Qing Yan proud of the world: mad and charming fairy emperor

Chapter 244: Heart Devil and Love Tribulation

Chapter 244: Heart Devil and Love Tribulation (2)

"Our Snow Lord won't be so stupid, and will be influenced by the demon!"

"How do you know? Yun Feng is her inner demon. If she can't overcome it, she will fall into the demon world when she ascends to immortality!" Zhui Lei sneered.

"The Snow Lord is going to ascend to the Immortal Realm, don't talk nonsense chasing thunder!"

Zhui Lei exclaimed angrily: "What nonsense? Haven't you seen what Zi Chuanli looks like now? Let me tell you seriously, I've known him for so many years, and I've never seen him so stupid!"

"That's not stupid! That's obviously thinking about my snow master, but I can't get it myself!"

"He is stupid. He is now guarding your master with his whole life, but he doesn't say anything. I think when your master ascends, it will be the anniversary of Zi Chuanli's death!"

Xiaoxuan said angrily, "Forget it, I won't argue with you! Anyway, Zi Chuanli is willing, and no one is forcing him!"

Chasing Lei laughed back angrily, "Xiaoxuan, don't you think you are as selfish as your master?"

Aoxue received the Nascent Soul into her body without making a sound, and resumed her meditation posture. After a while, Xiaoxuan walked into the stone room, looked up and down at Aoxue, and murmured: "I know our Snow Lord looks good. , many people like it, but Zi Chuanli is obviously impossible! Xuezhu only has Yun Feng in his heart, and Zi Chuanli is really wishful thinking!"

Aoxue opened her eyes and startled Xiaoxuan, "Xiaoxuan, what are you talking about?"

Xiaoxuan hurriedly waved his hands, smiled, and Xiaoqing who had been following Xiaoxuan suddenly said, "Sister Master, you will enter the fairy world!"

"Of course, my goal is to go to the fairy world, and then to the god world. I won't go to the demon world or the demon world!"

Xiao Xuan was startled, Aoxue said again: "We should go!"

Since it would cause such trouble to Zi Chuanli, she should have stayed away long ago!

It shouldn't be so selfish as Zhui Lei said.

She didn't realize that what Zi Chuanli did was not only for him to return to the God Realm, but also to protect her.

Thinking about it now, Zi Chuanli really thinks about her in everything, but she absolutely cannot accept this friendship!

Not only for Yunfeng, but also for Zichuanli!
If it is true what Zhui Lei said, Zi Chuanli has reached a critical moment of life and death, she can't let him suffer any more!

Aoxue walked out of the stone room, met Zhui Lei and Zi You, and said directly: "Zhui Lei, tell Zi Chuanli, I'm leaving!"

Zhui Lei was stunned, and asked: "He's...retreating, why don't we leave after he wakes up!"

Aoxue smiled and shook her head, "No need, I left a thank you gift in the stone room, thanking him for everything he has done for me. Chasing Lei, Ziyou, we will meet later."

Aoxue stepped on the flying sword, looked back at Heisha Dongfu, turned and left resolutely.

Zhui Lei was puzzled and said, "Why did Aoxue leave suddenly? Could it be that you heard what we said just now?"

Zi You said: "I don't know, but if Zi Chuanli wakes up, how can he accept it? This woman is really cruel! She didn't even say goodbye to Zi Chuanli!"

"Forget it, Zi Chuanli can't protect herself, so why bother to follow her?"
Two days before the agreed date, Aoxue found a cave near Shengfengmen to stay.

Xiaoqing took the Phantom Spirit Juhua Pill, and her cultivation immediately rose to the tenth level.

Not only has his body grown, but even his transformed human form has grown a few years older, looking like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

However, his expression is still reserved and restless, completely different from the fierceness when he exploded the fire dragon.

It seems that Xiaoxuan and Xiaoqing should cross the tribulation at a similar time!

Now she is the only master left, still hovering in the out-of-body period!
Aoxue decided that when Lei Jiu took the things and told her the truth, she would enter the Unicorn Forest for a trial!

Now there is no point in practicing in the Guangsheng Continent, just those who seek medicine and implements after hearing the news will scare away the beasts she meets!

How can she gain more combat experience in the battle?

Two days passed quickly, and Aoxue was a little bit disappointed.

When she arrived at the appointed place that day, only Lei Jiu appeared.

When Aoxue took out the celestial artifact and Qianyuan Good Fortune Golden Elixir, Lei Jiu looked excited!
(End of this chapter)

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