Landlord of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 8 Captain Renyong

Chapter 8 Captain Renyong
Xu Qing didn't go back to the concierge, but ordered food at the inn and bought a jug of wine, but didn't finish it, just had a few sips to comfort his homesickness.

Even in modern times, Xu Qing doesn't have a lot of alcohol, and several parties were defeated by alcohol.Drilled on the table a few times and urinated once, Xu Qing was laughed at for a long time.

While having breakfast, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Hahaha, Old Liu, long time no see."

Xu Qing glanced quietly and was sure it was Zhang Zhong, who was about to say hello when he heard Zhang Zhong continue to say to another person:
"You also heard the news yesterday, but I came here overnight!"

"Yeah, I arrived in Lin County the day before yesterday, and today it's our turn to pay the money." The man surnamed Liu looked exhausted, it seemed that he had traveled all night, but he was quite happy.

"Huh?" Zhang Zhong caught sight of Xu Qing, and Xu Qing hurriedly greeted him, "Uncle Zhang, what did you say just now? What's coming?"

"You don't know yet? The reward order from above has arrived, and the money is about to be distributed!" Zhang Zhong pulled Xu Qinglai: "Come, come, come with me to Zhechong Mansion..."

Xu Qing couldn't refuse, and couldn't wait these days. After a while, the group went to Zhechong Mansion.

Although today is the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, no one dares to slack off the imperial orders, and almost everyone has arrived at their posts, except for Xu Qing, whose post is too small, and no one pays attention to it.

When we arrived at Zhechong Mansion, two book offices ran out, and cheerfully said to Zhang Zhong: "We have some good news to tell you. I heard from Lord Captain that you will be awarded an honor."

Right now is the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty. Although the victory in the Central Plains War has just been won, the world is still uncertain.Therefore, Li Tang was still very generous to the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.Those soldiers who go to the battlefield, if they have military merits, have a great chance of being rewarded.

In order to motivate the soldiers, Emperor Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty used both the official titles of casual and real officials to reward meritorious service.These titles are called Guochu Xunming.

However, the honor number and the honor officer are still two sets of things that go hand in hand at this time.The characteristic of honors is leisure, while the characteristic of honors is casual. Honors have no rank or rank, while honors have ranks and can even be promoted at this time.

From the beginning of Li Yuan's army, in order to buy people's hearts, he awarded a large number of honor titles. At this time, it has become a bit flooded, so the court is now adjusting this, and the intention is to abolish the flood of honor titles and integrate them into honor officers. in this system.

There are actually two sets of Guo Chuxun's name, one is a casual title named after various doctors;

Of these two sets of honorary titles, the first set was mainly awarded to those local figures who were regarded as civil servants, and the latter set was mainly awarded to military officers and soldiers for meritorious service, and later developed into a special award for military officers.

Civil and military officials later became an important criterion for determining the rank of officials in the Tang Dynasty.When appointing officials, they first confer casual posts, which determine their grades, and post officials determine their duties.

But nowadays, loose-job and loose-official officials have been excessively appointed, and they have become nothing more than a name, which is really different from honored officials.At the very least, the awarding officer has the honor field, but the honor name has no field, only a little money and food.

However, even so, Zhang Zhong was envious of others, and several of his old buddies congratulated him.

Fu soldiers don't have food and salary, but they are subsidized for training, guarding, fighting and going out.Especially when enlisted to go to war, there are subsidies, there are rewards for meritorious service, and rewards if the outcome of the war is good.

Zhechong Mansion, which used to be sparsely populated, is now really crowded with people, and everyone is very happy, just like the old New Year's goods in the village.

There are also groups of three or four, squatting and chatting together.When talking about who died in the battle in that village, everyone sighed together, and some people said that he was the third brother of my third aunt's brother-in-law's wife. It's a pity that he was still so young.

At noon, there were more and more people, and Captain Wang finally came out.There are also a group of officers such as Sigong Sicang from Zhechong Mansion, as well as officers at all levels such as school lieutenants and captains.

There are not many money and food subsidies for the expedition. If there is no military merit, there are very few rewards, especially money.The Kaiyuan Tongbao newly minted by Datang was bright, clear and yellow, but many government soldiers only received two or three hundred pieces.After the copper coin subsidies were distributed, grain distribution began again.The food distributed was rice, which was still fresh after the shells had been removed. Rice was considered a relatively expensive staple food in the Tang Dynasty, but this was more generous. Basically, everyone had about one stone.

Everyone has this, and Xu Qing also received a share, but he only joined the army for a few months, so he gave all the money and food to Zhang Zhong, saying it was filial piety, and Zhang Zhong accepted it calmly.

After the money and food were distributed, it was time to reward. He saw Zhang Zhong was excited but was suppressed.Master Sigong stood in the center and called the roll, and one by one the honest soldiers stood up, and then the rest retreated sadly, their eyes full of envy.

Xu Qing is naturally also one who is envied by others. After singing, Wang Duwei took a booklet and looked at it and read aloud: "The order said:" Everyone hurriedly knelt down, "Mingwei General Liu Zan led the army to quell the bandits in Shandong." , The merit is great... His subordinates work hard, and those who have merit will be rewarded... Zhang Zhong's troops have gained a lot, and they are brave pioneers. They promoted Zhang Zhong to be the head of Guide's halberd, and gave them money and food... This is my honor!"

Everyone kowtowed to express their gratitude, although this was only issued by the Ministry of War, all orders issued by the six ministries were to speak for the emperor, so they had to kneel down to show respect.

Xu Qing also picked up a brave and resolute praise from a bunch of names, and rewarded five pieces of cloth and five slings of money, but the little beauty he missed didn't see it, so he couldn't help being disappointed for a moment.

Zhang Zhong was the happiest of the group, and couldn't hold back his excitement any longer.

But just as everyone was congratulating each other, an old eunuch came out of the inner room, and the generals were also respectful. It seems that this eunuch had a good start.Seeing him take out a piece of Baijuan, he drank it:
"Where is Xu Qing? Come and receive the order!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then knelt down again, Wang Duwei also knelt down, and motioned to push Xu Qing forward, at this time, there was no one standing in the entire Zhechong Mansion except the old eunuch.

Xu Qing came out on his knees. After kneeling for so long just now, his knees couldn't take it anymore, but he still held back and said, "Respectfully, Sheng'an..."

This is Xu Qing's wit in a hurry, and he moved out the scene of receiving the order from the Ming and Qing TV dramas. I don't know if it is right.

The old eunuch glanced at Xu Qing: "Sheng Gong'an!"

"The imperial edict said: Xu Qing, a soldier of the government, performed bravely in various battles in Shandong, and offered the method of making ice with saltpeter, which was used in the country. I am very relieved. Since he has no citizenship, he is specially granted to move to Luonan County. Promoted to Lieutenant Renyong, two hundred acres of land..." The old eunuch's voice was not particularly soft and sharp, just like ordinary people, which made Xu Qing suspicious for a long time.

After the old eunuch finished reading, he heard the people around him take a breath of air conditioner, and Xu Qing accepted the order.

"The minister receives the order, thank the emperor for his grace!"

Only then did the crowd stand up, the old eunuch didn't delay, and left after talking to Captain Wang for a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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