Chapter 12

It is said that Xu Qing squeezed into the surrounding crowd and saw a skinny and a rich man fighting there. It turned out that the rich man dropped his purse, and the skinny man picked it up and returned it to the rich man, but the rich man lost his purse. Blaming the skinny takes half of it...

Who is right and who is wrong, who is true and who is false is still unclear for the time being.Anyway, in Xu Qing's eyes, both of them are the kind of people who have a special temperament of negative textbooks.

"I'm wronged, the villain just picked up the purse and gave it to you..."

"Why is the money less than half?"

"Why do I only take half of the money if I want to take it, but take it all!"

"Take a look... You have revealed your secrets, let's go! Go to the government!"

The people next to him pointed and pointed, no one came forward, no one mediated, life was too boring, a reality show of street quarrels, if you don’t watch it, you don’t watch it.

"Huh? Brother Chuliu, I met you again..." Xu Qing turned his head and saw that it was Shangguanyi. At this time, there were several people dressed like him next to Shangguanyi. It seemed that they were so-called literary friends. .

"Brother Chu Liu, who do you think is right here?"

"Brother Shangguan, who is this?" said a tall man next to him.

"Yeah, yeah, let me introduce you quickly, so we can get to know each other..." another short and fat man echoed.

Xu Qing took a look at these two people, they were tall, short, fat and thin, hey, what a pair of comedians!At this moment, the cross talk actor looked at Xu Qing with arrogance in his eyes, Xu Qing was suddenly depressed, I have offended you, really... But Xu Qing came out dressed low-key, almost like a farmer.

"This is brother Xu Qing, I will accompany him on the road..." Shangguanyi introduced, Xu Qing also paid a salute without breaking the etiquette, but the other party ignored him, and the contempt in his eyes increased.Xu Qing didn't care, but Xu Qi who was beside him started looking for meat from Xu Qing again, and he said to Shangguanyi: "This matter is easy..."

"Oh, my little brother would like to open his eyes, so please give me some advice..."

Xu Qingmao yelled in the crowd: "Fatty Wu, you said that the money in the purse is wrong, could it be that it is not your purse, you claimed it!"

"How is it possible..." The rich man looked around and found no one to talk to, so he subconsciously said, "I brought this purse out this morning, and the eight taels of silver in it haven't been touched yet!" stop.

"Then open it and see if there are any eight taels..." Xu Qing shouted again, and the audience next to him also agreed: "Yes, yes, open it and see..."

"This..." The rich man showed embarrassment: "Why open it, my purse!" Then he pushed away from the crowd, walked out, pointed at the skinny and scolded: "You dog, took my money and waited for the official to send you money!" I'll catch you!" Then he walked away despondently.

Skinny quickly thanked him, but he didn't know who helped him, so he bowed his hands one by one.

"Hahaha, Brother Xu Qing is so cunning..."

"Hmph, he has a sharp eye and a sharp tongue..." The cross talk actor still sneered. Officials are regarded as a sky in the eyes of ordinary people, but they are very unbearable in the eyes of scholars.

"No, no, Brother Xu has a great talent. He can write good poems. He wrote what I'm reading with you today?" Shangguanyi said.

"What? You said "Wang Yue" and "Wang Tao Sha"?" The short and fat man asked with a puzzled expression.

Xu Qing didn't refute, it was a tacit consent. In fact, he wanted to say "I copied it" in his heart, but he didn't say it out. He just wanted to see what it would be like for the two of them to be slapped in the face.

The tall and short combination always only thought that their poems were quite talented, and felt ashamed after reading Xu Qing's two poems, but now that the "author" was in front of him, he couldn't believe that it was written by such a bumpkin.

"Brother Xu has such a talent for poetry. Brother Shangguan and I happened to participate in a poetry meeting, and the theme of the poetry meeting was autumn. Why don't Brother Xu also write an article?" The tall man said with a smile on his face.

"I'm tired today, I don't want to write poetry..." Xu Qing refused, why, I will write it if you want, who are you, my poems are also famous for thousands of years.

"Heh heh heh, I'm afraid there is nothing in my stomach?" The tall man sneered.

"You can't do this. I've seen brother Xu's talent before. The book of poetry is full of meaning, so don't force it." Shangguanyi replied

Retorting, Xu Qing suddenly felt that this half of the younger brother recognized him well, so he must give him face,
"Shangguan," in the Tang Dynasty, Xu Qing was probably the only one who called Shangguanyi like this.


"Shangguan, show me the poem you wrote today."

There are stinky faces in the world, and when you smoke, you must smoke!
Shangguanyi took out a booklet, there was no book in the Tang Dynasty, and the booklet said the masterpieces of their poetry club.When Xu Qing saw it, he frowned. What, it turned out to be in traditional Chinese characters. It's not that he didn't understand it, but it just seemed troublesome.

The cross talk actor saw other meanings, thinking that Xu Qing didn't like it, so he curled his lips and said nothing, and snorted coldly.But his intuition came true, and Xu Qing really didn't like it after watching it.

Among the ten poems, three or four are about scenery, five or six are about sadness, full of moaning without illness, nothing new, those who don't know think it was written by a sour old scholar.

Shangguanyi asked, "What do you think, Brother Chu Liu?"

Xu Qing let out a long sigh:
"Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely. I say that autumn is better than spring, and a crane in the clear sky will lead to poetry to the blue sky!"

After the recitation, he and Shangguanyi clasped hands, and led Xu Qi away, ignoring the faces of the other two who had eaten flies.

The journey was so boring, riding a donkey hurt so much, Xu Qing gritted his teeth, bought a second-hand scooter for half a tael of silver, and learned for another hour, and Xu Qi sat on the scooter steadily and swayed to Ronan to go.

Luonan was originally not in the south of Luoyang, but on the south bank of Luoshui River. From Luoyang to the west, there are still a few counties to reach.The journey is so boring, and riding a donkey hurts.Xu Qing gritted his teeth, spent half a tael of silver, bought a second-hand cart, put it on the donkey, and learned the way for another hour.So he and Xu Qi sat down on the scooter and wandered to Luonan.

The donkey on the cart obviously walked slowly, but Xu Qing was not in a hurry, he had been walking for so long, not less than two or three days.

What makes people laugh is that the donkey has lost weight from Shandong to Henan, while Xu Qi has grown a lot of white, no longer the sickly look when he first came here.

In five days, the city wall of Luonan County appeared in sight. The city wall built of earth bricks was golden in the setting sun. On both sides of the avenue were field ridges, leaving only white grass, fallen leaves, and straw in the distance. Rice or wheat, or something else.

Xu Qing took a deep breath, as if he wanted to get acquainted with this place in one breath. He thought that if there were no accidents in this life, this would be the place where his children and grandchildren would be full, but he didn't know that his life was destined to be turbulent and magnificent.Following Xu Qing's example, Xu Qi also took a deep breath and said, "Brother Chu Sixth, I'm hungry..." Xu Qing refused to be treated as her slave, but only as her younger sister. Xu Qi's relationship with Xu Qing is getting worse these days it is good.

(End of this chapter)

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