Chapter 216: Gradually Growing Demons (2)

On the roof of a small building opposite the inn.

The room Aoxue lives in is on the second floor, and there is a ten-foot-wide corridor in front of the door.

Yun Feng stared at the opposite side quietly, from here he could just see the scene at the door.

He watched the group of people clamoring and gathering at the door of Aoxue's room.

And the man covered with black veil should be Zi Chuanli, he and two strange men blocked the way of everyone.

Aoyue's voice beside her suddenly appeared, "What are you doing?"

"I just want to see if they can succeed!" Yun Feng said very calmly, but he couldn't hide the nervousness in his eyes.

Aoyue said coldly: "Yunfeng, don't forget who you are now! You should obey my orders!"

"I know. But, don't you want to know whether your plan will succeed?" Yun Feng turned to look at Aoyue, "Stimulate her with things about you and me, insult her, and don't give her any chance to calm down, so that Affect her path of cultivation! Aoyue, you are not at all like Aoxue's sister!"

Aoyue smiled coldly, "Yunfeng, I said before, the only purpose of my existence now is to make her suffer! If it wasn't for her, how could I have ended up in this situation?"

After Aoyue and Yan Ruolan were knocked out by Aoxue that day, Aoxue left straight away.

But when she woke up again, Aoyue found that she and Yan Ruolan were imprisoned alone.

Moreover, their cultivation and mind have been controlled by that person, and they have no power to resist!

They were locked in a restricted cage, and that person would put countless rats, insects, snakes and ants in there every day, no matter how Aoyue and Yan Ruolan screamed in fear, they could not stop the insects coming in like a tide Ant tide!

Everywhere on her body was full of scars from being bitten, and what was even more frightening was the feeling of the cold tentacles of those insects and ants crawling across her skin. Yan Ruolan!

The two girls were running and screaming in the two-foot-square cage, so terrified that they couldn't contain themselves!
Their screams continued for three full days!

Until their throats were hoarse, they could no longer move their bodies, and could only let the insects and ants crawl around on them.

Four days later, the man appeared in front of the cage, Ao Yue struggled to beg for mercy, but she couldn't even open her lips!

The blood froth had already stuck to her lips, and it was excruciating pain to gently pull her lips!

The man looked down at the two trembling girls and said, "Would you like to surrender to me?"

He held a black mass in his hand, as if he would throw it in at any moment.

Aoyue trembled, pulled her painful body, and nodded very slightly.

No matter what, she wants to live!
She should be the proudest daughter of the Ao family!
She can't die in the hands of this person who can't even see his face clearly!

The man threw down two black pills emitting a cold air, and signaled Aoyue and Yan Ruolan to take them.

And after they regained some strength, the man only said one sentence, "Go back and wait for my order!"

After Aoyue and Yan Ruolan's cultivation recovered, the two followed the instructions and left the prison.

But soon, the two girls reached a consensus!
If it weren't for Aoxue, the two of them would never have been so humiliated!It will not be controlled by others!

If Aoxue had taken them away that day, none of this would have happened!

Therefore, Yan Ruolan rushed back to Liehuomen and accused Aoxue of killing Pingchu, while Aoyue acted righteously to kill relatives, proving that Aoxue did kill Pingchu and several other disciples of Liehuomen!
Li Yan was very angry, and immediately sent Yan Ruolan to bring ten disciples to Shengfengmen, and wanted to tell Liu Yan to punish him!

Unexpectedly, because Aoxue was in penance, Liu Yan would not allow anyone to disturb her.

At the same time, Aoyue rushed to Lei Yumen and told Lei Wansheng that Lei Yaoer was imprisoned in Shengfengmen, but now her whereabouts are unknown.

Lei Wansheng also sent twenty disciples to Shengfengmen.

(End of this chapter)

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