Necromancer in another world

Chapter 954 Are you in a hurry?

Chapter 954 Are you in a hurry?

"Should we leave now?"

Kael'thas asked Leo. It has been an hour since Gruul and A'dal started to fight. In such a long period of time, fighting against opponents of the same level, even if they are stronger than Gruul and A'dal. The creatures also showed fatigue.

Maybe other people didn't realize it. They only saw that Gruul's attack was still fierce, and A'dal's defense was still impregnable, but Kael'thas, who was a demigod mage, clearly noticed their weakening.

Different from Leo's idea, Kael'thas didn't just want to wait for the leader of the naaru and the dragon slayer to fight each other before taking action. The blood elf prince wanted to use this opportunity to confront Adal and Gruul head-on. , in order to experience the strength of the other party and at the same time make myself a breakthrough under pressure.

In order to close the gap with Leo, Kael'thas didn't mind taking risks.

"Are you in a hurry?" Leo asked back. In fact, why doesn't he want to fight against someone who is far superior to him, and it is not Kael'thas's unique idea to use the pressure put on him by the opponent to stimulate his own potential. Speaking of taking action, although this time is not the most suitable, it is almost the same, but we still have to solve some small troubles before intervening in the battle between Gruul and Adal."

Little trouble?
Yes, in Leo's eyes, Murukilu and Brutalus are minor troubles.

After fighting for so long, even Gruul and Adal are showing signs of fatigue, let alone Muru, Brutalus and others?

The naaru and the three demon powerhouses of the Burning Legion felt that they were running out of power, and the offensives of both sides had weakened a lot. If they were to be dealt with, Leo and Kael'thas would still be able to deal with them. It's really not a problem.

"Leave the devil to me, and Naru to you." Leo added, "Of course, those four one-eyed Grons will help you restrain them."

The demon Leo of the Burning Legion will not let it go. Who told Kil'jaeden to send Brutalus out? This abyss lord is a great supplement. Whether Mannoroth can recover his strength depends on this. battle.

Leo had the urge to laugh out loud at the thought of owning a destroyer who could recover his strength.

Two huge two-headed monsters in the sky roared and flew towards the battlefield from a distance. This is a creature that has never appeared in the world of Draenor. They are Chimeroc.

The two demigod creatures would definitely cause a big commotion in other places, but they only stirred up a small wave here.

Compared with Gruul and Adal, Lamark and Lacamera can only obediently play small roles.

With two Chimerok demigod guards on his head, Amaron commanded Arathor's army to carefully avoid the battle circle where the demigods fought, and fought with the demon army.


Seeing the appearance of Arathor's soldiers, the demons were taken aback for a moment, and then killed them excitedly.

Choose one of the one-eyed Gron, Naru, and humans as an opponent. Humans are of course the first choice for demons.

Persimmons have to be picked and squeezed softly, how could the devil not understand this truth?

So after seeing the Arathor army commanded by Amaron, all the demons left Naru and the one-eyed Gron and turned around to kill them. It can be seen from their ferocious and bloodthirsty expressions that they are looking forward to tearing humans apart Seeing the splash of human flesh and blood, listening to the wailing and pain of human beings, and feeling the horror and despair of human beings.

Demons have such a mentality, that is, they put themselves in the position of hunters from the beginning, and they didn't take humans seriously at all.

There is a price to be paid for underestimating the enemy, and a little carelessness on the battlefield will bring devastating disasters.

The soldiers commanded by Amaron are not rookies who are on the battlefield for the first time. They were all specially placed by Leo in Naxxramas, the demons occupying the Dark Portal in Hellfire Peninsula, and Hellfire Fortress. The evil orcs fought continuously, and after fierce battles, they were the elites who had been killed on the real battlefield.

Facing an army composed of veterans who have fought many battles, the end of carelessly underestimating the enemy is-death!

"Fire arrows!"

As soon as the demon rushed up, a round of arrows rained down on him.

The demon who rushed to the front only felt his eyes go dark, a gust of wind rushed towards his face, and then he felt severe pain all over his body, and then he didn't know anything.

Shooting and killing hundreds of demons in a round of arrow rain does not satisfy Amaron. If she is given another year, the results will definitely be doubled.

Arathor's current soldiers still lack systematic training, and some things that take time to accumulate and countless training to improve are their shortcomings.

The death of a companion does not frighten the demons, it only makes them angry and excited.

The reason for anger is because of human resistance, and the reason for excitement is also because human beings are resisting.

From the point of view of the demons, when facing powerful demons like them, weak races like humans should obediently lie on the ground and die, or hide in a corner trembling.

As a weak person, one must have the consciousness of being slaughtered by the strong, but human beings resisted. If this is not provoking the strong, how can the devil not be angry?
However, it is good to kill a target who dare not resist, but if the target resists fiercely, wouldn't it stimulate one's nerves and arouse one's desire to kill?
Under such stimulation, the demon's nerves became excited.

Are humans really weak lambs?
Maybe some people were, but the Arathor soldiers who survived the battle on the Hellfire Peninsula were definitely not. Facing the grinning demon who rushed through the rain of arrows to stop him, the soldiers waved their weapons without hesitation.

Puff puff……

Although the sound of the sharp blade piercing into the body is small, hundreds of thousands of small ones can gather into a torrent, a torrent that cannot be concealed, gaining a place in the noisy battlefield.

Under the disbelieving eyes of the demons, the soldiers of Arathor harvested their lives, and let these demons who rely on their own strength understand that human beings are not lambs to be slaughtered!

"What are you doing, a bunch of idiots! You let weak humans kill so many of us, trash!"

A demon leader holding a double-edged ax rushed up while roaring at his fellow clansmen. His weapon, which was as tall as a man, slashed several Arathor soldiers with blood on the spot. If no one stopped this demon, even if he could finally There would be no small price to pay for killing his human soldiers.


Leo summoned the Hunger, and the demon guard in heavy armor and holding two giant swords rushed directly to his own kind without saying a word.

"Ordered to kill!"

Before the Taragamans arrived, the weapons arrived first. A blood-red door-panel sword was thrown by him, and with a howling wind, it stabbed at the demon leader holding a double-edged axe.

Throwing a weapon before fighting me, this kind of guy who takes refuge in humans is really an idiot.

The demon leader stretched out his weapon with a sneer, and was about to pull aside the big sword thrown by Taragaman when he suddenly found a faint light on the bloody sword.

This is not an ordinary throw but a skill!
The demon leader thought something bad, but unfortunately he found out too late.

The big sword pierced through the body of the demon leader, and the blade plunged into the ground, nailing the demon leader to the ground.

Poor daemon boss, the last thing he saw was a smug grin, a sneer that Talagaman had given him for free after killing him with a wraith blow.

"The host killed Sucrates..."

Leo scratched his face, the name of the demon leader was familiar to him.

Isn't this the demon leader in the Arcatraz, why did he come here?
No, now that the Burning Crusade hasn't even started, how can there be an Arcatraz?

After thinking for a while, Leo was relieved.

Whether it is the native world where humans live or this broken world of Draenor, because of his appearance has inevitably changed, and it is normal that some things are different from the so-called historical trajectory.

"Damn it, you actually killed Sucrates!"

A female demon screamed and rushed to Taragaman. This female demon had four arms and swung four long swords with four arms to dance out of the sword screen, making it impossible for the soldiers who wanted to stop her along the way.

Another one came to die.

Taragaman didn't let go of the opponent's gender. In fact, there is no concept of pity in the concept of demons. No matter what gender the opponent is, they will treat them equally. Appear.

Since you are an enemy, if you want to fight, it is a life-and-death situation. At this time, you still talk about gentlemanly demeanor to the enemy. Are you stupid or out of your mind? —Well, at least the devil thinks so.

Because the female demon leader rushed over too fast, Taragaman had no time to draw out the great sword that crucified Sucrates, so he had no choice but to swing another weapon to meet the enemy.One sword against four swords, and the ranks of the two sides are very close. Although Taragaman will not suffer, he cannot defeat his opponent.

The female demon with four hands appeared together with Sukrates again. Could it be the doomsday prophet Dallian who fought against Taragaman?If this is the case, it is really doubtful that Taragaman wants to win.

Leo snapped his fingers with a snap, and the demon lord Immotar entered the battlefield.


An unpleasant sharp sound came from the demon army, it was the unique sound of the void lord.

As a warlock, Leo is no stranger to the demonic language. Hearing the demonic language of the void lord, he muttered: "You actually said that I bullied the few with more. By the way, since when did the demons also follow the rules of the world?"

A blue-black hemispherical dome with an area of ​​[-] square meters covered Immotar, and Immotar couldn't break free with his strength.

"This is..." Leo looked a little surprised, "The domain!"

Domain, a special ability that can only be possessed when one has comprehended a certain level of power but has no ability to comprehend the law. It is known as the strongest ability under the law, and some powerful beings who have not touched the law can even use the domain The power of the demigod against the power of the law.

"Void Domain?" Leo observed it and made a judgment on the nature of the domain, "Is it Selekes? It seems that Immotar has met a good opponent."

(End of this chapter)

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