Necromancer in another world

Chapter 952 Adal's Strength

Chapter 952 Adal's Strength
Kil'jaeden was willing to spend the capital, and sent out the three generals under him at once. Unfortunately, Brutallus, Aurelis, and Saloras are stronger than Gruul and Adal. It is far from enough to watch, and this time I will probably enjoy a chicken-flying-egg show.

Leo laughed straight, he was looking forward to the reaction of Gruul and Adal.

Seeing the demons of the Burning Legion appear, Adal wasn't surprised at all. It would be really strange if the Burning Legion didn't respond when the one-eyed Gron made such a big commotion in the battle with his side.

Compared with Adal's indifference, Gruul seemed extremely excited. Who made those four one-eyed Grons his sons? Who made those four one-eyed Grons be traitors in his eyes?

He has never encountered such a betrayal since he was born. When he saw the four one-eyed Grons under Leo, his eyes turned red. Not only did he want to kill the four betrayers, but he also wanted to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. Rip to shreds any creature that dares to offend him.

Gruul's anger was directed at the four one-eyed Grons who became Leo's subordinates. In his eyes, they were traitors. In Gruul's view, as his own son, he helped others to deal with him , no matter what happened to those four one-eyed Grons, and no matter whether those four one-eyed Grons died once, it is unforgivable.

Don't say Gruul is unreasonable, and don't try to reason with Gruul, because there's no reason to be with Dragonslayer.

The word "reasonable" has never appeared in Gruul's dictionary.

As the strongest creature in Draenor, Gruul is a tyrant to the extreme.

Gruul was full of hostility, it didn't matter if he was so angry, but Adal misunderstood it, but it was very bad.

Gruul's anger Adal thought it was directed at him, the leader of the naaru mistakenly thought that Gruul was going to attack him, so he reacted immediately.

A golden beam of light with a diameter of [-] meters fell from the sky. The source of the golden beam was the Storm Fortress where Adal was, and its end point was where Gruul was.

Adal understands the truth that it is better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster, so he wants to preemptively strike.

The golden beam of light fell down. The energy contained in it was so strong and the lethality was so great that even Gruul, who was the strongest creature in the world of Draenor, did not dare to take it lightly.Unexpectedly, the speed of light was too fast, even if Gruul wanted to avoid the golden beam of light, he couldn't do it.

Since you can't avoid it, you can only get smashed.

Gruul the dragon slayer, this is completely unthinkable for the native creatures in Draenor, but for Adal who is on the same level as Gruul Not really a big deal.

The golden beam of light hit Gruul's forehead, and the silent energy exploded. The dazzling golden light exploded, and the huge mountain-like figure of the dragon slayer swayed twice.

Adal's blow sent Gruul staggering, nearly knocking him to the ground.

The naaru leader put Gruul at a disadvantage with one blow.

From the moment of birth to the present, no one knows how many years have passed, there is no creature that can make the thick-skinned Gruul feel pain, but now, after being hit by Adal's golden beam of light , Gruul was beaten.

Gruul the Dragonslayer, the world's strongest creature on Draenor, has been beaten.

It was the first time in his life that he felt pain, and it was still being beaten by the enemy. Gruul's reaction could be imagined with his toes.

A tyrannical aura that wanted to tear everything apart emanated from Gruul's body. This aura was so strong that even Leo in the distance frowned.

The qi erupted by Gruul was too strong, far beyond Leo's expectation. He knew that Gruul was powerful, but Leo didn't know that Gruul's strength was so strong.

It seems that my estimate of Gruul's strength is a bit low.

Leo rubbed his chin with a serious look on his face.

Gruul's strength exceeded his estimate, which meant that the strength of Adal, who was on the same level as him, was also above Leo's estimate.

The development of things has a tendency to go out of his control. This kind of situation is the last thing Leo wants to encounter, because once it happens, it means that he is in trouble.

It is not easy to deal with such tyrannical existences as Gruul and Adal. Based on Leo's previous estimation of their strength, it is not easy to reap the benefits of the fisherman. Now the strength of these two guys It's higher than expected, so what is it if it's not even more difficult?In such a situation, no matter who is replaced, it will not be easy, no matter who is in Leo's position, it will not be in a good mood.

"This world is so difficult, it's so difficult to find a bargain."

Leo shook his head in distress, but now he can't make any moves, otherwise if Adal and Gruul notice him, he might have some accidents.

Letting the one-eyed Gron out of Leo was already a risk, and the one who deceived Adal and Gruer was unprepared. This kind of thing can never be done again. The only thing he can do now is to hide himself well and prevent the two tops The strong see through his stealth.

It's risky to make small moves, so I'll just wait and see how it gets better.

Leo waited silently, waiting for the shopping between Adal and Gruer, he knew he wouldn't wait too long.

It turns out that Leo was right.

With Gruul's character, will he not retaliate after suffering a loss?
Of course not.

Since Gruul wanted to take revenge on A'dal, he had to launch an attack. In this way, the shopping between Gruul and A'dal officially began.

The earth trembled, trembling with Gruul's rage.

In the violent shaking of the ground under his feet, Gruul's hands had already been inserted into the ground, and all the big hands with only three fingers sank into the ground.

Just when everyone was wondering about Gruul's behavior, something shocking happened.

Click!Click! ...

The shaking of the ground became more and more severe, and even Leo, who was standing in the distance, felt unsteady on his feet. Accompanied by this feeling came the rapidly growing cracks on the ground.

Gruul the Dragon Slayer is indeed worthy of being the strongest creature in the world of Draenor. He actually tore apart the land of Netherstorm with his hands.


That's right, tearing!
Gruul's arm exerted strength, and he forcibly pulled out a huge rock with a length of more than 300 meters from the ground. Obviously, this huge rock was the product of the Draenor world explosion. The battle between Dahl, which already made its home beneath the Netherstorm, reappeared.

A gigantic boulder weighing over [-] junctures was held in Gruel's hands just like that. Seeing this, Adal murmured inwardly, and the golden shield rushed to smash the boulder towards the front shield of the void storm before Gruel swung his arm. The city where the draenei lived.

There was another loud noise, and the boulder thrown by Gruul hit the Storm Fortress.


The sound of objects shattering echoed in the sky above the void storm. Adalbu's protective spell could not completely block Gruul's attack. Under the impact of the boulder, fine cracks appeared on the golden shield. These cracks were short In just three seconds, the entire shield was covered. From Leo's point of view, Storm Fortress looked like a smashed egg.

Adal's shield still seemed inferior to Gruul's spear.

Leo also commented on his mood. It wasn't his Naxxramas that was smashed, but the Draenei's Storm Fortress. It wasn't his stuff that was going to be violently destroyed by the dragon slayer, so someone was extremely calm.

If Velen, who was in a hurry to get angry, knew what Leo was thinking now, how would Bao Buqi go crazy.

Unfortunately, a hypothesis is a hypothesis because it cannot be true.So Leo still leisurely watched Gruul grab the boulder again and smash things, while Velen stayed in the Storm Fortress and was busy comforting his clansmen.

No one knows Adal's current expression, no one knows what the Naaru leader is thinking now, and no one knows what kind of response he will make.

Wait, the only way to know the answer is to wait.

Golden light, golden light again!
A golden beam of light twice as big as the previous one blasted towards Gruul from the Storm Fortress.

The word "boom" is used to indicate the fact that the rays of light emitted from the Netherstorm are more powerful and more lethal than the one that staggered Gruul before.


Gruel, who was hit by the beam of light, let out a painful roar, and a trace of blood flowed down his forehead, and the wound was exactly where he was hit by A'dal's attack.

Gruul the Dragonslayer is wounded.

The mightiest creature in the world of Draenor has been injured.

Adal is really good!
Lei Ao praised secretly in his heart, but then he laughed evilly.

Adal's blow certainly showed his strength, making people dare not underestimate him, but it also turned Gruul and Naru into a deadly situation.With Gruer's temperament, he must go crazy after being injured, and he won't let it go until he sees Adal to the death.

Let's fight, let's fight, the more intense you fight, the better, the harder you fight, the more strength you consume, the more convenient it is for me to act.

Someone in his heart wished that Gruul and A'dal would fight each other, if it wasn't for hiding his whereabouts, he would have already shouted loudly at this time to cheer for the desperate two sides.

I am afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and I am talking about someone now.

Another mountain-like boulder was thrown into the sky, and Gruul, who possessed perfect power and the law of the earth system, met with tragedy in the land of Netherstorm.

In the howling wind like a cannonball, the Storm Fortress of the Draenei came into close contact with the huge boulder. Under the impact of the huge force, even the Storm Fortress, which is like a city in the sky, couldn't help shaking again and again, being in the Storm Fortress The draenei were shaken to this side, screaming again and again.

The hateful one-eyed Gron, the hateful Gruul, dare to destroy my homeland!
The draenei hated the provocative one-eyed Gron, but unfortunately, the other party didn't take them seriously at all. In Gruul's eyes, the only enemy was A'dal.

"Gruul, Tempest Keep is not a place where you can do whatever you want."

A golden luminous man with infinite light and heat all over his body appeared and floated in the air, looking down at Gruul. In order to prevent the Netherstorm from being attacked again, A'dal appeared on his own initiative.

 Now I'm out of town, not at home, and I don't have a computer with me. I use a mobile phone to type, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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