sweep the heavens

Chapter 114 The Wonder of the Primordial Spirit

Chapter 114 The Wonder of the Primordial Spirit
The force in the air is like a tornado, like a landslide and a tsunami, raging and sweeping, the giant spirit roars like thunder, punches out, and the purple energy rolls in the air like dragons, colliding with the Buddha's palm and handprints in the air endlessly!On his body, there is a huge vortex spinning crazily, and all kinds of spiritual energy in all directions are swallowed in it, without being digested, and directly converted into tyrannical power extending along the arm of the giant spirit, twisted into a huge beam of light, spiraling Vigorous, explosive like thunder!
Giant spirits are born with supernatural powers, and can accommodate thousands of spirits. Regardless of the origin of different species, they can absorb them all and transform them into their own power immediately!The vitality pool on the island where the four great spirit beasts lived was modeled after the body structure of the giant spirit beast, which shows its advantages and disadvantages!
In terms of pure strength, Ju Lingzi's mana is mighty, even higher than that of Chu Ping, but he does not know the way of good fortune and heaven, and does not know supernatural powers and spells, so it is difficult to match Chu Ping!But now the Ju Lingzi has been bestowed with the victory of the battle and knows the method of magic operation. This time, it will be a matter of course, and he can control the magic with powerful mana. He is handy and his combat power has doubled!
Although Mingxin's nine handprints are powerful, they are created with [-]% of his mana. Chu Ping's all-out attack has reduced his power, and against the Giant Lingzi, he has no advantage at all!What's more, there is an even more powerful Dao Qi Yu Pagoda on the side, which involved most of his mind!

Taking advantage of this gap, Chu Ping was about to complete the process of shattering the pill into a baby!

Countless Yuandans all over the body crazily went deep into the Niwan Palace, and were drowned in the vortex. The vast chaotic spiritual consciousness gathered like a glimmer of stars, and turned into a human figure of light.

All the Yuandan particles entered the vortex and were immediately twisted away, and the spiritual consciousness attached to it also dissociated and condensed on the light and shadow.The huge amount of vitality solidified this illusory figure, making it look like a real person!
There was a sound like rushing water, and a baby-like villain with shining lights finally appeared in Chuping Niwan Palace. With his appearance, countless streams of light rushed in all directions like tides. The boundless chaotic sea of ​​consciousness has disappeared and turned into a bright star field!

The baby as bright and clean as jade opened his eyes, and suddenly two sharp brilliance burst out, one masculine and fierce, and the other soft as water, but like yin and yang Pisces, there is no conflict, but it is extremely harmonious!
Following the burst of these two rays of light, Chu Ping felt a sharp stabbing pain in his eyes, and couldn't help shouting loudly. The rolling sound waves spread in all directions like a layer of water waves. Flying, the trees fell, and immediately there was a cloud of smoke and dust!
Chu Ping's eyes were in pain, and a hot and a cool zhenqi moved back and forth in it. When he opened his eyes, two bright eyes shot out immediately, piercing three feet straight.The light beams condensed, and a raging real fire was ignited above. At first, it was only a small ball, but in an instant, it became overwhelming, scattering the surrounding energy!

"Ha", Chu Ping exhaled, and a wisp of white smoke spewed out from his mouth, which turned into a sharp and incomparably sharp sword energy in a blink of an eye, piercing through the air, piercing Ming Xin's eyebrows!

Before the sword light arrived, the powerful sword energy had already attacked the body, but Mingxin saw a brilliance flashing in front of him, and a chilly aura forced the body, the whole body was covered with cold hairs, and the mind like a deep pool and ancient well was also affected by it Congeal!The air machine was hesitating, the long eyebrows danced wildly, and he couldn't help flicking his fingers, a golden light condensed into a wooden fish shape, resisting the white smoke sword aura!
The sword energy was sharp, and there was a loud whirring sound, and the sharp light energy instantly pierced the wooden fish, leaving a hole!
"Okay!" Ming Xin couldn't help shouting, the voice was loud, like a lion's roar, forcing the sword energy back abruptly!

Chu Ping's eyes suddenly brightened, and the joy in his heart was unspeakable. The primordial spirit was condensed in the Niwan Palace. Although the physical body was no longer a vajra, the primordial spirit was immortal. A vast force came out from the Niwan Palace, and the power was even more majestic and unstoppable. Stepping forward, the brilliance gathered in the palm of the hand, spinning like a ball like thunder, and it was thrown out with a wave of the hand, exploding in the air!
The sound of thunder swayed, and with the power of the giant spirit, a single encounter smashed the Buddha's palm wandering in the sky!

With the mastery of Yuanshen, many supernatural powers are more handy to use, and the power is even greater.The primordial spirit lives in the Niwan, and the surrounding void seems to revolve around it, and a taste of the palm of fortune arises spontaneously!Many unexplained and mysterious ideas became clear at this moment, and it seemed that the whole world became clear and controllable!

"This is the supernatural power of Prajna Nascent Soul. Once it is achieved, it will immediately become the spell of good fortune!" Chu Ping's whole body is whirling like a star, and Qi Tian's mind is more perfect, and the stars all over the sky seem to be drawn, and they become brighter!

Countless rays of light were intertwined on Chu Ping's body, condensed by him casually, and turned into star-like balls of light, whirling and whirling, and the thunderbolts emitted by the Wishful Bead in the center of his eyebrows were even thicker and brighter, coiling in the air, It's like a huge array net, crushing down!

Ming Xin's expression finally became dignified, the air flow in his whole body swirled, and the golden light burst and danced, turning into mysterious handprints, resisting the huge pressure from all directions.

At this moment, Chu Ping finally gained the upper hand!

The ten fingers were filled with true energy, which turned into sword energy and shot out in a blink of an eye. Senhan's sword energy tore through the void, revealing a deep-rooted murderous intent!
The violent zhenqi surged like a tide, and Chu Ping suddenly felt a sense of high spirits amidst the brilliance of the sky. He was as silent and stable as him. At this moment, when he became a Nascent Soul, he also felt a burst of liveliness, as if this kind of immortality Yuanshen is the real life between heaven and earth!And I am a real life newly born in this universe!

That vibrant force, with joy, excitement, excitement and eagerness!

Liuhe Life and Death Seal, Great Vajra Wheel Seal, Wisdom Fist Seal, Sun Wheel Seal!

Chu Ping's four best handprints were sent out one after another, combined with the ten-finger sword energy, the coercion was on the spot!
The giant spirit roared endlessly, and turned into a ball of dazzling purple light, flying in the air, extremely agile, but full of frenzied power, shocking all directions!
All the berserk forces are superimposed together, stirring and rubbing against each other, resulting in infinite changes, and the colored glass of the aperture has produced changes that even Chu Ping does not know about!

These infuriating energies are originally cultivated in accordance with the Dao, and in the mutual agitation, they change, or offset, or increase, no one can know and grasp all of them!
The surrounding trees, the rocks and soil under the feet all danced up, plunged into the brilliant light, and pressed down towards Mingxin!

"Namo Amitabha!"

Facing such a shocking power, Mingxin Changxuan Buddha's name changed a few times, his arms trembled, and the dazzling golden light behind him turned into a Tathagata figure, with blazing flames, and the sword rope stretched horizontally, and counterattacked!

The two phases collided, and the power became more violent, like a wild horse running wild, thousands of heads galloping, the vast sound shook the earth, mountains and rivers, and struck on people's hearts, like thunder and fire connected together, trembling endlessly!

Chu Ping's body was shaken violently, and his weak body suddenly burst out with countless blood. If it wasn't for the protection of Yuanshen, it would have collapsed!The whole person flew upside down, and was thrown more than [-] meters high in the air!
The giant spirit roared in pain, countless hairs fell off, and immediately burned to ashes, the bulging muscles on both arms trembled, rustling like chaff!

Ming Xin didn't move at all, his gray monk robe was flying around, making a rattling sound, his whole body was like dead wood, lifeless!

"I lost!" Ming Xin stretched out his hand, and the rosary repelled Yuta, and said calmly!

(End of this chapter)

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