Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 21 The Snow Continues to Fly

Chapter 21 The Snow Continues to Fly
After the new year, it is spring, Luonan is northward, and the snow continues to fall.

The snow in the courtyard was too lazy to sweep, only Liu San who lived in the outer courtyard took a small shovel to clear a path every day, and came to eat.

Xu Qingxian panicked and set some rules for the family, including, the whole family eats together, sits and eats with Xu Qing, family members are not allowed to bully their neighbors, and are not allowed to fight among themselves.So Liu San came over to eat three meals a day, and then went back to the outer courtyard to do some manual work.

While the fire was burning, there was a sound of quick steps outside:
"Young Master, Young Master, something serious happened? Someone died..." It was Liu San.

"Die... what?! Did the snow crush the house?"

"No, no, come out and have a look, I can't tell..."

"Tsk, here I come..." Xu Qing took a hat and went out.

Xu Qing followed Liu San to the outer courtyard, and saw Mr. Zheng standing outside the house where Liu San lived, with an anxious expression on his face.

"Old man Zheng, what's the matter, at home..." Xu Qing didn't finish speaking, and was dragged into the room by old man Zheng.

"Look..." There was a man and a woman lying in the house, one big and one small, Xu Qing hurriedly went to his nose to feel the breath, it was as thin as a gossamer but still there, Xu Qing looked at old man Zheng and hoped that he would have an explanation.

"The people in Zhuangzi saw Xueshen and wanted to go out to catch some roe deer, but they saw these two on the road, and they recited them back..."

Liu San was anxious, "I thought your relative was frozen, but I didn't expect you picked it up on the road, why did you send it here?!" In fact, there was still half a sentence left, that is, if he died at Xu Qing's house, It's just yellow mud falling into the crotch, which is difficult to wash off.

"I don't want to either. I can't watch my death. Only Mr. Xu can save me!" Old Uncle Zheng blamed himself, "If something happens, I will take care of it."

"Go and boil some water first, and call Xiaoru Xiaoyue over..." Xu Qing didn't have time to say who was right and who was wrong, so he carefully looked at the two frozen people, and then ordered.

"Okay, let's go now..."

The two people who were lying down had pale faces, and they were only wearing two unlined clothes.But after moving it to the stove to warm up, there is already a tinge of blood, and if it is handled properly, it should be able to be pulled out of the gate of hell.

Taking a closer look, the two of them looked like a pair of siblings, and they didn't know what they were doing.At this time Xiaoyue came in, and Xu Qing said: "Xiaoyue, take off her clothes, wrap her in a quilt, and rub her whole body to make the blood come back to life." Xu Qing was not idle, and started to deal with the little boy , There were not many extra quilts in the room, so Xu Qing took off his clothes and wrapped the little boy, and then slowly rubbed him up, which could improve the local microcirculation.

After a long time, the complexions of the two finally turned rosy, and their body temperature returned to normal, but they were still unconscious. This kind of frostbite is rapid freezing, which causes great damage to the body, but it is also easy to treat.This is Liu San and old man Zheng carrying a large bucket of hot water.Xu Qing taught Xiaoyue to adjust the water to warm water, about 40 degrees, and then soaked hot water with a towel to wipe them constantly. Of course, Xu Qing was in charge of the boy.

After half a stick of incense, the breathing of the two became even, as if they were asleep, Xu Qing felt relieved and carried them to the bed.

Uncle Zheng sat down on the ground when he heard that the two people had been rescued. Obviously, he was under a lot of pressure. "Fortunately no one died, hoo..." Liu San sighed.

"Uncle Zheng, you said you saw these two people on the road, what happened, please tell me carefully..."

"This... well, Zhang Qu took a few young men from Zhuangzi to catch the roe deer, because the snow was deep at this time, and the roe deer couldn't jump. When they chased to the mountain to the east, two people hugged each other under a big tree. At the same time, thanks to the big tree that could block some of the snow, the two of them had a glimmer of life. Zhang Qu went to check and found that he was still alive, so he brought them back..."

Judging from Uncle Zheng's words, these two people seemed to have come here in a panic, without any preparation, with thin clothes, walked in the snow for a long time, hid under a tree for a rest, and fell asleep.What was the reason that made the two of them walk out wearing thin clothes despite the wind and snow.

The mountain to the east that Uncle Zheng mentioned is actually called "West Mountain" because it is located in the west of Luonan County, but it is in the east of Xuzhuang.Coming from this mountain, there are no villages, except for some scattered farmhouses, which are hunters, and the largest population settlement is Xuzhuang.Did the two of them walk over unintentionally as they said?
As for Zhang Qu, how could he be so bold as to save a stranger? Is it just because of the natural simplicity and kindness of farmers?Then what made them decide that Xu Qing must be able to save lives.

Being in the Tang Dynasty, Xu Qing had to be vigilant. Having watched too many dog-blooded TV series in later generations, he felt that the woman was most likely escaped from a certain family. Several separatist regimes were wiped out, and many people related to their leaders were accused of crimes. If... Xu Qing didn't dare to think about it, harboring the imperial court for criminals, it would be a desperate act.

I asked Uncle Zheng a few more words, comforted him, and let him go.

Xu Qing waited for the two to wake up, and kept guarding beside the woman. Why is it a woman?Shh, I don't know either...

"Ah!!!" In the room where Xu Qing was waiting, there was an earth-shattering scream, followed by another cry.

"Don't cry, what are you crying for..." Xu Qing walked to the bed in a panic and advised.

"Ah!!!!!! Go away!!!"

"Don't call, what's your name..."



"Beast, bastard, bastard, you are not human!!!" It turned out that when the woman woke up, she found that all her clothes had been stripped off, and then she saw Xu Qing in the room, thinking that something had happened to her, the woman glanced around : "Brother, where is my brother, what did you do to my brother?" The woman wanted to catch Xu Qing angrily, but she accidentally dropped the quilt, revealing a sliver of moonlight, which made Xu Qing want nothing.

"Your grandma... no, no, your brother is in another room..."

The woman blushed, and she still stared at Xu Qing furiously and said, "What did you do to me? To be honest, I would trade myself for my younger brother." The size was revealed by the moonlight just now, and Xu Qing almost agreed to change her younger brother.

"Your brother is fine, and you are fine too. The maid I asked the maid to undress you didn't do anything to you..."

"Are you planning to renege on your debt?"

"If you don't believe me, if you don't believe me, you can lift the quilt and see for yourself..."


"Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, come in..." Xu Qing ignored her, called Xiaoyue, and went out to order: "Find a thicker dress for her to wear, and this girl is crazy, be careful... "

The woman was comforted by Xiaoyue. After listening to Xiaoyue's explanation, she secretly felt her body again. There was nothing unusual. She settled down a little, and then begged Xiaoyue to go and see her younger brother. took her there.Seeing that his brother was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, then his face turned red and hot again, and he said in his heart:
"It turns out that I wronged a good person. I'm waiting to apologize to that young master. No, just now...he took it so seriously just now, so he must not be a good person, hmph..."

"Could it be that she likes my... oh, how can you think about such things, he is a bad guy, he is a bad guy, but... but he saved the lives of my siblings, what should I do, what should I do?" Worry about gains and losses for a while.When the boy woke up, she still blushed and thanked Xu Qing for saving his life.

"Little girl Xun Xueer, this is my younger brother, Xun Yeyu."

(End of this chapter)

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