Qing Yan proud of the world: mad and charming fairy emperor

Chapter 211 The person who framed the blame

Chapter 211 The person who framed the blame (3)

"If I don't say it, I will forget it every day. I want to get your promise before that."

"Where is your servant?" Aoxue remembered that she had never seen Dushi these few times.

Zi Chuanli said: "Du Shi is running for me. In the past two months, if it wasn't for Chasing Lei and Zi You, I would have been lost in the world."

Aoxue looked at Zhui Lei's nervous expression, and sighed softly, "Say it!!"

What she yearns for and admires most is this kind of sincere friendship.

No matter what happens, there is always someone by your side, who will never leave, and live and die together.

Chasing Lei is willing to be imprisoned in the deep valley of Wanshou Valley for more than [-] years for Zichuanli, and at this time, he is standing next to Zichuanli and working hard for Zichuanli's recovery. With this sacrifice, Aoxue also has to think about it.

Zi Chuanli told everything he had experienced one by one, but what he had forgotten could not be completed, so for several periods of time, it was blank for Zi Chuanli.

Aoxue listened carefully, sorted it out in her mind, and concluded, "You want to prove that you are not an ancient monster? Restore your innocence?"


"But you refuse to reveal the method of cultivation, how can the Zichuan family prove it? What they want is the secret method for you to suddenly become a god-man or god-king!" Aoxue said.

Zi Chuanli said, "I can't remember it myself, so how can I tell them? But I know that this secret method is very important to me! Don't tell others easily!"

Aoxue frowned slightly, "But why did you ask me to help you? My strength is not as good as yours now!"

Zi Chuanli suddenly smiled and said: "Two reasons. First, I have some impressions of you, and there must be a connection between us. Second, compared to other cultivators, you will use the fastest speed to ascend to immortality and return to the world. To the God Realm, isn't it?"

There was another reason, Zi Chuanli didn't want to say it so clearly.

He looked forward to the time he would spend with her.

"Naturally, I will find out who framed me!" Aoxue said bitterly.

She must find out who was behind the scenes that made her fall into the human world!
Zhui Lei said: "Right now, someone is doing evil in your name, do you want me and Ziyou to solve it for you?"

Aoxue said in surprise: "You also know?"

Ziyou finally couldn't hold back, and said loudly: "When we came back from the human world, we passed by here and heard the name of Aoxue. We thought it was you, so we stayed for a few days. Unexpectedly, we saw a person who was not as good as you. The woman who made things difficult for the Wang family."

Chasing Lei patted Ziyou on the head, and cursed: "I told you not to speak loudly, why can't you remember?"

Ziyou immediately erupted, and started fighting with Zhui Lei, "My Ziyou fire dragon's head can also be touched by you, a little lion?"

The two of them didn't change their original shape, but just kicked and twisted like ordinary people.

Aoxue was taken aback, but Zi Chuanli's face didn't change at all, even his eyes didn't turn away, obviously he was used to this kind of scene.

Xiaoqing was even more curious, staring at the two scuffling people.

Aoxue suddenly became naughty, and secretly told Xiaoqing with her spiritual sense, "Xiaoqing, give them a fire!"

Xiaoqing nodded, found a suitable angle, opened his mouth and a fire dragon sprayed out.

After a hula, Zhui Lei and Zi You froze in place.

Both of them were covered in jet black, and their hair and eyebrows became curly.

"Ah..." Two screams broke out suddenly.

But seeing that the culprit is Xiaoqing, who is cuter than a girl, Zhui Lei and Ziyou couldn't do anything at all.

Xiaoqing stared at the two embarrassed people with wide eyes and a smile.

Aoxue couldn't help laughing, suddenly her face changed, Xiaoxuan, Mo Hu, and Xuewei came back at the same time!

But all three of them had the same shocked thought, "Master! We saw Yun Feng!"

With a thought in her mind, Aoxue collected the three beasts into the orb and called them out again.

Xiao Xuan's tone was terrified, "Yun Feng is right beside that woman!"

Mo Hu was annoyed, "I went to look for people from Leiyumen, Liehuomen and Qingyang Valley, and I also found Yunfeng's trace!"

Bloodworm's face was gloomy, "Master, he betrayed you!"

(End of this chapter)

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