Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 36 Preparation Chapter Xu Zhuang

Chapter 36 Ready to Return to Xuzhuang

The reason is this, Xun Xueer was waiting for Xu Qing in Luoyang, and she was afraid of sitting on the mountain, so she started to embroider.It took more than three months to make a pair, but when I took it out to sell, I met a butcher. The butcher's family was rich and strong, and the neighbors did not dare to provoke him.Seeing that Xun Xueer was beautiful, the butcher took a fancy to it, and after inquiring about the neighborhood for a long time, he found out that Xun Xueer was alone at home, accompanied by only a young brother.So I came to harass every day, and happened to come again today, but I didn't expect that Xu Qing was here!
"Little lady, you are a widow at such a young age, why bother? The government has said that widows are allowed to remarry..." The butcher was still yelling in the yard, but what he said was right, the government has always encouraged remarriage.

The door opened slowly, and the man opened his mouth and stared expectantly, only to see Xu Qing come out.

"Huh? A man?" The big man was stunned for a moment, then furious, okay, okay, it turned out that he was looking for another boy, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... He wanted to grab Xu Qing, but he didn't expect a hand behind him to grab him first, then he hooked his feet and plopped on the ground.

As a guard from the barracks, the realm is to protect people in a place where others can't see. When Xu Qing's guard saw a big man barging in, he had already noticed him and followed him quietly, waiting to see What does a big man do.

"Let go of me, let me go, do you know who I am!" The big man was dishonest on the ground. "I am a Jiji Lang from the ninth rank. How dare you beat the court officials?!" The butcher was originally a soldier of the government. After his meritorious service and honor, he lived at home. .

Xu Qing smiled dumbly, and he could only call himself an official of the imperial court, and he could stand up in front of ordinary people. Others really didn't care much, and the same was true of Xu Qing's former Captain Renyong.

"I didn't expect you to be a halberd master. You must have made a lot of contributions to the court. Forget it. For the sake of this, I will let you go." Xu Qing said lightly. Ji Lang, Xu Qing knows how rare it is.

"Humph, aren't you scared?" The big man was about to speak harshly when he was kicked twice by the soldiers who stepped on him and cursed, "Thank you, General!"

"General? General!" The big man lay on the ground wanting to die, who would have thought that such a young man was a general, but looking at the guards behind him, he seemed to be right, so he kowtowed immediately.

Xu Qing didn't care about him, and waved his hand very gracefully to let him go, but Xu Qing was also afraid for a while, if he came a few days late, he didn't know what would happen to Xun Xueer, no wonder when their siblings saw him Just cry like that.Thinking of this, Xu Qing regretted not punishing that big man properly.

"Xue'er, it's okay..." Xu Qing comforted softly.

"Brother Xu, you are, are you a general?" Now Xun Xueer began to call Brother Xu again, not the kind of intimate sixth brother.

"Yeah, it's the sixth grade!"

"Ah, rank six! Brother Xu, do you think you're looking down on Xue'er?" Xun Xue'er worried.

"Fool, why would I look down on you? Xue'er, you are my favorite person..." Xu Qing said affectionately.

"Hey..." Xun Xueer's face was full of happiness.

The guards also miraculously disappeared again. Xu Qing and Xun Xue'er were gentle for a while, and said some nasty words about themselves, which finally stopped the tide of longing and joy of reunion.At this time, Shangguanyi also walked in, and said jealously:
"Brother Chu Liu, you are a person who forgets your friends when you see sex! You came to my house and said less than three sentences in total, but you and your sister-in-law have been talking for so long, have you forgotten me?"

When Xun Xueer heard this, her face turned red again, and she glanced at Xu Qing reproachfully, Xu Qing chuckled: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I still have to thank Shangguan for taking care of you these days."

"It's gone? That's not okay, you have to take something good to make amends with me!" Shangguanyi took advantage of the fire and grabbed Xu Qing's vital point.Xu Qing also had no choice but to agree to give him a sword, and Shangguanyi nodded in satisfaction.Just now, after listening to the poem "I would rather be a centurion than a scholar", his blood was also boiling with enthusiasm, and a sword was exactly what he wanted.But Xu Qing was happy to be cheap, the sword, what is it, the hilt of the silver cast, the blade of the sword, the scabbard is almost, it's just cowhide, he has half a carriage for such a sword!
Not to mention, Liu Heitai's military skills are worse than Li Shimin's, but many noble families in Hebei support him, so his weapons and equipment are very good, which is why he defeated famous generals like Li Shiji.Thinking of this, Xu Qing can't wait to return to the battlefield now. The noble clans support Liu Heitai. I'm afraid their homes have all been ransacked now, right?Tsk tsk tsk, according to Uncle Zhang's instructions, ransacking the house is the time to make a fortune!

But ah, Xu Qing thought in a blink of an eye, now that his wife is by his side and his best friend is by his side, the dangerous job of going to the battlefield is not going to happen again in this life.I don't know what's going on in Xuzhuang, Luonan County. It's time to harvest the summer grain now. When the grain of this season is planted, the rent I collect will be mine.And those pigs should have soared to show their prominence, and many people should drag Liu San to castrate the pigs.There is also the pond, which should be full of water now. They should listen to my suggestion and release fish and shrimp. In autumn, they will buy a dozen or so lotus roots and bury them. In the coming year, they will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lotus pond under the moonlight.

"Shangguan, where are you going from now on? How about going to Luonan with me?" Xu Qing asked Shangguanyi.

"I haven't decided on a place yet, Luonan, that's fine, let's go to your house!" Shangguanyi didn't refuse, anyway, he was traveling everywhere, and he had no good places to go.

"Hahaha..." The two of them said this, of course, they mainly listened to Xu Qing bragging, and laughed from time to time.

Xu Qing stayed in Luoyang for a day, mainly to let Xun Xueer prepare and then add some things. After a day, a group of nine people went to Luonan.

Xu Zhuang:

"Liu San is back..." Xu Qi looked at the gate and said, she was not very happy now, she thought it was Xu Qing who came back several times, but in the end it was Liu San.

"Miss, today I went to the city to castrate pigs. I went to the market to inquire about the news. They all said that the war in the north was over, and it was a great victory. Young master, I will be back soon." Liu San said happily. He is just like Xu Qi. Thinking about it, he was busy going to castrate pigs every day, and people from all over the world came to invite him, and he also accepted a few apprentices, and the daily remuneration was more than half a tael.

"Really? Hmph, I'm going to bite him when he comes back!" Xu Qi said viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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