Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 3 The Daily Life of Being a Soldier

Chapter 3 The Daily Life of Being a Soldier
With the popularization of ice cubes in the army, Xu Qing's reputation did not increase at all. Everyone remembered that Liu Zan was sympathetic to the soldiers and went out of trouble to buy saltpeter from the county. They all remembered that Wu Jijiu worked hard day and night, Everyone remembers the leader who was in charge of making ice cubes, and even the guy responsible for distributing ice cubes, but Datang’s No. 1 saltpeter ice maker was forgotten in a corner.

However, Zhang Zhong's group always has more ice than others, which makes many people jealous. In fact, Xu Qing made it with the saltpeter left over from last time.

Besides, Xu Qing is still an ordinary soldier.

Training every morning, spears, horizontal knives, bows and arrows.Eating barley rice that was not suitable for her and she had to adapt to it, but fortunately, it was rice for dinner, which made Xu Qing "excited" for a while.After eating breakfast, I worked with a group of people, and he naturally did things differently, and no one blamed him. He was only 15 years old, and he was not even a middle-aged man.

Xu Qing also made many contributions for the first time, such as the first patrol, carrying a knife, a gun, and a bow and arrow, walking around the military village for several miles for a day. After all, Wang Heihu's village is not far away. place.

Another example is the first night watch, standing on a high tower without sleeping all night, and working the next day.If nothing else happened, he might become a real cannon fodder soldier.

In the barracks, Xu Qing and his group chatted nonsense while working:
"It's been a while since the mountain was closed, the people on the mountain may not be able to endure it..."

"Whatever, a group of bandits, if I go straight up the mountain, it's too much ink around here..." One person said angrily.

"Hmph, young and crazy..." another veteran soldier said.

"Speaking of which, after this battle, we will probably be able to go back."

"Yeah, it's good to go back. I have received the subsidy and rewards, and there are some rents on the land at home. I want to repair my three houses..."
"I figured it out, my reward this time should be quite a lot, enough to go back and get a daughter-in-law, just think about it, haha" a young soldier said.But it caused a burst of laughter. "Fuck you, you kid wants all the good things."
"Sixth day, the war is over, what are you doing?" Someone brought the topic to Xu Qing.

But someone was the first to answer for him: "He must be with Uncle Zhang...Do you think so?" He pointed his chin, not knowing whether he meant Zhang Zhong or Xu Qing, or both.

"Follow me? I'm afraid there will be bad times. My house is in a ravine, and it's not big enough to live in..." Zhang Zhong declined.

Some people could hear the difference. Zhang Zhongyi's instinctive pity for Xu Chuliu began to be overwhelmed by reason, but he just jokingly said:
"Uncle Zhang wants to beg for a big-ass mother-in-law when he goes back, and the bedroom is still noisy on the roof!"
"Fuck you, it's not big or small..." Zhang Zhong was embarrassed, and looked at Xu Qing in a blink of an eye: "I'll let him, he can go if he wants..."

Xu Qing didn't speak, he was thinking, if he went to the ravine with Zhang Zhong, he was afraid that he would spend his whole life facing the loess with his back facing the sky, digging food in the mud, at most he would make military exploits and have a few acres more land than others.

If you live in a county town, you may be able to rely on some of the craftsmanship of later generations to get ahead.But after all, Zhang Zhong saved the life of "Xu Chuliu", if he said something bad, be careful to be regarded as a white-eyed wolf, so Xu Qing chose to remain silent and just shook his head.He thought it would be better to talk to Zhang Zhong alone.

Qingshan cottage:
Wang Heihu stood on the gate of the village with a dark face, with two concubines waiting on him, and the military master behind him was doing meditation makeup with a fan.

The gate of the village is made of three layers of solid wood that is more than 20 years old. There are five big characters "No. [-] Village in the World" hanging outside the door frame, and a big red flag hangs on the top, but it is crumbling.

There was no wind in the village, and it was very hot. Wang Heihu asked the military commander again: "Have you figured out a way? If you can't figure it out, your brain is useless."
Layers of fine sweat broke out from the head of the dog-headed military division.

Originally, he told Wang Heihu that there were not many troops at the foot of Heihu Mountain, and with the power of the stronghold, they could be forced to retreat within ten days at most.

But now it seems... the army at the foot of the mountain only closed the mountain and did not attack, and the food in the village was wasted in vain, and now it can be eaten up in three days at most.

In the past, the dog-headed army division was full of bad things and poisoned the villagers very badly, but now he couldn't think of a countermeasure for a while.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and thought of a trick - night attack!The dog-headed military division can only read some characters, and has heard some stories about the Three Kingdoms told by storytellers several times.

The dog-headed military division told Wang Heihu happily, and Wang Heihu's eyes flashed with joy and sternness, and then he laughed, "Hahaha, yes, yes, this plan is right! The military division is really my house!"
"It's all about the heroic power of the king, and only the little ones can use it, hehe." The dog-headed military commander laughed, but he couldn't stop cursing in his heart. Zhang Zifang became Zhang Zangzi, what a dog's memory, but he dared not say this .

Hearing the flattery, Wang Heihu was even happier. He put one hand into the concubine's clothes and rubbed them wantonly, and the fierceness in his eyes became even more serious.

The dog-headed military division stepped back tactfully.

The gangsters in the village were screaming that day, and they hadn’t been active for half a month. Today they were very excited. Only a very few people can maintain their rationality and their own opinions in the crowd. Obviously there is no one here. They learn from martial arts heroes. , each brought a bowl of wine and downed it.

At this time, only the dog-headed military division was sober. He knew that this time it might be a disaster, even if he won the battle, he didn't want to stay any longer. He had had enough.I packed it up and put it away, planning to run away at any time, find a peaceful town, settle down, buy some concubines in the fields, grow old and strong, carry a gun and give birth to a son.

Soon, a group of people went straight to Liu Zan's barracks, leaving only a few old and weak. Wang Heihu also left a trusted confidant to look after his house.Liu Zan's army didn't know about the upcoming night attack. The nights in summer are very hot, and people in the barracks sleep very late. Although the whole camp was under martial law early, you can't control people from falling asleep, right? Most of them People are still making jokes in tents.

Liu Zanzhi's army is pretty good, with all kinds of sentries and sentries, the posts are never short of people, and there are patrols on the hillsides in the distance, which are the lifeline of the barracks.

On one side is the officer army who is well-managed, and on the other side is Wang Heihu, who is like a worm, attacking the army at night. No one is destined to sleep tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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