Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 29 Defensive Battle

Chapter 29 Defensive Battle

In the morning when the sky was bright, Xu Qing woke up. Going to bed early and getting up early is not only good for the body, but also good for preventing enemy attacks.

But when he was about to eat, a cloud of smoke rose from behind a mountain.Immediately, the group leaders started to act, and the team was leading the troops to move according to the plan.Then another puff of smoke rose, and everyone began to feel uneasy.

Two smokes, 2000 people!A smoke means 1000 people. It is a customary rule, and I don’t know if it will increase... 800 people fighting 2000 people, no matter how you fight, it will be a fierce battle.

"Are you so unlucky? A war is about to start..." Xu Qing quietly watched the crowd organize the battle. He couldn't help at all, but quietly calculated the gains and losses in his heart.

First of all, the place where the village was set up yesterday was chosen very well.It is backed by a steep mountain, like a cliff, so there is only one side of the enemy, but the terrain in front of the village is flat, and there is a small slope for the enemy to attack. Although there is a fence, it must not be able to withstand the impact of cavalry.Liu Heita is in Hebei, how many cavalry will there be when he crosses the river to attack grain and grass?Fortunately, the smoke on the other side of the mountain is no longer increasing. 800 people are fighting against 2000 people. Is there any chance of winning?

Just when Xu Qing was thinking in a daze, all the troops were ready to meet the enemy, and the scouts came back one after another. They came back, which means the enemy has come!
According to the agreement, there are only 600 people left behind in Xu Qing's village, which are regarded as regular soldiers. The other 200 people from the former army went around and waited for Xu Qing's signal to attack back.In other words, before that, it was one-to-four.

Fighting is not a simple comparison of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, but Xu Qing still has a drum in his heart.

Tang Dynasty government soldiers, except cavalry, everyone is equipped with a bow, a spear, a horizontal knife, a shield, from long-range to close combat weapons are available.Xu Qing saw that his own soldiers were holding bows and arrows, and when the enemy approached within 230 steps, he would shoot the arrows to kill the enemy.From 230 steps to [-] steps, three to four arrows can be released.

However, the enemy is obviously hesitant to fight or not to fight, but such hesitation is obviously beneficial to Xu Qing, because Xu Qing only needs to persist until the reinforcements come.

On the hillside, a younger brother who thought he was favored asked: "Brother Leopard, what should we do, fight or not?"This time it was Liu Heita who asked him to take 2000 people across the river to harass the grain and grass.

"What the hell, the sneak attack we agreed to, I was discovered before the fucking door." Brother Bao scolded angrily.

"Brother Leopard, why don't you stop fighting... Shall we go back?" the younger brother said.

"Damn it, what are you going to do when you go back?" Leopard Liu looked worried.

"Let's, let's burn some villages and cut off some heads to go back?" The little brother failed to make another plan.

"Well..." Brother Bao's eyes showed a hint of cruelty: "No, brother Liu asked me to rob food this time because he trusts me, and I must do it!" Brother Bao obviously knows the importance of robbing food, so he can't careless.

Finally moved, Xu Qing saw that the people on the hillside finally moved, 2000 people were scattered, and the hillside was full.Xu Qing was relieved a little, the other party had no cavalry!And looking at the lineup, there is no discipline at all, this time the battle is sure.

"Pull the bow!" Jian Yang and Ma Jin ordered, and Li Yuanji, one of the 600 people in three rows, heard Li Shimin's order, and overturned the table angrily, with a cloudy expression on his face.

"King Qi, don't worry, it's better to quickly send reinforcements to rescue the food team..."

"Who is transporting the food? How long can it last?" Qi Wang is not easy, he wakes up after a little reminder.

"It was the one who gave the saltpeter ice making method last time, a young general..."

"What a young general, a baby!" Li Yuanji looked disgusted, as if in his eyes, the person who made military achievements by making ice looks very hateful now.

"King Qi, don't get angry. Those are the soldiers led by Liu Zan. Liu Zan has always been prudent. I'm afraid that man has some skills."

"Come on! Gather the thousand cavalry guards and set off!" Li Yuanji put on his helmet and left the tent without comment.Li Yuanji is like a general, while Li Shimin is more like a general.

When King Qi rode his horse galloping, Xu Qing's camp was full of horrific killings, so suppressed that no one dared to let out a breath.

"Pull the bow!" The two teams ordered in unison.

The uniform army fully draws the bow, and even this action makes the enemy feel awed, and the pace of advancement can't help but stagnate.

"Stop what? Let me go! If you dare to stop, I will deny anyone with a knife!" The man called Brother Bao shouted in the crowd, and the men under him started to move again.

"Three hundred steps, 250 steps, [-] steps... let go!" Jian Yang ordered and shouted.

"Swoosh!" Rows of arrows flew out, and immediately the soldiers on Xu Qing's side were ready to draw their bows and shoot arrows again.

Looking at the enemy army again, Liu Heitai was able to defeat Li Shiji and others, so he was naturally not an easy person.The soldiers under him are also equipped with sufficient weapons and equipment, and everyone in an army like the one in front of them can have a shield.

Xu Qing saw that the opponents raised their shields, and less than 600 people fell to the ground with a row of 100 arrows.But after all, it was not an official army, and they were fighting out of fear. Xu Qing's side shot five arrows, and more than 400 people fell to the ground, delaying another breath of time.

"It's fifty steps, beat the drums!" Ma Jin shouted: "On the first and second rows!"

The real fight begins!

Xu Qing's side followed the momentum of the fence, and Brother Leopard's subordinates continued with the superior number of people!For a while, the killing was inseparable, and the two didn't want to let go.Xu Qing looked on coldly, his ears were buzzing, and the sound of fighting on the battlefield turned into a noisy low noise.

"The third team, go!" Archery was useless at this time.

Broken limbs and arms, corpses and heads, blood red all over the ground!
"Let the smoke go! Let Hu Jiu lead the troops to attack!" Xu Qing roared, he couldn't stand it anymore and only hoped that the surprise soldiers would attack and crush the enemy's psychological defense!
A puff of green smoke rose from Xu Qing's side, reporting to Hu Jiu in the distance.

"Kill! Kill!"

"What? Where did that person come from..."

"Quick... run, their reinforcements are here..."

Leopard Liu was dumbfounded, how could there be soldiers, no, Liu Heita's favor will be repaid in the future, let's save his life first today, the fierce Leopard Liu in the past is actually as timid as Xu.Seeing that his subordinates were seriously injured and Xu Qing's reinforcements arrived, he gritted his teeth and ran away with his cronies.

As soon as he ran, the remaining thousand people lost their backbone and dispersed in a hurry. Immediately, Jianyang Ma Jin beat the drums and waved his troops to hide and kill them.Xu Qing thought for a while, turned over and rode on the old horse and ordered:
"Cavalry, get on your horse and chase the remnants with me!"

"Jian Yang! Stay in the barracks and deal with the corpses and wounded soldiers. No one is allowed to approach me until I come back!"

"Hu Jiu Ma Jin, follow me to chase the remnants! I'll go first, you guys come quickly!"

Three orders were shouted, and within a dozen breaths, more than 20 cavalrymen were on their horses and ready. Fortunately, few of them were injured or killed.Xu Qing saw the right direction, led the cavalry, and chased in the direction Leopard Liu was escaping, while beheading a few thieves on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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