Chapter 957
The battle in Storm Fortress did not have any impact on A'dal. It's not that he didn't care about the draenei, but he knew that Velen was strong. Under his command, Storm Fortress wouldn't fall so easily, not to mention that the blood elves were sending After the first army, there was no movement. Without follow-up reinforcements, it was impossible to capture it with the blood elf troops that entered Storm Fortress alone.

The most important thing for Adal now is not other things, but how to deal with Gruul.

The battle with the dragon slayer turned into a war of attrition, and as far as A'dal was concerned, he was very happy.

Naaru, who is an energy creature, is really taking advantage of fighting in the void storm. Behind him is the twisting void, from which he can obtain endless energy to replenish his body, and A'dal is not afraid of anyone in a war of attrition.

To defeat Adal in such a place, unless he could be seriously injured or even killed in one blow, what awaited his opponent would be slowly consumed by him.

Judging from Gruul's performance, the dragon slayer didn't know this, otherwise he wouldn't have fought a protracted battle with Adal for more than an hour, causing him to lack physical strength.

Seeing that Gruul's offensive was weakening, Adal estimated the situation on the field. Although it was not the best time, it was not too bad. Lu and the others are not necessarily so.

With a decision in his heart, A'dal's aura immediately changed, and his body, which had been somewhat bleak due to the long fighting time, was gradually becoming brighter.

Gruul was taken aback, and took a closer look, only to find that A'dal was actually absorbing energy directly from the Twisting Nether during the battle. With the Twisting Void as the source of energy, A'dal's battle endurance was almost infinite.

"A'dal, the big light bulb, really has a hand, what should Gruel do now?"

Lei Ao held his chin, looked at the two fighting with interest, and waited for the next change.Everyone has such a hole card, Adal has it, Gruer must have it, and when the two sides are close in strength, it depends on whose hole card is stronger.

"Besides, Gruul and Adal have been fighting for a long time."

That's right, grow!
In battle, it has the ability to infinitely enhance the owner's combat power - growth!
Leo doesn't know how much Gruul's growth has added to his combat power, but one or two hours is three to four hours, such a long time is enough to raise Gruul's strength to a terrifying level.

This term is perfectly appropriate for the current Gruul.

Sensing that Adal has played his hole card, Gruer no longer hides his clumsiness.

In Netherstorm, the Naaru leader's trump card is that he can extract energy from the Twisting Nether, and has endless combat endurance. This ability is not afraid of any attrition battles, only afraid of quick decisive battles that can be won with one move.

Unfortunately, Gruer's hole card was exactly the one Adal feared most.

Amidst the manic roar of the dragon slayer, Gruul's mountain-like body swelled suddenly, and his aura became more and more terrifying.

Leo rubbed his chin vigorously, and exclaimed: "Gruul is going berserk!"

Berserk, Leo also has the ability to crazily increase the attack power, and Leo's rampage is still an extremely rare autonomous rampage among berserk abilities, but is Leo's rampage comparable to the existential rampage of Gruul?

Gruul's aura soared in an instant, and Adal turned pale with fright, and before the leader of the Naaru could make any reaction, the hill-like fist had already struck.

This time Gruul changed his target, and the point of his fist was no longer Storm Fortress, but A'dal flying in the sky.

Gruul suddenly changed his attack target. A'dal was not unprepared. However, Gruul's fist was too fast, and after being locked by him, A'dal couldn't move. Dodge.

Since you can't avoid it, since you can't avoid it, then resist it.

A'dal's reaction was also quick, and he immediately cast the spell when he knew he couldn't dodge, but what happened next left A'dal in shock.

Protective spells are what Adal is best at, and this is why he has the confidence to resist Gruul's punch.

However, at this critical juncture, the protective spell could not be cast.

Cannot cast spell!

Adal's heart went cold.

In order to achieve a one-hit kill effect, Gruul took out his other hole card - Echo.

Before launching the attack, Gruul's roar was not an ordinary roar, but a sonic skill with the ability to prohibit magic.

Using roars to cover up the sound waves of the forbidden demon, Gruul's treachery and cunning are inversely proportional to his appearance, and it is unknown how many strong people were killed by him.

Now, Adal looks set to become part of Gruul's record.

The fists came crashing down like collapsing mountains, and A'dal, who couldn't even use the body protection spell, could only watch helplessly as he was hit. It wasn't that A'dal had no other countermeasures, but it took time to use these methods. In any case, he never imagined that Gruul actually possessed the ability to suppress demons and would allow him to be hit without realizing it. The violent blow from the dragon slayer was taken by A'dal.

Seeing that A'dal's entire body was smashed by Gruul's fist, and the body of the leader Naaru turned into countless golden light spots under this fierce blow, everyone had a question in their hearts: Is A'dal dead?
Of course not!
As the leader of the naru, Adal is a powerhouse at the same level as Gruel. Even though Gruul's strength is now extremely terrifying under the blessing of growth, he wants to kill Adal instantly with a single punch. , don't even think about it.

The scattered light spots regrouped towards a certain place in the air, and before Gruul retracted his fist, Adal reappeared.

As expected, Adal did not die.

Leo nodded slightly. An energy creature like Adal's level cannot be killed with a single blow. To deal with such a guy, he must be seriously injured many times in a very short period of time, otherwise he will be killed in a short time. Recover - don't forget, this is the void storm, and the energy of the twisting void is continuously being replenished into A'dal's body.

The violent blow failed to kill Adal, and Gruel was not surprised. After retracting his fist, Gruel followed up with another punch.

A'dal's expression changed when he saw this. This punch was a complete replica of the previous punch. When Gruel punched, not only was his movement blocked, but he couldn't even cast spells.

What kind of ability does Gruul have that can even block my spells!

A'dal was shocked, but his movements were not slow.

I saw an arm-thin golden light group on his body quickly separated, and after the light group separated from A'dal's body, it went straight to the fist hit by Gruul.


Dazzling light!
When the fist collided with the golden light ball, the light ball separated from A'dal's body exploded soundlessly, and a golden sun appeared in the void storm, emitting endless light and heat.This light makes people feel irresistible, and this heat makes people feel warm, but at the same time, there is a trace of fear from the soul.

Weird feeling!
Leo shook his head, summoned his mana to block the golden light outside his body, and isolated the heat away. After doing all this, the strange feeling disappeared from his heart.

There is indeed a problem with this light!

Sensing the disappearance of the strangeness, Leo narrowed his eyes slightly. He now distrusts the Naaru even more, not even Velen's draenei.

Originally, these extraterrestrial creatures were unknown. Everything they experienced, and the history they said happened in the world of Argus, were all said by themselves.

How credible is it to talk to yourself?

Such as Naru, an extraterritorial creature, who does not know their background and cooperates with them, who can guarantee that he will not be trapped to death?

If you are alone, maybe you can still try it, as long as you are careful, it is not a big deal, but it is related to the whole world and the life and death of countless people, Leo dare not try it, and he can't afford it.

"So, Naru, you can go with peace of mind. As for your grievances with the Burning Legion, we humans will help you understand."

Leo squinted his eyes, and under the dazzling golden light, he looked at A'dal coldly.


Gruul's roar echoed over the void storm again, and there was a bit of pain in this life's roar.

The dragon slayer was injured, and the injury was serious!

Leo had a slightly shocked expression on his face, but he smiled even more happily in his heart.

It's okay to be injured, if you don't get hurt, how can you lose both?
Leo couldn't see Adal's expression clearly, but the light on his body surface was somewhat dimmer than when he appeared on the stage. Anyone could deduce that his situation at this time was extremely bad.

Thinking about it, Adal was hit hard by Gruul first, and even his body was broken. If he was not an elemental creature, he would have been killed by Gruul long ago.After suffering such a severe injury, he forcibly separated the essence energy in his body to resist Gruul's attack. At this time, A'dal's vitality was seriously injured, so how could his situation be better.

Adal was having a hard time, and Gruul was also having a hard time.

Adal, who was severely injured by the dragon slayer, was furious. The part of the energy he separated was the original essence that made him up. Even Gruul's tyrannical body couldn't take it when such energy exploded. Under the dazzling golden color, Gruul's entire right arm exploded, and the stench of blood made the entire battlefield suffocating.

Adal was injured, and Gruul had his right arm crippled. The battle was already tragic at this point, but it wasn't enough.

not enough?

Yes, not enough!
Far from enough!

The combat power of Adal and Gruul at this time is still not something that Leo can kill. If he wants to successfully become a fisherman who reaps the benefits, Leo has to let them fight harder and suffer more serious injuries. , the strength consumes a little more.

With a wicked smile, Leo called out his angel clone, Yi Zuer.

"Izual, it's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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