Necromancer in another world

Chapter 938 Appearance

Chapter 938 Appearance
Nightmare died so badly that one couldn't rest in peace. In fact, thinking about it, it is true. Whoever is forcibly held down, immobilized, and slashed with a sword by another person until he is hacked to death, who else can rest in peace?
This is not a question of whether to die or not, but a question of whether or not to die.

There are many murders, but such murders are really rare.

Killing Nightmare is just a small matter for Leo, the real big thing is Scarlett's safety and the increasingly clear feeling of something bad.

Karazhan is not a good place, and Scarlett must be taken away as soon as possible.

Leo thought so in his heart, so he must do so in action.

It's a pity that he wants to leave others, but it may not be as he wishes.


When Leo proposed to leave, Scarlett flatly refused.

Leave Harlan under construction and take the risk to come to Karazhan for what?
Isn't the purpose to gain enough power to kill the elemental throne to relieve the threat of the elemental gods?

Now that all obstacles in Karazhan have been eradicated, it is time to reap the fruits of victory, but Leo asked everyone to leave at this time, who would be willing?
It wasn't that Scarlett wanted to disobey Leo, but that Leo's reason was untenable. He left Karazhan just because he felt something bad would happen, and he gave up the loot he was about to get. Reluctantly.

In fact, Scarlett trusts Leo. Originally, she would not question Leo. The problem is that something in Karazhan is too important to her. She can't give up just because of an illusory feeling, let alone danger. , even if there is real danger, Scarlett will rush forward without hesitation.

That's what Leo was worried about. Why didn't he understand Scarlett's thoughts? Don't look at this silly girl who is always obedient to him. Once she made up her mind, Leo really couldn't do anything about her.

Leo doesn't know what Scarlett needs in Karazhan, but he knows how high Scarlett's expectations are for this trip to Karazhan.As the sole heir of the Lothar family and the queen of the Kingdom of Arathor, Scarlett's self-esteem does not allow herself to be a vase. In order to improve her strength, she will do it no matter how dangerous it is.

You silly girl, what kind of stubbornness are you doing at this time, it really gives me a headache.

Leo rubbed the center of his brows, his face was full of depression.

"Your Majesty, the Grand Duke did leave something in Karazhan, but he couldn't find it for a while. Why don't you leave this matter to me. Haran still needs His Majesty to preside over the overall situation."

Scarlett didn't want to leave Karazhan, and it wasn't just Leo who was anxious, Danas was even more anxious than Leo.

Bad thing!
As soon as Danas stood up, Leo knew it was bad. Scarlett didn't trust Danus at all, but she would guard him against important matters. It's okay if Danus didn't persuade him. won't leave.

Things really went as Leo thought, Scarlett did not accept Danas's persuasion, and from her expression, it was clear that her decision to stay was stronger than before.

Did Danas care about chaos or did he do it on purpose?
Leo glanced at Danas calmly, feeling even more worried.

Facing the imminent unknown danger, is it a disaster to have such a companion with an unknown enemy or us by his side?Or Fu?
Mind blowing!

While guarding and thinking about countermeasures, Leo raised his head inadvertently, but saw that a full moon had hung in the sky at some point, and the moonlight shone down, gently covering the whole world with a silver-white sandcloth.

"The moon is really full tonight."

Leo muttered in a low voice. Seeing the full moon, he remembered that Goldfinger once told him to pray to the moon when he had something to do.

This shows that Goldfinger is related to the moon god Elune, and Leo can use the power of the moon god to fight against the enemy if necessary.

As the only true god in this world, as long as he can get the protection of Elune, what is there to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Leo's heart suddenly settled down.

This is the benefit of having someone behind you. Even if you encounter troubles that you can't solve, you can find someone to support you.

"Little girl, I can feel the breath of the Codex of Light on your body."

A voice sounded abruptly, and at this moment Leo's heart skipped a beat, and that bad premonition reached its peak.


"Leo, quickly take Her Majesty the Queen!"

The first question belonged to Scarlett, and the second yell full of anxiety belonged to Danas.

"Huh?" The owner of the voice in the dark was very surprised, and after the surprise, he was angry like a volcanic eruption, "It's you! Damn little bug!"

Danas ignored the owner of the voice, he yelled at Leo anxiously: "Go! Take Her Majesty the Queen out of here!"

The abnormal behavior of Danas made Leo feel vigilant, because Leo clearly sensed a feeling called fear in Danas. It was not a general fear, but a fear from the heart. Trembling from the deepest part of the soul.

What can make Danas, a battle-tested commander, fear?
What can make a strong man like Danas who has killed countless enemies feel desperate?
There were countless thoughts in Leo's mind, but he didn't know much information, so he couldn't guess it for a while.

"Go? None of you can escape!"

After the voice hidden in the dark finished speaking, Karazhan was enveloped by an irresistible spiritual coercion. Under this spiritual coercion, let alone Danas couldn't fight against it, even Leo and Kaelsa Si was also pale, and his body was shaking one after another, as if he might fall down at any time.

It's hard for me to resist just relying on mental coercion. Who the hell is this guy?

A flash of horror flashed in Leo's eyes, even the pressure of the blood god Haka was far from being able to do this, so this guy who is hidden in the dark is stronger than Haka?
Haka is a well-known blood god, and the master of that spiritual coercion far surpasses Haka, and his strength is enough to confer godhood.

"Damn little bug, you were the one who ruined my good deed last time, do you think I will let you succeed this time?"

The master of spiritual coercion hated Danas deeply, and the two of them had long since formed a rift according to his tone.

"With me here, you can never succeed!"

That being said, anyone could tell that Danas was just trying to hold on, as he was half-kneeling on the ground under the pressure of the other party's mental coercion, he still had no strength to fight against the other party.

"Weak little reptile, even if you surrender to me, I will not accept you."

The owner of the voice made no secret of his contempt. He was extremely confident in his own strength, and he was not afraid of what tricks Danas could play.

"Weakness?" Danas hadn't spoken yet, but Leo answered. He countered with the same contemptuous tone, "A guy who can only hide in the dark and sneak around, what right does he have to despise others?"

"You can still talk!"

The owner of the voice seemed very surprised. He was too confident in his own power. Even if it was the spiritual coercion separated by several planes, only a very few people in this weak world could resist it. He was not surprised that Danas could barely speak, because The two sides have been in contact for a long time, but Leo, a young human being, can also speak, so he has to be surprised.

It is precisely because of Leo's interrupted voice that the owner began to pay attention to him, instead of treating him as an ant that can be ignored.

Such attention was a disaster, he found that Leo was actually a demigod with the power of law.

"It turned out to be a demigod who has mastered a little power of law. No wonder he dared to speak to me like that. It's a pity that reptiles are always reptiles. Even if you have the power of law, you can't hide your weak nature. You thought you could change it by yelling at me. Your own status? Childish and stupid flesh and blood creatures, you have dirty liquid flowing in your body, a group of scum that should be destroyed, this universe is humiliated by your existence."

Treating a demigod as a weak existence, needless to say the strength of the other party - god!
Flesh creature?

Leo's pupils shrank sharply. He had some guesses about the owner of the voice. If the identity of the other party was as he thought, then the other party's mental coercion alone would make it difficult for him even as a demigod to resist. It is not surprising at all.

However, if that guy's identity is true, what happened to the key to the Code of Light that he told Scarlett?

Leo's thoughts turned sharply, trying to find a way to deal with the current situation, but the other party didn't give him enough time.Just as he was thinking, the space around Scarlett suddenly broke open, and a sculpture slid out of the crack in the broken space.

This is……

Leo was choking for breath, he had a bad feeling, because the sculpture was Joan of Arc, a large magic puppet that could use the power of the Holy Light .

Could it be that the so-called key to unlocking the Code of Light is Joan of Arc?
Leo was confused. The other party put the key to unlock the Code of Light beside Scarlett. Are you afraid that she will use this to successfully open the Code of Light and use the power of the Code to deal with him?
Does this guy look down on the Code of Light? He is too crazy!
Leo instinctively felt that something was wrong. There is no desire to help others in this world, and even if there is, it will not be the master of the spiritual force that is suppressing him so hard to move.

"Mortal, accept the gift from God, you will have endless power!"

His condescending tone and charitable attitude made people feel uncomfortable no matter how they heard it.

"I reject!"

It is true that the purpose of Scarlett coming to Karazhan is to get the key to open the Codex of Light, but she is not willing to achieve her goal in this way.With her temperament, how could she accept that charity-like gift, not to mention that the other party obviously has no good intentions, only a fool would do what he wishes.

"Reject?" The owner of the voice laughed wildly as if hearing the funniest joke, "Do you have the right to refuse in front of me? Stupid mortal!"

"What kind of skill is bullying a woman?" Two rays of light, one gold and one red, flew out of Leo's body. Yi Zuer, the blood god avatar and Leo himself, the aura of the three attracted each other, and they were mutual aid. They could have suppressed him in the first place. The spiritual coercion was broken immediately, "Let me learn your skills, Dark Titan Sargeras."

(End of this chapter)

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