Qing Yan proud of the world: mad and charming fairy emperor

Chapter 248: Heart Devil and Love Tribulation

Chapter 248: Heart Devil and Love Tribulation (6)

Could it be that Zi Chuanli's strength has weakened to such an extent?
If he can't even maintain the cave restriction, then he...

Aoxue fell quickly and rushed into the cave, only to find that Zhui Lei and Ziyou stared blankly at Zi Chuanli lying on the stone couch with painful expressions on their faces.

"Zichuanli!" Aoxue rushed to the stone bed and looked at Zichuanli carefully. His face was pale, his eyes were closed, and his purple hair had turned white! "what happened to you?"

Aoxue turned her head and asked Zhui Lei, "Zhui Lei, what happened to him? Why did the purple hair turn into white hair? Why can't he fall asleep?
Zhui Lei's tone was very sad, "He is not sleeping!"

"Then what is he doing?" Aoxue observed carefully and asked nervously, "There is absolutely no such way of healing! Didn't you give him the elixir I left behind?"

Ziyou said in a strong tone, "Don't you see that he is already so angry? What's the use of the elixir you left behind? After seeing him, he vomited three mouthfuls of blood, and then fell asleep!"

"Impossible, it is a rare panacea in the fairy world. After taking it, all injuries will be healed immediately, even I only have three! How can it be useless to him?" Aoxue suddenly noticed the meaning of Ziyou's words, " You mean, he didn't eat at all?"

Zhui Lei punched the stone bench next to him, and the stone bench immediately shattered! "Aoxue, what are you doing here? Are you here to see him off or die?"

Aoxue turned around, looked at Zhui Lei seriously and said, "If you want to save him, tell me what happened?"

Zhui Lei impulsively stepped forward, turned Zi Chuanli on the stone bed over, pointed to his back and said to Aoxue, "Come and see!"

Aoxue turned her head to look, suddenly dizzy in front of her eyes!
On Zi Chuanli's back, there was a deep wound the size of a mortal's head!It's almost coming out!

The flesh and blood on the edge of the wound fluctuated, as if insects and ants were biting the skin, and the blood was still around, but looking at the wound carefully, it was like looking into a misty abyss, and the injury inside could not be seen at all!
"This... is this the wound left by Zichuanwu?" Aoxue said in surprise.

Zhui Lei nodded, then gently turned Zi Chuanli over, and said, "Aoxue, this wound has been with him for nearly 7000 years, and his divine power and body are already overwhelmed! Before he could help you every time, it was always It's consuming his own vitality! Don't you wonder why Dushi has been missing these few times? Dushi is looking for medicines, materials, and even demon methods that can arouse vitality!"

"You said that day, the day I ascended is the day of Zi Chuanli's death!"

"Yes! He only cares about helping you, but he doesn't care about his body at all. Do you think he is working hard for his own recovery? He is for you to return to the fairyland as soon as possible! He personally killed the person who plotted against you! But you did What? You left a few pills and left without saying goodbye. Zi Chuanli thought that you wanted to make a clean break with him, and your mind was hurt, so you didn’t even have the intention to maintain the last life, so you fell to this point! You left for two days, he Even lying like this for two days, despite his divine power and vitality gradually passing away, I think he intends to go to hell, and has no intention of living any longer!!" Chasing Lei really hated Zi Chuanli's half-dead appearance!
Aoxue looked at Zi Chuanli, and suddenly said: "Zui Lei, don't worry, I will rescue him!"

Ziyou said: "Only by you?"

Aoxue smiled lightly, "Since Zi Chuanli is a man of God, there must be residual divine power in his body. I am a natural body, and the blood in my body can greatly increase the divine power!"

Zhui Lei said in astonishment, "But, I heard that the blood loss of the natural body cannot be regenerated!"

"Yes!" Aoxue smiled calmly, "But Zi Chuanli should be more important than these blood, right?"

Aoxue stretched out her left hand, rolled up her sleeve, and slashed her wrist with a thin dagger, and suddenly a line of blood gushed out. There was a hint of gold in the blood, and it fell into Zi Chuanli's mouth drop by drop.

The golden blood brilliance loomed, and when it sank into Zi Chuanli's lips, Chase Lei was pleasantly surprised to see that Zi Chuanli's long hair was gradually returning to purple!
(End of this chapter)

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