225 Chapter 3 Extraordinary Charm ([-])

Even the ruthless person who wanted to take Aoxue's life was stunned for a long time!

Aoxue couldn't help chuckling in her heart, she deliberately released the smoke beast, just to disturb their mood!
Everyone saw the three standing side by side at a glance, who would pay attention to a small furry animal next to Aoxue's leg?

Aoxue smiled slightly, but there was no warmth in her tone, "Are you here to take my life?"

A person with a firm mind wakes up after a moment of trance.

"Aoxue, are you a monster or a demon? How dare you cast illusions on us!" A big man with a stick shouted suddenly!
Everyone immediately echoed, "If it wasn't for a demon, how could it be breathtaking?"

"The person beside her must be a rare profound beast!"

Greedy eyes looked at Xiaoxuan and Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing was impatient, looked at the one with the most greedy eyes, and suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a fire dragon!
This fire dragon was actually blocked by the shield that one of them quickly raised!

Aoxue narrowed her eyes slightly, the disciples who came this time were indeed not those disciples whose strength was low.

Lin Qianxing said, "Do you want to fight together, or fight alone?"

More than a hundred people immediately hesitated. If they attack in groups, the chances of winning will naturally be great, but when they kill Aoxue and steal the mysterious beast, who can guarantee that they will not be robbed and killed by others?

But in terms of fighting alone, how could they be the opponents of Aoxue and the other three?

Another big black man shouted, "What's the point of singled out? We are here today for the crowd!"

As soon as he took the lead, dozens of people immediately echoed, while others remained silent.

"That's good!" Aoxue pointed at the big black man, "You guys come first! I will fight alone!"

"Okay! Don't go back on your word!" The big black man immediately agreed as if he had taken advantage of it.

Dozens of people were about four feet away from Aoxue. They moved and slowly approached Aoxue.

Aoxue holds the Phantom Dance Moon Shadow Sword and the Shocking Thunder Sword in both hands, she is not afraid at all!

"Ah!" The big black man rushed forward first, smashing a pair of fine hammers at Aoxue.

And two people spurred their long swords and stabbed at Aoxue's leg!
Those with knives, sticks, and whips all greeted Aoxue for a while, and countless talismans flew towards Aoxue, among which there were even a few hidden weapons!

Aoxue sneered, she swung her long sword, and only heard the sound of "噗噐", all the weapons attacking her have been cut off!
The talisman landed on Aoxue's body, like a mud cow entering the sea, without a trace!

But the hidden weapon flew back backwards, rushing towards the person who originally issued the hidden weapon!
Aoxue's robes are light, her long sword is radiant, and her expression is cold, like a god of death who harvests life!

With a flash of sword light, several heads fell down!

The dozens of people who made the first move didn't even have time to utter an exclamation, and they were already decapitated!

Seeing the long sword flickering in Aoxue's hand, many people felt fear suddenly.

She hasn't even used any spells yet, and neither has her profound beast!

However, dozens of lives have disappeared!

At this moment, in the eyes of all the greedy cultivators, Aoxue is simply a murderous female devil!

Lin Qianxing smiled brightly, "Junior sister has already made a move, how can my senior brother lag behind?"

Zi Chuanli also let out a long roar, rushing into the crowd who were going to attack first!

In an instant, the speed of the corpses falling to the ground became faster and faster, and many people even fell to the ground without seeing the moves clearly!
Their spells haven't even had time to cast, the spells are still lingering on their lips!

"Flames are everywhere!" Someone yelled, and a flame flew towards Aoxue at a very high speed.

Xiaoqing jumped up, the fire dragon spewed out from her mouth, and immediately intercepted the flame!
And Xiaoxuan's figure was like a ghost, and he had already pounced on the man's chest, tearing his skin apart!
Aoxue's eyes were indifferent, and the ice and snow storm in her hands had gathered into shape, "Ice and snow storm!"

The strong wind mixed with the flying snowflakes rushed towards the stunned crowd!
Coagulate, shatter, die!
It all came so quickly!
Soon, dozens of people who chose to attack in groups had already paid for their lives!
There are more than 50 people who are still in place, not moving!

Aoxue looked at everyone, "Are you going to fight alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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