Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 44 Zhang Zhong's Letter

Chapter 44 Zhang Zhong's Letter

The trip to Hongshan Township touched Xu Qing a lot. First of all, the Hu family is only a landlord, and it has been passed down for several generations, so it can have such a good background, which shows the power of the family.

Secondly, relying on a few acres of land, the Hu family managed to build a small market town, and the county government also had hands and feet, which shows the ability of the head of the family.

Xu Qing made indirect remarks that day, only to realize that the Hu family has many branches, and besides the housekeeper Zhao of Hu Fu's family, there are other people in charge. It's just that Hu Fu is in charge of the Hu family's farm as a representative.Steward Zhao is just Hu Fu's errand runner, not a contributor to the Xu family's industry at all.

Who on earth is it?According to the Hu family, the Hu family has a general accountant named Yang Wen, who is in charge of all kinds of cashiers' income and expenditure, and he does not want to move with the Hu family, so he is the trustee of the Hu family's property and sent it to Xu Qing together. , can be regarded as the housekeeper for delivery.Could it be him?

I really look forward to it...

In the evening, when Xu Qing was about to take advantage of the darkness to tease Xun Xueer, old man Zheng ran in: "Master, there is a young man outside the door begging to see him, he said he is from Shandong..."

"Shandong?" Xu Qing has never thought about Shandong since he came to Luonan. When a guest from Shandong came suddenly, his first reaction was Zhang Zhong, but the one who came was a boy. Could it be... Xu Qing guessed something bad things.

"Ask him to come in, and then go to hot food..." Xu Qing said.

The maidservants in the surrounding houses were all laughing and laughing, there were too few things to do at Xu Qing's house.Xu Qing was sitting on the flower bed waiting for someone, when a handsome young man came in front of him, who seemed to be suffering from the wind, food and dew.Said to be a boy, he is only one year younger than Xu Qing, but in Xu Qing's heart he is older, so in Xu Qing's eyes, the boy is almost a high school student.

"Master, are you Xu Chuliu?" the young man said timidly,
"Who are you, old man Zhang, and what's your name?" Xu Qing asked without answering.Hearing this, the boy was exhausted immediately, and said excitedly:
"My name is Zhang Linye, and I am Zhang Zhong's nephew..."

"Why did you come to me, Mr. Zhang is in trouble?"

"I, my uncle, left..." Zhang Linye said sadly.

"Ah..." Xu Qing just sighed heavily, recalling the scenes between him and Zhang Zhong, Zhang Zhong's bowl of millet porridge, taking care of him when he was sick, and Zhang Zhong's ten-year-old appearance when he copied the village , and the appearance of Zhang Zhong leaving lonely on the last day.It seems that he is still the person in front of him, but Yin and Yang have long been separated.

After a long while, Xu Qing struggled out of the memory. He was very grateful to Zhang Zhong. If it wasn't for Zhang Zhong, Xu Qing would not have what he is now.Zhang Zhong asked this kid to look for him, maybe I should take good care of him, Xu Qing thought, he can only repay his gratitude to Zhang Zhong to Zhang Linye.

"Linye, you, Uncle Zhang, are my reincarnated parents, so you treat me like a brother, and I treat you like a younger brother."

"Master, I dare not, here, here is a letter from Uncle Zhang..."

"There's nothing to be afraid of, you are my real brother now! Come, have dinner with me..." Xu Qing finally wrote and took him to the house for dinner.

"Linye, how did you come here? Shandong is so far away..." Xu Qing obviously forgot about his own affairs.Zhang Linye said while eating leisurely:
"After Uncle Zhang entered the grave, I listened to Uncle Zhang's instructions and sold the farm..."

"In the mountain depression of my house, there are few people who buy land, so they can only sell it at a low price. Together with Uncle Zhang's 15 mu of land, they only sold it for [-] taels of silver, plus five stones of wheat. I finally dragged the wheat out of the mountain and sold it... "

"After selling the wheat, I didn't dare to take the caravan car on the road. I was afraid that they would miss my money, so I inquired all the way here. The county government asked me for a few taels of silver, and then let me inquire about the old... Chu Sixth brother, there are still three or four liang left in your family, oh yes yes yes, Chu...Chu sixth brother, I will give you all..."

Zhang Linye finished his story intermittently while eating, Xu Qing felt uncomfortable as he leaned on the scattered silver that Zhang Linye handed over on the table.He took out an ingot of five taels from his pocket, and handed back the silver on the table to Zhang Linye.

"Linye, keep the money for yourself, and I'll do something for you in a few days."

"Thank you, old... Brother Sixth..."

At night, Xu Qing arranged for Zhang Linye to sleep at Uncle Zheng's house. There was no other way, because the room in Xu Qing's house was too crowded.After lighting the lamp, Xu Qing opened Zhang Zhong's letter. The letter paper was very thick. Zhang Zhong said a lot about family affairs, how much he missed Xu Qing these days, how sad he had no descendants, and then said that Zhang Linye was his adopted son. come son.

Xu Qing felt a little sad when he read the letter. Even such a military soldier who has made great contributions and gained official status can only die in such a tragic way in the end.Xu Qing was surprised by a sentence in the letter, which can be translated into modern dialect as follows:
"On the sixth day of the lunar new year, you come from a very far away place, you are different from everyone else!"

If Zhang Zhong hadn't left, Xu Qing wanted to ask him how he knew it.Reading down the letter, Xu Qing felt more and more unbelievable.

Zhang Zhong said that he was originally a soldier of the Sui Dynasty, but he followed the uprising and was reorganized by the Tang army.

He said that he heard a rumor by chance. In the former Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Sui once secretly offered sacrifices, and invited the souls of later generations to come up to ask about the good and bad luck of the Sui Dynasty. The souls of later generations said that there were only two generations and three generations in Sui Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was frightened and furious, destroyed the altar, and killed the people of the priest's sect. When he returned to the court, he began to suspect the prince. Later, Yang Guang had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

This little story scares Xu Qing. If there is such a thing as recruiting the souls of future generations, then wouldn't it be very likely that there will be more traversers?So should I be grateful or feel a crisis?
This is as terrible as the question of whether there are aliens in the world. What is terrible is not aliens, but the existence of more powerful, cruel and ruthless aliens. Who knows their civilization!
"Huh, it's just a rumor. I've never heard of it in Tang Nian..." Xu Qing comforted himself, and secondly, he didn't have time to worry about other traversers now, and tens of thousands of people could kill him now.

Continuing to read the letter, what follows is commonplace again, talking about Zhang Linye, talking about Zhang Linye's father, and talking about Zhang Linye's fucking mother.Zhang Zhongxin said that Zhang Linye's mother got married when she was 13 years old, and she didn't keep her child when she gave birth.

At the end of the letter, Zhang Zhong mentioned the names of several comrades-in-arms who did not know whether to live or die, and asked Xu Qing to take care of them when they met.This is Zhang Zhong's last concern. It seems that Zhang Zhong really regards Xu Qing as a supporter, and he has to explain such impossible things.

The next day, Xu Qing took Zhang Linye to know him for a while, and finally asked him to worship Shangguanyi as his master. Shangguanyi was very frightened by Xu Qing's decision. A person who climbed to Lingyan Pavilion instead of a hero who defended the country.

I have worshiped Shangguanyi as my teacher, and it is not necessarily true that a famous teacher will produce a high-level apprentice. The rest depends on Zhang Linye himself.Moreover, Zhang Zhong didn't want Zhang Linye to inherit his position as a mansion soldier, because he wanted Zhang Linye to live a safe life.If Zhang Linye is no longer successful in the future, Xu Qing will keep him safe for the rest of his life, so that Zhang Zhong will have no heirs.In this way, it is not a disappointment to Zhang Zhong's entrustment.

(End of this chapter)

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