It shouldn't be said that Sarah is screaming, the screaming is actually the wraith manipulating Sarah.

Purple Lightning is one of the abilities of Hell Demon God Diablo, and the medium used by Leo to cast Purple Lightning is Thunder Wrath, the divine tool for controlling lightning. The combination of the two is not as simple as one plus one, let alone Sarah The resentful souls in the body are not a whole, even if they are really melted into one, it cannot be stopped.

Violet lightning was continuously injected into Sarah's body through the fury of thunder, and the violent electric shock made the resentful souls in Sarah's body miserable. In the pain, the ills that the resentful souls were not one body were fully exposed—some of the resentful souls could not bear the purple lightning. The pain in the body wants to escape, while the other part of the resentful soul wants to continue to attack and attack. The wishes of the two parties diverge but they gather together in Sarah's body. No matter what they do, they must control Sarah's body. It's okay to have the same wishes, but now they disagree and must fight for control of Sarah's body.

As a result, the resentful souls began to fight.

When fighting with Leo, there was still internal strife, isn't this courting death?
Well, the resentful soul is actually dead long ago.

The internal strife made the resentful soul lose the last possibility of defeating Leo. When they were fighting for control of Sarah's body, Leo increased the output of purple current. Under the attack of purple electricity, the resentful soul in Sarah's body was Those who advocated continuing to attack or those who wanted to escape were killed in large numbers.

The number of resentful souls is decreasing, and the power of resentment will naturally weaken accordingly. More than half of the resentful souls have been wiped out by Leo's Zidian before they realize that the situation is not good.

After the death of these resentful souls, the resentment dissipated in the air, and the rich resentment filled the entire Morgan Cemetery, giving people a feeling that the air had become sticky.

Resentment is also a kind of energy, before Leo could not absorb it because these resentment were controlled by resentment, now the resentment that lost its owner is no owner, and it is just a thought for him to absorb it.

Izual and the blood god clone suddenly gave up the entanglement with the resentment skull, and the two turned into two rays of light, one golden and one red, and penetrated into Leo's body.

Gathering the power of two clones, the strength that Leo can use is more than doubled?
The purple current became thicker, and the resentful soul in Sarah died faster.

The resentful souls who realized that something was wrong joined forces again, but it was too late for them to stop their internal strife at this time. Most of the dead resentful souls were powerless to stop Zidian, even if the two separated resentment skulls returned to Sarah's body. It's just to slow down the speed of their defeat.

Resentment is too superficial in the use of power. Previously, the advantage of having more resentment power could not beat Leo, let alone now that the advantage of resentment power has disappeared?
In the sound of squeaking electricity, under the deep purple current, thousands of resentful souls perish every second, and large groups of resentful forces flow into the air. At this time, even Leo's He couldn't see objects three meters away, because the grievance was so thick that it formed a substance, covering the entire cemetery like a mist.

"What a strong energy!"

When Goldfinger spoke at this time, Leo couldn't help but despise him deeply. Needless to say, this guy's speaking at this time must be for profit.

"There are still so many corpses!"

Leo ignored Goldfinger, but that guy didn't care at all, he checked the surrounding situation on his own, and after finding an unknown number of bones in the Hanging Abyss, he cried out in surprise.

"Okay, okay, okay, that's great!"

After saying three good words in succession, one can imagine Goldfinger's excitement, but Leo still ignored him.

You don't show up during the battle, and you run out when you see something good, how can it be so cheap?
"What's even better is that this place is actually a closed independent space. No matter what happens in this independent space, the outside world will not be able to detect it. In this case, I have a suggestion."

Goldfinger couldn't help it when he found that Leo didn't pay attention to his intentions at all, and didn't absorb the grudges floating in the air.

If there is no business, there will be no killing, and if there is no benefit, Leo will not talk to him.

"Suggestion?" Leo raised his eyebrows, "Let's hear it."

"I knew that you would talk to me." Goldfinger despised Leo for a while, and then said his so-called suggestion, "Do you want to get more inheritance from the strong?"

"The strong man, hum, how strong is it?"

It would be a lie to say that Leo was not moved, but if what Goldfinger took out didn't satisfy him, he didn't mind continuing the stalemate. Anyway, it would take a long time to dispel all the resentful spirits in Sarah's body.

"Hey..." Goldfinger laughed, and there was an unconcealed pride in his laughter, as if he was sure that Leo would take the bait, "Leoric, the King of Darkness!"

 Today, nearly 6000 codes have been coded, but only more than [-] have been deleted and edited. Am I really that stupid?

(End of this chapter)

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