Chapter 261 Ghost Clan Secret Technique (3)

The Nether Purple Owl screamed, and immediately 65 similar-looking Purple Owls appeared beside him, and they went straight to Mrs. Gui Ji.

Mrs. Guiji reacted very quickly, as she waved her hands, her long sleeves turned into a net, blocking Zixiao's attack, and she rushed towards Aoxue again at an extremely fast speed.

Aoxue was wiping the blood from her wrist to the ground at this time, when she suddenly heard the whistling wind behind her, she subconsciously wanted to escape, but saw Zi Chuanli who was imprisoned, gritted her teeth, and continued to smear the blood without moving at all!

Mrs. Guiji was very happy in her heart, she saw that she was about to knock Aoxue into the magic circle on the right, and that would be a big deal.

Unexpectedly, a darkness loomed in front of him, and Zi Xiao had already arrived!

The two spells collided and their bodies moved, and they fought evenly.

Aoxue finally formed a circle of blood, Zi Chuanli felt his body loosen suddenly, and immediately looked at Aoxue nervously, "Aoxue, bandage up, your blood has been lost too much!"

Aoxue's face turned pale, "Zi Chuanli, I'm fine now, but if Zi Xiao can't beat Mrs. Gui Ji, then we are still destined to be restrained! Have you thought about her purpose?"

Zi Chuanli said: "One is your blood, and the other is my body! Other than that, there is nothing important on us!"

Aoxue looked up at Zixiao and Mrs. Guiji who were fighting fiercely, and the surrounding woods and land were blown up by them.Suddenly, her heart moved, "If my blood can break Madam Guiji's restraint, then it can also cause harm to her! I'm going to help Zixiao!"

Zi Chuanli was shocked, "Aoxue, don't you want to kill yourself? Your face is now sallow like mud, how can you lose blood again? Stop, let me think about it!"

What are ghosts in the ghost world most afraid of?

Zi Chuanli suddenly remembered Aoxue's best formation technique, and his eyes lit up, "Aoxue, it shouldn't require spiritual power to form formations!"

Aoxue frowned slightly, and said: "But the formation needs to replenish energy in order to maintain the formation!"

"If what they want is my body, then my body must have the power of the ghost world! Aoxue, you go to set up the formation, and I will be the eye of the formation!"

"it is good!"

Aoxue gained confidence in an instant, picked up a dozen stones and branches at random on the ground, ran to the ground area where Zi Xiao and Mrs. Gui Ji were fighting, and quickly set up a weak force-reducing array!

Zi Chuanli found out his eyes and sat cross-legged.

As his long hair fluttered slightly, Aoxue saw that the formation was activated normally!
The first person to be affected was Mrs. Gui Ji, who was closer to the ground.

She suddenly felt her body sinking, and then she accelerated towards the ground and fell towards the ground. She was surprised for a moment, and Zi Xiao saw the opportunity. After a sharp cry, all 66 purple owls covered Mrs. Gui Ji's body!
Mrs. Guiji screamed and fell into the formation!She was immediately surrounded by formations and couldn't break free!
Aoxue immediately added a confinement formation to the formation, then looked at Nether Zixiao, and asked, "Zixiao, what's going on?"

Nether Zixiao put away the other Zixiaos and slowly landed on the ground, standing opposite Zichuanli and Aoxue.

"Aoxue, in fact, I was originally the Purple Owl King of the Demon Realm. I was taken to the Realm of Cultivation that day, only to find out that I had been tricked and my cultivation had degraded to [-]%. I had no choice but to live under your protection for so long. When you came to the ghost world, my strength was slowly recovering. But if I want to defeat the ghost king and concubine, I must recover [-]%! Fortunately, I was able to stop you just now, otherwise you and Zi Chuanli would have both died at this moment !"

Aoxue asked in surprise, "Did you know that Concubine Gui was uneasy and kind?"

King Zi Xiao nodded his head, "Aoxue, just as Zi Chuanli guessed, what they want is your natural blood and Zi Chuanli's body!"

Aoxue and Zi Chuanli looked at each other, and Zi Chuanli asked, "Aoxue's natural blood can cause harm to ghosts, why do they want to get it? And I am definitely not a ghost, so what is the use of them? "

"The glass of wine you took will temporarily stop your body's vitality. They will convert the natural blood drawn from Aoxue's body into the blood of the sky ghost through secret methods, and inject it into your body! In this way, your body will Become the body of a heavenly ghost, and the ghost king will use your body to ascend to the demon world and become a demon fairy!"

(End of this chapter)

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