Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 467 Destruction of Turks

Chapter 467 Destruction of Turks (2)

In September, Hou Junji, governor of Bingzhou, welcomed His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the 25 soldiers brought by His Majesty. All the Turkic soldiers and horses in the south of Taiyuan retreated one after another.It's a pity that there are 30 Turkic soldiers, and Li Yuan and Bingzhou's soldiers and horses only have 30.Datang 30 fought against Turkic cavalry with 30, and the outcome was still between three and seven, so Datang confronted Turks according to the city walls of prefectures and counties.

However, it was rumored that the Turkic people did not seem to have the intention of going back, but instead settled down in the already occupied Hetao area.What's even more detestable is that Empress Xiao, Zheng Rentai and Du Junchuo each led a small county town and established their own political power.Empress Xiao called herself the Empress Dowager of the Sui Dynasty, and appointed Yang Guang's grandson Yang Zheng as the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty.Zheng Rentai and Du Jun were nicknamed "Qing Emperor's Side", and their respective ministers controlled General Tianlong, and they ruled the area by this name, recruiting troops and buying horses.

Regardless of the strength of these three small courts themselves, it is very bad to look at the external influence of these three small courts.If the Turks intend to stay for a long time, they will form a state of separatism. Once the country is incomplete, the army in the country will need to be mobilized for a long time and be restrained.Li Yuan began to worry that since he had been away from the capital for a long time, whether the crown prince would be able to restrain those evil spirits.

Now, Li Yuan still has two armies at his disposal.One is the 10,000+ army stationed in Yingzhou, led by Li Yuanji.The second is the hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in Youzhou, led by Li Jing.In addition, either mobilize Zhechong Mansions in dozens of neighboring states and counties, and gather the soldiers who work at home in farming, and tens of thousands of people can also be pieced together.The quality of these tens of thousands of people can be guaranteed, but I don't have the general in my hand to lead the troops.

Li Yuanji from Yingzhou actually couldn't leave, because the army that came this time belonged to the Eastern Turks, and the Western Turks didn't show up.Last year, the relationship between the West Turks and the East Turks was very ambiguous, but now, it is not known whether the West Turks will participate in the war.Li Yuanji stayed in Yingzhou to prevent the Turks from stabbing him.No, Bingzhou has already been stabbed here, if he is stabbed a few more times, Datang's blood will slowly flow out.

And the soldiers and horses in Youzhou can't move too much.Because the aristocratic families in Hebei originally had the black spot of uniting with Liu Heita and Liu Heita in rebellion with the Turkic people. Once Li Yuan's army leaves, there may be troubles like Li Heita and Wang Heita.However, Li Yuan also received a report, saying that those aristocratic families in Hebei were severely injured by Xu Qing's students, and they seemed to be dying now.

In fact, the so-called aristocratic families in Hebei have indeed become strong from the outside.The original aristocratic clan was able to twist their power into a single rope, so they appeared powerful.However, there is a very important prerequisite for being able to be twisted into a single rope, that is, a group has enough centripetal force, that is to say, the people at the core of the group must have a strong force to make the surrounding scattered but quantitative Much power, centralized around oneself.

The current situation is that the aristocratic family has lost its economy, and in the officialdom, the direct descendants of the family have also become weak. Once King Qin fell, the entire Shandong aristocratic family will be shorter, let alone your Hebei aristocratic family.Therefore, the appeal and control over their own power of the Hebei aristocratic clan are not as good as before.Coupled with the sharp drop in food prices, the prices of various products have also dropped, merchants have flourished in the world, and ordinary people know that they can live and work in peace and contentment.Unlike before, in order to have something to eat, I rebelled against you with a blank head.

Balancing left and right, Li Yuan decided to let Li Jing lead 20 troops to harass the Turkic people from the right, and it is best to capture that Empress Xiao in one fell swoop.

Of course, in order to destroy the Turks, the most important thing is to unite the Dahe clan and the Bohai state.Relying on his own army of hundreds of thousands, it is no problem to defeat Jieli Khan's 30, but it is beyond his power to completely end the scourge of Turks.Because, Jieli Khan can retreat back to Mobei and flee far away. After three to five years, he can raise 10,000+ troops and go south.Besides, even beating the 30 in front of you is not an easy task.

The immediate thing is to hold back the 30 people so that the envoys of the Dahe Clan and Bohai Kingdom who have gone back will have enough time to dispatch troops after they have informed them of the situation here.However, when it is delayed, it is necessary to weaken the power of the Turks.

So far, the only thing that can be called lucky is that the food and grass are abundant and continuous.

At the end of September, Li Yuan ordered Hou Jun, the governor of Bingzhou, to be the general manager of the Tongmo road march. He led 3 horses from the west road, bypassed the place where the Turks were stationed, and directly attacked the hinterland of the Eastern Turks.Chai Shao, Huo Guogong, the governor of Huazhou, the husband of Princess Pingyang, was the general manager of the Jinhe Road, leading [-] cavalry. He also took the West Road, but advanced along the Yellow River to attack the Turks stationed in the Hetao Plain.

Li Yuan brought his own three armies, the marching commander of the left army was Li Daozong, the king of Rencheng County, and the marching commander of the right army Heng'an Road was Wei Xiaojie, the inspector and governor of the state. The two armies on the left and right marched together. The two armies of Ji and Chai Shao launched a fierce attack on Jieli Khan's military tent.However, this army attacking Jieli Khan was a cover.The purpose is to attract the Turkic soldiers stationed in other places for defense, so that Li Yuan has the opportunity to regain the counties south of the Yellow River.

Xiaojie, the right army, was trying to capture the west of Yanyun and guard the pass, trying to gradually subdue the area south of the Great Wall when the Turkic soldiers went to surround Jieli Khan.

There are two purposes of attack, one is to annihilate the enemy, and the other is to disturb the enemy. To annihilate the enemy, one must be unprepared in order to achieve the greatest victory with the least loss.To disturb the enemy, it is necessary to attack what he must defend, so that the enemy's army can be mobilized, thereby destroying the enemy's plan.

What Li Yuan did is that he is well versed in this way. If the [-] troops don't fight anything else, they will attack you Jieli Khan. How dare you not come back and save them?Just right, it will kill you in one fell swoop.

Li Yuan of the Chinese army led 12 troops and slowly marched northward. The purpose was to have soldiers to support him at all times, and he could also hold the recovered land at any time.

At this time, Li Yuan still had [-] Xu Qing's Xuanwu Army in his hand, and [-] of which the Prince had to bring with him when he left, the Shenwu Army's iron cavalry, the [-] troops were not included in the Chinese army.Li Yuan ordered Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, and Xue Wanshu to jointly control the two troops. From the side of Taihang Mountain, they went out of the martial arts and attacked the Turkic rear through the northeast, while Li Yuan attacked directly from the east from Youzhou. .

The six-way army is Li Yuan's open mouth.There is only one place left for the Turks to flee, and that is the northwest, where Yingzhou troops are stationed.The Turkic people still couldn't go south, but could only detour a long way to return to the desert and find their tribe.

In October, such a battle was set up, and Jieli Khan suddenly realized that he was cursing whether Datang had prepared it long ago.But at this time, he heard the news of the chaos in the rear. The reason was that the 8 troops led by Cheng Yaojin actually defeated their [-] troops.Is that the elite cavalry brought by his younger brother Tuli Khan?

"Asshole, did you hear wrongly, is the opponent 20 troops, or [-] troops?"

Jieli Khan kicked the messenger, but the messenger still said: "That's right, I saw it with my own eyes. It's 2 people. With 2 people, it's like ghosts and gods helping each other." .”

Jieli Khan was so shocked that he couldn't speak, and the reporter was still talking non-stop: "Tuli Khan found 2 people, and he wanted to swallow them all at once. But when he was charging, he found Tang Jun With a heavy crossbow, it was like being hit by an evil spirit with the heavy crossbow. It was able to shoot arrows continuously, and our army suffered heavy losses. When we rushed to the front, our cavalry was blocked by a large shield like a city wall. The arrows rained down, and the shield But spears, daggers and other weapons protruded from the wall, and killed our cavalry one by one like harvesting wheat. Tuli Khan was about to escape, but unexpectedly ran into the cavalry of the Tang army, and he gave up his life to fight. I escaped from the chaos of war, but I didn't want to be hit by Tang Jun's bed crossbow."

"Khan, Khan, it's amazing! There are a lot of Tang troops in the east, south, and west!"

Jieli Khan suddenly felt a wave of fear. This massive war seems to have failed.Jieli Khan's intuition is very useful. He has used this intuition to avoid many open and hidden arrows. No, retreat.This time, Jieli Khan had no time to let his army plunder, and retreated.

Even so, when the six-way soldiers and horses were mobilized together, the Turks were beaten to pieces.Jieli Khan returned to the desert, with only 10,000+ people left in his hands, and more than half of them were lost.Moreover, a terrifying thing began to spread among the grassland army. Tang Jun's crossbow arrows are wind-chasing arrows, which are sure to hit, and the hit will pass through the heart.

Morale plummeted, and Jieli Khan, who was usually very prestigious, failed to suppress the hearts of his tribe this time.

In October, in Li Yuan's army, the generals of the Sixth Route Army were all beaming.In the tent, Zheng Rentai and Du Junchuo knelt down, unkempt, and on the other side was a cold corpse—Empress Xiao.Li Yuan decreed that the two be beheaded for public display, but Empress Xiao's body was packed and sent to the tomb of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty in Chang'an.

The queen of the Sui Dynasty was buried generously, and she was praised as a female comrade of the old Yang family for her contribution to the continuation of the incense of the old Yang family.Although, as a female comrade of the old Yang family, Xiao Shi did not see the general trend of the world clearly, but this kind of spirit is still worth learning.The failure of the old Yang family to inherit the throne was not because the courtiers in the world didn't work hard, but because the emperor couldn't do it.So, let our old Li family be in power now.

Moreover, the Tang Dynasty was far superior to the former Sui Dynasty.

By praising a dead enemy, the victor can win another victory over him, more honorable and admirable than the previous victory.

At the end of October, the Yujia's personal conquest army, which had been rested, merged Li Jing's 20 troops, and there were already 40 troops. The army was very strong.At this time, Li Yuan ordered that Li Jing, the governor of Youzhou, lead [-] Xiaoqi to set off from Taiyuan and enter Eyangling.

(End of this chapter)

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