Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 78 Leech Removal of Congestion

Chapter 78 Leech Removal of Congestion
The old man from the Imperial Medical Office coughed twice, and the scene suddenly became quiet. The old man nodded very satisfied and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.Xu Qing shook his head, one radish and one hole, it is very difficult to squeeze the radishes outside.They thought Xu Qing was here to give money, but Xu Qing was here to be punished. Xu Qing wondered if I was in the blessing and didn't know the blessing...

Xu Qing didn't care too much, he was sitting at the top, and began to invigilate the exam in a decent manner.After waiting for an incense stick, a court official ran in yelling, one of his eyes was hit by a pillar, and that eye was swollen like a ripe peach.The court official stopped an imperial doctor in the court and asked him to see a doctor. The imperial doctor saw that he was wearing a green robe and pushed him away impatiently.Seeing the serious injury of the court official, the others refused one after another, and some even drove away directly:
"My medical skills are poor, I'm afraid..."

"Football, it's the exam, didn't you see it!?"

"It's a serious illness, and I won't come back until after the exam!"

"No time!"

The court official had no choice but to see Xu Qing sitting at the head, bypassing all the imperial doctors, and came to Xu Qing: "My lord, please save my eyes, if I am blind, I will not be able to be an official!" In ancient times, being an official paid more attention to appearance, the facial features were not correct, and those with unsound limbs could not be officials.Xu Qing looked down and saw that the affected area had turned blue and was full of blood. If the treatment was not timely, he would become half blind.Looking at the people in the court, none of them got up to see a doctor, and they were "concentrating" on writing the paper.

Xu Qing frowned and stood up and said, "Everyone, as a doctor, you should have the compassion of your parents. Now another patient comes, but you don't treat the disease. Are you worthy of being a doctor?" Although Xu Qing's voice was small, it was like a blow to the head , and everyone in the court was shocked.That's right, when they first chose to practice medicine, they had a passion for the common people all over the world, but now they abandon patients for the sake of promotion and salary increase, is this still a doctor?The old man also opened his eyes and looked at Xu Qing: "I don't know what the imperial doctor's advice is?"

"It's better to talk on paper than clinical trials. Whoever cured this lord today will be the first..." Xu Qing said hastily.

"Thank you, my lord..." Hearing this, the court official was very grateful to Xu Qing. He would definitely be cured by having so many imperial doctors see him.

Most of the people present were also well-educated people, but they were blinded by the interests for a while, Xu Qing's words hit the head, and let the person who cured the disease get the first place, and immediately started to think about it.Although they refused to accept Xu Qingkong's order to be reduced to imperial physician, this was a formal appointment after all, and the "seal" in their hands was real.With motivation, the result is obvious, and within a few breaths, someone came up with a treatment plan:
"The congestion should be removed first, and then the medicine should be applied. The medicine should follow the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica"..."

"Others are easy, but how to remove the congestion is a difficult problem..."

"Well, that's right, as long as you can treat the rest of the eye diseases except for the congestion, who can think of..." A young imperial doctor thought about it. The unspoken meaning is that whoever can remove the congestion will Can cure this disease.

Everyone at the scene began to think eagerly, but the injured part was in the eye, so use a needle to prick it, otherwise the eyeball will be pierced, it is too dangerous, it is not acceptable.Everyone was thinking hard, but no one could come up with a good way to treat the eye disease and keep the eyes.Everyone looked at the old man, and found that the old man was also gloomy, and there was nothing he could do.Look at Xu Qing again, alas, look at what he is doing, can he still have a way?I saw everyone bowed their heads.Finally someone suggested:

"I can only take a risk and pierce it with a needle, right?"

"Hey, you quack doctors, why would I come to you if I pricked you with a needle!" The court official sat down on the ground and called out his crimes, but he didn't dare to cry, his eyes hurt when he cried.

"Oh, this old man only thought of this method. Eyes are too difficult to take care of." The old man shook his head and sighed: "If you don't take care of your eyes in time, then the blood will flow into your brain, but then..."

"My lord, the imperial physician ordered me to use the acupuncture method... The first thing to do in curing diseases is to save people, not the whole person..." Everyone said.

"Hey, I have a way to make the blood go out without hurting the eyes..." Xu Qing remembered reading a pamphlet when he was a child, and there were many short stories in it, including the record of using leeches to suck out the blood.After hearing Xu Qing's words, none of the people present believed it, and said that it was the new imperial physician who made it fun.The court official was no longer howling in despair, he had already started to think about what would happen after his resignation, wondering if he could give some money to appease the work injury.

"Hmph, my lord, it's not that I'm saying you're not, this Elder Lian Shan can't do anything, I see you..." The person who spoke was the one who didn't like Xu Qing's "airborne" just now.

"Yes, yes, it will be cured and put it elsewhere. If something else happens, hehe..."

Xu Qing ignored them, pointed to a person and said, "You, go and fetch some live leeches, I have a solution..."

The old man called Shan Lao heard Xu Qing's words, his eyes lit up, he looked at Xu Qing strangely, and then nodded to the person Xu Qing ordered.Seeing this, the man rushed out, it seemed that he knew where the leeches were, Xu Qing was half relieved.

The imperial doctor rushed back again, and there were already a few leeches in his hand. Xu Qing took the leech and put a leech on the court official's red and swollen eyes. In the blink of an eye, he saw the leech curl up a few times, Biting the red and swollen blood, sucking.After a while, the body of the leech became thicker and thicker. Xu Qing took away a leech that had sucked a lot of blood, and replaced it with a new one. After three or four leeches were put in, the blood around the eyes became less and less, and it was almost finished. , Xu Qing took out a bottle of alcohol from his arms and used it to wash the affected area.After the alcohol was applied, the court official immediately felt cool and very comfortable, and he relaxed after a while, and the pain almost disappeared.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest of the wine to you. It's an exam, let's take the exam again..."

Seeing Xu Qing sucking out the blood with leeches, everyone present couldn't help admiring Xu Qing's wit, smelled the aroma of wine, and thought of the five-day god thunder in their hearts-this young imperial physician Ling Rumored to have developed alcohol People who use anti-inflammation and suture to stop bleeding are too young!
To say that Lao Shan was the most shocked. He had heard about the alcohol anti-inflammatory method and the suture hemostasis method. He also went to see the patient himself. .But the patient recovered very well, alive and kicking, and Mr. Shan was almost shocked by a miracle.And in his heart, he had long imagined that Mr. Xu, who invented alcohol, had become an old Taoist with fluttering white beard and immortal demeanor.Never thought that this newcomer to the Imperial Medical Office, this young Master Xu and that Master Xu could be the same person, just now he was still comparing the two people's heights in his heart, lamenting the injustice...

The court official blinked his eyes and felt that there was nothing serious. He bowed his hands to Xu Qing and said, "My lord is really rejuvenating. Thank you for your life-saving grace. Please accept my worship..." Xu Qing waved his hand modestly, even Don't dare.

Some people admire Xu Qing, some are grateful to Xu Qing, but some are jealous of Xu Qing.Seeing that Xu Qing had cured his disease, a poor boy said sourly:
"Hmph, it's just a local method. Whether there are records of medical skills, it's luck to be cured!"

(End of this chapter)

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