Necromancer in another world

Chapter 962 The Silent Battlefield

Chapter 962 The Silent Battlefield

Since the Battle of Galadar, Nagrand has always been in a strange atmosphere.

The alliance and the blood elves built a city in Haran, and the elemental throne behind the ruins of Galadar erupted from time to time with four waves of hostile god pressure. The creatures in the area are always nervous, because they don't know when a war will break out that will affect their pond fish.

Today, that confrontation is broken.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that one party can't help but take the initiative, but the aura of the four elemental gods on the elemental throne is moving quickly to the distance.

With one side missing from the confrontation, the atmosphere will naturally not become tense.

Did the four elemental gods give up the elemental throne?

Obviously, this is not possible.

Sinasaraia and Sindragosa looked in the direction of the elemental throne, and the two dragon queens had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

As soon as Leo conveyed the news of the outbreak of the void storm to them, the four elemental gods on the Throne of the Elements changed, and the latter clearly went to the void storm.

Want to stop them?

Sindragosa and Sinai Salaya hesitated. It would be fine if the four elemental gods really went to the void storm, but if they had something to ambush them, wouldn't it be in their favor?

Fortunately, the development of the matter did not embarrass them. After being notified by Sinai Saraya, Leo replied to them by telling them to stick to Haran and ignore other things.

The distance between Netherstorm and the Throne of Elements is not short. Even if the four elemental gods are gods, they can't reach them for a while. Leo has enough time to do certain things, such as the earth spirit emblem mentioned by Goldfinger.

Originally, Leo was still scolding Goldfinger for being stingy, but after reading the description of the Earth Spirit Emblem, he didn't think so.

"You guys are like roundworms in my stomach, you know what I want, hehe, not bad, not bad."

The last moment he was scolding the other party for being stingy, and now he is praising the other party. The speed at which someone changed his face is really embarrassing.

Goldfinger was completely speechless towards this guy, and he regretted it now, why did he choose such a host, this guy's thick skin was so thick that even he couldn't stand it, so he simply ignored him and just hid himself.

If he didn't get an answer, Leo ignored it, as long as he knew that the appearance of the earth spirit emblem would greatly help him in something he was about to do.

A whirlpool of white mist covered Gruul's body, and this was Leo collecting the spoils.

Compared to growth and the Dragon's Spine Medal, Gruul's corpse was what Leo valued most at this time. As for the Earth Spirit Emblem, that was completely an accident.

Kael'thas glanced at Leo, and stood between the corpses of several naaru and Gruul with a calm expression, blocking the sight of several naaru.

Leo laughed when he saw this, and Kael'thas expressed his support for him with practical actions. Of course, this was also related to what he told Kael'thas before.

In order to prevent accidents, Mannoroth stood next to Gruul's body with a bloody double-headed war spear. The tip of the spear dripping with blood warned everyone - don't have evil intentions, or don't blame Uncle Ma for being rude.

The battlefield fell silent, and the scene of Leo killing the dragon slayer Gruul shocked everyone.

First, the four one-eyed Grons blew themselves up without warning, then Gruul killed and devoured his two sons, and then the two Gruul's sons blew themselves up—in the eyes of outsiders, the truth of the matter was that Gruul The son of Ruhr was not willing to be Gruul's food, so he launched the ultimate ultimate move of self-destruction. In the end, Leo's Death Scythe, which made people despair at the first sight, has been rampant in the world of Draenor for thousands of years. Ruhr was killed by Leo on the spot.

The dragon slayer is dead, and there is only the last one left of the One-Eyed Goron family... maybe not even the last one left.

Shocked by Gruul's death, the last one-eyed Goron was terrified and completely lost his fighting spirit.

Even the mighty Gruul was killed, how dare he stay here?
One-eyed Gron ignored Ilsa's bone whip, and fled far away with his head in his arms. Leo was about to be chased by others, but he seemed to have sensed something and decisively gave up on the one-eyed Gron.

"The speed is really fast, but it's a pity that you are still a step slower."

Leo pursed his lips, and Leo's face showed a bit of disdain. The four elemental gods on the elemental throne arrived after the battle. Their appearance had no effect except to make the atmosphere more tense.

While collecting Gruul's body, Leo notified the generals of the alliance, such as Windsor and Anweimar, to gather the army of the alliance and withdraw them to the outside of the battlefield. After one-eyed Gron's desperate screams, four powerful forces exploded in the direction in which the one-eyed Gron was escaping, and the screams stopped abruptly.

The last one-eyed Gron also died, and the one-eyed Gron clan that had been rampant in the world of Draenor for thousands of years was wiped out today.

Leo looked indifferently in the direction of the one-eyed Gron screaming, just as he thought, the four elemental gods would not let go of the opportunity to exterminate the one-eyed Gron, and the escaped one-eyed Gron was killed by them.

After waving his hand, Leo said to Amaron and other alliance officers who had gathered the army: "Let's go."

I walked gently, just as I came lightly, I waved my sleeves, and only took away... er, a few corpses!
Well, Leo admits that he is not that chic, and he is not like the protagonists in some crooked novels - all kinds of arrogance and all kinds of waves. He just doesn't want to get into the muddy water, or he has other ideas.

After this battle, the strength of Naru was greatly weakened. Not only Kirumuru and others were injured, but even the leader Adal was captured by Kil'jaeden. What will happen is unpredictable.

Leo will not stay in this dangerous place if a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Let them resolve any conflicts between foreign groups like the Naaru and the local gods of the Draenor world. Leo and the Alliance China's army has no need or obligation to be a peacemaker.

The alliance's army suddenly withdrew. Although Kiru and Muru felt strange, they didn't stop them. If Leo and the others hadn't participated in today's battle, the Naru would really not be able to close this field, at least after Adal was defeated. After Kil'jaeden's sneak attack, Muru and the others were unable to fight against Gruul, let alone kill him.

If Gruul didn't die, the naaru and draenei could only find a way to escape, maybe they would have to wander in the universe again.

As far as Muru and the others are concerned about Leo's mentality, they are very grateful to Leo. After all, Leo saved them a powerful enemy. If it wasn't for the fact that Leo was obviously not interested in contacting them, Muru and the others would have greeted him in the morning. .

Why is this human being so indifferent towards us?

Several naaru communicated secretly with their spiritual power. Now that Adal was taken away, they urgently needed a powerful ally like Leo, and found that Leo was not interested in contacting them. Naturally, the naaru Think about it.

This guy Leo left just like that?
Kael'thas was puzzled. After receiving an extremely cryptic look from Leo, the blood elf prince suppressed his doubts, and flew back to the energy ship under the support of Phoenix Ao. After he returned to the energy ship, the ship was The airship that the blood elves snatched from the draenei slowly started and flew towards the direction where the alliance army was withdrawing.

The blood elves' energy ships are about to rendezvous with Naxxramas of the Alliance.

Normally, Velen would definitely prevent this from happening. He didn't want to see the blood elves getting too close to the alliance, but at this moment, he wished that the blood elves' large army would leave as soon as possible.

As smart as Velen, he couldn't see that there was something wrong with the blood elves. As the battle progressed, the blood elves who came to attack the Storm Fortress had obviously abnormal auras - Velen felt the devil's presence on them. smell.

Some blood elves were corrupted by the power of demons and took refuge in the Burning Legion.

After understanding this problem, a new problem appeared again.

Are the blood elf troops who are now attacking Storm Fortress and taking refuge in the Burning Legion launched on their own to cooperate with Kil'jaeden's actions, or were they sent by Kael'thas?

If it's the former, then there's no problem, but if it's the latter, Kael'thas and the others are just too stupid. This is clearly killing two birds with one stone, killing people with a knife.Not only did the draenei use the hands of the draenei to destroy the rebels in the clan, but they also used the Passalene to weaken the draenei. From Velen's standpoint, the blood elves were too poisonous.

"Velen would be mad with rage if he found out."

Solanlian standing behind Kael'thas said so, her face was covered by a piece of blue shadow elements, only two eyes shining like stars were exposed, outsiders had no idea what she was thinking.

The Great Astrologer has been monitoring Passalen and his troops. It is precisely because of her presence that Passalen knows that the situation is wrong but dare not make any changes. It is not that Passalen is not brave enough, but that Solanli Ann is too strong.

If Kael'thas is the pinnacle of Quel'Thalas mages, Solanlian is the strongest warlock among the blood elves, and even though Pasarayne is strong, he can't win against Solanlian. When the waves come, even Pasarain's proud brain can't play well in front of this great astrologer. Who made this great astrologer too smart?

The energy ship was moving, but Kael'thas didn't look at it. The blood elf prince kept staring at Storm Fortress. After hearing Solanlian's words, he said without turning his head: "Pasareen dared to betray me, this You bastard, it's in vain that I trust him so much."

"Traitor..." Solanlian's voice was a little more cruel and ruthless, "...death!"

Compared with Leo, Solanlian is obviously more in line with the cold and mysterious image of a warlock, and it is precisely this that keeps her trapped in the legendary realm and can't take that step.If you don’t break, you can’t build, and if you break, you can build. If you can’t break the old framework, how can you surpass others and go to the next level?
"Those traitors have the aura of demons on them, and the draenei will not let them go." The energy ship flew to the side of Naxxramas, and Kael'thas made a gesture, signaling for his men to lean on the spaceship. , "What I want to know more now is what Leo's plans are next, the four elemental gods will not let him revive Gruul."

(End of this chapter)

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