Chapter 93
If you have wine today, you are drunk today, and you will worry about it tomorrow.Regardless of the chaos in Hebei, let him go tomorrow, I will drink and laugh, laugh and sing with beautiful women.

Xu Qing is the real landlord: in the morning, he wakes up from bed, pinches the people around him, the maid brings hot water, washes his face and mouth, and moves to the dining room.For breakfast, a scrambled egg and a bowl of freshly beaten millet soup.Wipe your mouth after eating, check the weather, if the weather is good, find a spacious house, do boxing, practice swords, a few sets of boxing and kicks learned in the army, practice more, not to mention fighting invincible hands all over the world, to strengthen your body Body is always good.The weather is bad, so I just sit in the study and read. You have to be familiar with traditional Chinese characters, don't you?In the future, I will be the governor of a state, and I still have to read the official documents...

Before lunch, go to boil some water, water the small vegetable garden, add some firewood to keep warm, and order some food to fry at noon.After lunch, I went out for a walk, wandered around the west market, and looked at the east market. When I saw injustice, I also watched it.After shopping, go to your own store to have a look, get a bowl of hot stewed pork to eat, drink with other customers and squat in front of the store to eat against the cold wind.Shaanxi people are good at squatting, squatting when resting, squatting when eating.

After eating the stewed pork, I went back home and had dinner with my family, plus a dozen servants, eating around the table. It was so lively that I didn't feel lonely and boring in the winter snowy night.Working at night, Xu Qing sharpened a pen with charcoal, trying to record all the knowledge learned by later generations so as not to forget it in the future.It's just that Xu Qing knew too many things in later generations, but he was not proficient in them, so he could only write whatever came to his mind. He wrote a poem today, and the poem he wrote tomorrow. Beheading battle and so on.In short, all kinds of tips and techniques must be written down. Taking out one of these things can make anyone who knows it wealthy for a lifetime. Xu Qing thought that he couldn't use it all up, and left it to Xu Xiaoqing.

Soon, the new year will come.Xu Qing himself wrote a pair of awkward couplets. In order to cover up his ugly characters, he also made the ugly characters even uglier, which seemed to be done on purpose. In this way, there is a bit of art The "quaint" taste in the middle.

It is written on the gate: "The sky grows, the years increase, the life increases, and the universe is full of happiness." On the second gate, it is written: "Smooth sailing, good luck every year, good luck every year, backgammon".As for the word "Fu", it can't be prevaricated by being clumsy. We can only wait for Shangguanyi to write it when he comes.

The new year is here, long live, and wish each other a happy new year.Visit relatives and friends, but also visit elders.Master and teacher of heaven and earth, Xu Qing, as a group of Jinshi and candidates with work arrangements, naturally had to accept the New Year greetings from these people.Those who come, Jinshi, will give a pair of gloves; those who enter the Imperial College, buy a hundred jars, fill them with snow, and give this; decides everything!"

There are also ten talents that Xu Qing is optimistic about. Although the poems, prose and policy are not well written, they are proficient in legal principles and can do "common affairs".Xu Qing felt that these few people could be used by him, so he sent a disciple post, which meant that they could come to visit as Xu Qing's disciples.Not bad, all ten people came, Xu Qing encouraged them, and gave them a big gift, enough money and food to live for several months.Then tell them that in another month or two, your teacher and I will be released as officials, and they will be promoted at that time.

After dealing with the people who came to the door, they had to go out by themselves to visit other people.First of all, it will be the first big dynasty in the coming spring, so it is natural to go to congratulate the emperor for the new year.The congratulations were not bad, and rewards were distributed according to grades, silver fish bags, brocade robes, ingots and jewels, and a set of gold and silver ornaments for Xun Xueer.

After the dynasty was dispersed, several ministers and dukes stayed to accompany the emperor to have dinner, but there was a little guy in it——Xu Qing.

The relationship between the emperor and ministers of the Tang Dynasty was good, and the atmosphere was open. There were not so many rules when drinking. They went to this table to toast, and found that table to talk.In order not to be taught a lesson by Cheng Yaojin, Xu Qing slipped to the civil servant's side after toasting all the "big brothers" before drinking much.Let’s talk about poetry and distant places. It’s better to be more elegant in the spring and snowy. You don’t have to be chased by three axes, and you can live a long time...

"Hey, brother Xu, my servants said that there are unclean things in your house, and you even put a spell on the door?"

"Ah, no, no, it's nothing like that, a spell?"

"Hey, brother Xu, you can't save face..." Du Ruhui said in a low voice, "Is it because the sex is not going well?"

"Oh? The intercourse is not going well, who is it?" Li Yuan walked down at some point, and his ears were not a bit sharp. As he muttered, more people began to look at Xu Qing.Old Xu Qing blushed: "Brother Nian, you are still hurting me..." Du Ruhui bowed to Li Yuan. Although Li Yuan asked jokingly, it was also an inquiry from the emperor, so he had no choice but to answer: "My Majesty, Xu There are two stickers on the gate of the Qing Mansion, with red paper and black characters cursing, so I ask from this, it’s not that someone’s sex is not going well..."

"Xu Qing, you...hahaha..." Li Yuan laughed out loud, red is yang, writing a spell on it and sticking it outside the door is an act of absolutely yin and strengthening yang.Li Yuan stopped laughing and asked, "Boy Xu, is that right?"

"Your Majesty..." Xu Qing blushed and was about to refute.Li Yuan waved his hand and said, "Boy Xu, doctors don't heal themselves. Although you have been an official in the imperial medical office, don't be too confident. Go to the imperial hospital to have a look?".

"No no no, Your Majesty, my spells are not for healing, but for blessing..."


"Yes, yes, the gate is the place to welcome guests. If I want to welcome guests, it is better to treat Fu Lu Shou as a guest and welcome them into the home, so I wrote two couplets of auspicious words as congratulations..."

"That sounds new. What did you write?"

"The days increase, the years increase, the life increases, and the spring is full of blessings..." After Xu Qing finished speaking, Du Ruhui and the others lowered their heads to think, and then nodded. The format of these two sentences is very neat, and the artistic conception is not small. Did Qing extract it from that Fu?Or a line from a new poem he wrote?
Li Yuan asked: "Only two sentences?"

"There are only two sentences, one on the left and one on the right..."

"Well, it sounds good, like two lines of poetry, what do you call this spell?"

"Actually, it's not a spell. It's called Spring Festival couplets. Two-line poems are called couplets. They're also called couplets..." Xu Qing slightly explained the couplets and couplets.

"Then why do some people say it's a spell?" Li Yuan nodded, but asked in doubt.

"My minister's handwriting..." Xu Qing said softly with embarrassment on his face, and cursed in his heart: my ancient and clumsy handwriting!Blind dogs...

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that a great talent who is famous in Chang'an would be regarded as a spell by others. Hahaha, now those young and vigorous people should be balanced..." Li Yuan leaned back and forth with a smile, A group of civil servants also laughed, not knowing whether it was a real smile, a fake smile, or a sneer.Anyway, Xu Qing couldn't see it, he said awkwardly:
"Hehehe, there is a saying that if God closes a door for me, it will open another bright window for me. This has given me a bad name, and it can give me many other talents. On the one hand... ..."

"'re right, your nonsense is not comparable to others..." Li Yuan laughed at Xu Qing again, which made Xu Qing embarrassed for a while.But in the eyes of others, this is the emperor's earnest teaching to Xu Qing, and he inadvertently showed his love for the calf, so they couldn't help but look up to Xu Qing a little bit.

On the contrary, several officials present who loved words secretly asked Xu Qing about the couple. Xu Qing casually said a few couples, which made a few people fall in love with them. Drilled in the corner went.

(End of this chapter)

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