Chapter 91
Xu Qing suddenly sat up, feeling embarrassed, he couldn't even read the sentences fluently, how could he help people answer their doubts?At this time, the "Analects of Confucius" in Xu Qing's hand just turned to the page "The people can learn from it, but they can't make it known". Xu Qing had an idea and said: "Master Du is joking, this reading should be understood in combination with your own life. It is useful, and I can use the books I read, I can't answer Master Du's doubts..."

"Hiss, what Master Xu said is very true, but..."

"However, my younger brother has read a little interesting thing from "The Analects of Confucius", and I can share it with Brother Nian..." Xu Qing spread out "The Analects of Confucius" for Du Ruhui to read.

"Brother Xu has something to say, please tell me quickly..."

"Look at this sentence, how should I read it?" Xu Qing pointed to the sentence in the book "The people can make it from it, but they can't make it know."

"Oh? This is an ordinary sentence. The people can learn from it, but can't make it known. How about reading it like this?" Du Ruhui asked suspiciously.

Seeing this, Xu Qing laughed loudly: "It's wrong, it's could a sage emphasize education and say 'you can't make one know'?"

"That's right, it's wrong to say that..." Du Ruhui is worthy of being a scholar who has read a lot of poetry and books: "Could it be that the people can let them know, and they can't let them know?"

Xu Qing shook his head and said, "There are six ways to punctuate this sentence!"

"Six kinds!? I would like to hear the details..." Du Ruhui seemed very surprised. For the gentry, most of the "Analects" had already been learned by Kaimeng. He didn't expect to be able to make so many detours.Xu Qing slowly said six sentences:

"The people can be made to know it; the people can't be made to know it; the people can be made to know it; the people can't be made to know it; the people can be made to know it; the people can't be made to know it; It is not possible to know it, but to know it; can the people make it known? No. It can be made known.”

After finishing the six sentences, Xu Qing also said the meaning of the six sentences, and then looked at Du Ruhui with an incredulous expression on his face and asked: "A single sentence in the Analects of Confucius can make so many different sentences, Mr. Du, You are the Minister of the Household Department, you must read countless official documents every day, if the official documents from below are like this, I don’t know..."

"Brother Xu, don't talk about it, I already understand..." After hearing Xu Qing's words, Du Ruhui was afraid for a while, and then said: "There is no one who is worthy of a great reputation. Mr. Xu is a great talent. If you pick up a little at will, let the court know." The common people have benefited immensely!"

"Don't dare..." Xu Qing quickly waved his hands.

At noon, Xu Qing took an iron pot and boiled some tea over a charcoal fire, but it wasn't Du Ruhuihe's kind.A few days ago, the people from Xuzhuang brought over some dry goods, dried red dates, jujube cakes and so on.

The kettle in the charcoal basin was gurgling, Xu Qing threw some dried red dates into it, and grabbed a handful of goji berries. Good tea had to be boiled for a while.

After brewing this jujube tea, it was cold for a while, and I drank it directly from the spout. It was warm and sweet, and the aroma of red dates permeated into my internal organs immediately.

Jujube tea can nourish the spleen and stomach. It is rare to enjoy a pot of hot fragrant tea in the cold winter months.I didn't expect the proctor to be so easy, not bad...

"Brother Xu, let's go out for a round of inspection, don't you have to show your face?" Du Ruhui said, wearing a hat and inviting Xu Qing to go out.


The examination room was quiet, and all the students kept writing. It sounded like the tip of the pen was rubbing against the paper. At first, it sounded like spring eating mulberry, rustling.Xu Qing patrolled the examination room, and couldn't help holding his breath. When the invigilators saw the examiner, they only saluted from a distance.Looking at the examinees again, each of them frowned and used their pens, thinking hard, telling all they had learned in half their lives on paper.

Sun Fujia inspected half of the field, and when he walked to the front again, a student handed in the examination paper, and the three policy theories had been written, and Xu Qing glanced at this person, it was Sun Fujia!Sun Fujia took the first paper and handed it to Xu Qing, and the two read the paper on the spot,
The title of the first policy theory is: "Zigong wants to tell the sheep of Shuo. The master said: Give me, you love the sheep, and I love the gifts." What is the use of this phrase today...

This is actually an essay on common materials for the college entrance examination. The meaning of the material is that Zigong would like to use Yang to hold a memorial ceremony. Confucius said: Aci, you love this sheep, so you have pity on it, but I cherish the etiquette, and the etiquette cannot be broken. .Then please think what role this sentence has in the "contemporary" reality, the number of words is not less than how many words and so on.

And Sun Fujia's topic is: "The heart of a sage is only to know how to be polite." After reading it, Xu Qing felt that he had a good heart, and this topic was well chosen.Then, Sun Fujia wrote that the ceremony of Fu Gaoshuo is a great gift, so what time is there to be a pity for the sheep.Xu Qian read it all the way down, and there were five hundred words eloquently, with magnificent momentum, incisive reasoning, and rhythm. If she read the voice, it must be catchy.In particular, there are no rare characters that deliberately show talent. Xu Qing, a semi-literate talent, can read it clearly, and Xu Qing can't help but nod.

"Brother Xu, how is this person's article?" Du Ruhui asked after reading two policy essays.

"Well, it's not bad..." Xu Qing didn't know how to rate the article, but felt that Sun Fujia's article was clearly written and refreshing to read, so he rated it as medium.This is Du Ruhui's unwillingness, he glanced at Xu Qing with contempt and said:

"Hey, you are a great talent and have a high vision. This article is just good. But in my opinion, it is really a splendid article!"

"Wow ha ha..." Xu Qing hid it and said, "Where can you rank in this person's article, Mr. Du?"

"Shh..." Du Ruhui made a gesture and lowered his voice, "I'm afraid this article is among the top ten, but I don't know which family this Sun Fujia is from..." The Tang Dynasty exam was not vague, the examiner directly Know the owner of the paper.

"Oh..." Xu Qing didn't worry after hearing this. If there were no accidents, history should not change.Furthermore, as long as Sun Fujia becomes a Jinshi, the team itself will be greatly improved.

In one day, three policy essays were completed, and the second poetry and fu exam was three days later.However, after the first day of the exam, the examination papers have probably been reviewed within three days, and [-] pre-selected people have been selected, and hundreds of people's names will be made into a list and sent out. I won't come to participate this time.But it's not compulsory, if candidates are willing to participate, it's also possible, but...hehe...

During the whole exam, Xu Qing just played soy sauce, and used the reputation of a "top talent" to suppress the field.In the first imperial examination, it was not the turn of the chief examiner to determine the previous rankings. The ranking was only determined under the coordination of the imperial power, bureaucrats, gentry and other forces.As the chief examiner, Xu Qing only had the power to know and make suggestions in advance.

It is worth mentioning that Sun Fujia still won the first prize.It's just that apart from his own talent, this number one scholar was chosen by Li's strong request, in order to reflect the basic policy of recruiting poor people.Except for him, the top ten are all nobles.

Outsiders don't know the inside story, but Sun Fujia's carp leaps over the dragon's gate and becomes a blockbuster!
(End of this chapter)

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