Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 60 Dark River

Chapter 60 Dark River (2)

The traveling speed of the ancient horse-drawn carriage was about 80 miles per hour, and it could run more than [-] kilometers a day, excluding the rest and replenishment time.If you don't spare your horsepower and make the whip more urgent, an ordinary horse can run a hundred and twenty miles without any problem.But in this case, the horse will lose fat and it will take more than ten days to recover.

Xu Qing bid farewell to Anhe and Anhe, gave 20 taels of silver, and sent them to collect teammates.Because Yuwentong was killed by Xu Qing, and the dark forces of Yuwen's family lost their leader that way, the first thing Yang Cheng and Yang Xin thought of was to dig out Yuwentong's family.When Yang Cheng and Yang Xin were in "Heihe", they were still small leaders. Yuwentong and the others couldn't do it, but the people under Yuwentong's hands were relatively easy.

Many things at home have been arranged properly, Xu Qing didn't stay here, and set off for Chang'an the next day.There are two carriages, the groom is invited, Xun Xueer, Xiaoyue, and Xu Qi take one, and the other holds a pile of sundries, as well as twenty altars of spirits that Xu Qing worked so hard to distill.There are also three other horses, Xu Qing and Niu Grazing Wang Shan are riding on them.Since returning to Xunjiatun with Xun Xueer in a carriage last time, Xu Qing never wanted to drive in a carriage again. I don't know how Xun Xueer got used to the rickety feeling.

Riding a horse can not only see the scenery along the way, but also benefit the body, which part?Sharp testicles...

Starting from Luonan, to Lantian, then to Baqiao, and then to Chang'an, it is more than 140 kilometers, and it will take seven or eight days to walk.You can’t just count the speed per hour when you’re on the road, you have to make proper arrangements for board and lodging, you have to go to the city at night, the official road is temporarily blocked, and you have to go around and climb the mountain.In addition, on a whim, Xu Qing also looked around, going back and forth, taking seven or eight days to cover a distance that could be covered in three days.

From Luonan to the west, there are horseshoes all the time; crossing Tiancheling, you will find Wangfengkeng; walk through Jiudoulong, climb Hanpoao; get off Maogongzui, have lunch at Bohechong; then pass Yaozhang Mountain , wading through Dashagou; passing through Niutouyan, and staying overnight in Bayuan Township.The first day was the most tiring, because Lantian was far away, so we had to rest halfway.

The most famous of Lantian is Lantian jade among the four famous jades, followed by Huaxu's hometown, Lantian Homo erectus is also very famous.

"Master, this is Bayuan Township. It's getting late, don't hurry?" said a coachman. He was specially selected by Xu Qing, and he was an "old horse" who had been on the road of Chang'an in Luonan all his life. .

"Can't you rest somewhere else?" Xu Qing asked.

"No, my lord, it's not easy to arrange the second day and the third day..." said the old coachman.

"If I had known it, I would have walked faster, now I have arrived at Lantian..." Niu Chicao said
"Don't be greedy for speed, the road should be evenly traveled, long distance, overeating will not taste good, and running wild will not last long..." said the old coachman Chunchun.

"The morning wind never ends, and the shower never lasts all day, who calls for this? Heaven and earth, heaven and earth can't last long, what's the matter with people?" Xu Qing read on horseback.

"Brother Xu, are you reading Laozi?" Xun Xueer leaned out the car window and said, Xu Qing nodded. Compared with Confucian classics, he did prefer Taoism, and Laozi was more popular among the people in the Tang Dynasty. popular.

"Well, let's find a clean yard for lodging..." Xu Qing was also tired, but he looked at the sky and said that it was getting late, wrapping his cloak around him.In late autumn, the weather is already a bit cold and the sun sets earlier.Fortunately, there are many grasses on the side of the road, which can be fed without specially killing horses.

Bayuan Township is about the same size as Hongshan Township, but the market town here has more facilities than Hongshan Township.Perhaps because of the main road, there is actually a small hotel here.In addition to accommodation, water and some simple food are provided, such as soup cakes and soup cakes, and soup cakes.

After being pampered at home for several months, and occasionally going out to eat food outside, Xu Qing and his group really couldn't eat it.They ordered a few bowls of soup cakes, that is, noodles. Except for the two coachmen who were swallowing, only Xun Xueer and Xiaoyue took a few mouthfuls.Xu Qing and Niu Zhacao twitched their lips, thinking what the hell is this, no salt, no oil star, the baby needs to be changed...

No way, the store is too small to change.However, Xu Qing had made preparations in the morning, and took out some pieces of dried meat and a small bag of bottles and cans - homemade seasonings in the carriage.

"Xue'er..." Xu Qing stopped Xun Xue'er from taking small bites, put a little seasoning in her bowl, and tore a few pieces of dried meat to soak in the soup: "Come on, try again... ..."

"Brother Xu, it's delicious..." Xun Xueer lowered her head and was full of happiness. Xu Qing added seasonings to Xiaoyue and Xu Qi, and Xu Qi yelled for more meat.At this time, the cattle smelled grass and ran to Xu Qing to have a look.Xu Qing knew that he couldn't hide it, so he cooked a few bowls in the same way. A bowl of noodles weighed at least half a catty, and he devoured them all with the soup.It's also due to the lack of people in the hotel, otherwise Xu Qing would have to pretend not to recognize these two starving ghosts.

On the contrary, the two coachmen sighed and lamented that they ate too fast and couldn't eat what Xu Qing had processed.Xu Qing was not stingy, and ordered another bowl for each of them. The two of them ate until their stomachs were round, which was not consistent with the rest of their thin bodies.

"It's not good! It's not good! The boss has gone mad with epilepsy!"

There was a noise from the small street outside, Xu Qing hurriedly took the guards out to find out what happened, and after a little inquiring, it turned out that it was a group of merchants who had just arrived.That team of merchants had just arrived in Bayuan Township and was about to take a rest, but the leader of their caravan fell to the ground, twitching and foaming at the mouth.

"Hey, hello~~ What kind of crime is this..." a businessman wailed, and this sound attracted several other people to complain in the same way:
"The leader has fallen, this trip is a loss of money, and Chang'an is not going..."

"But without the leader leading the way, I can't go back..."

"That's right, not to mention bandits and robbers, even the exploitation of those passes and crossings..."

As the leader of the merchants, they are generally more prestigious and powerful people. Not only ordinary bandits and robbers will not intercept them, but also the cost of crossing the customs will be reduced a lot. Traveling merchants can get a small profit by relying on these.

In addition to the businessman who was complaining, there were also some people who were giving advice to the young man in his arms.

"Pinch people!"

"What's the use of pinching someone? To hammer his chest..."

"There is no doctor here, but there is a mother-in-law who can ask God!"

But the young man's face was dead pale, he was just hugging him, he was so flustered that he couldn't hear a word, and everyone didn't dare to help, they only dared to offer advice from the side, for fear of getting killed.

Xu Qing observed the symptoms of the leader, his limbs twitched, his breathing was difficult, and white foam flew everywhere...Huh?Isn't this respiratory alkalosis?Xu Qing used to have a classmate who did the same thing. Later, he took a small bag with him every day, and when he was sick, he inhaled hard into the bag.He said breathing into the bag increases the intake of carbon dioxide, which reduces the alkalinity of the blood.It can save a life, Xu Qing will never be ambiguous, let alone with his current status, he is not afraid of causing such troubles.So I found a clay pot and squeezed the crowd away:

"Let me take a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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