sweep the heavens

Chapter 202 Windfall

Chapter 202 Windfall
Like thunder in the water, Chu Ping's spirit quickly recovered, and it also made him realize the danger of confronting Sharon King.

If it is considered evenly matched just now, there is no doubt that King Sharon will recover much faster than himself.King Shalong, who has survived two thunder disasters, will be full of energy in an instant, while he and Chen Yidun have become lambs to be slaughtered, with no power to fight back.

But now, the situation is completely reversed.

King Sharon thought to himself that he was a great monk who survived the thunder disaster, and he also relied on his strength of fast recovery of mental power.Therefore, even in the face of Chu Ping's sudden counterattack, he was not too panicked when he burst out with a force that could rival his own.However, when he landed from the mountain wall and saw Chu Ping who was still in good spirits, he couldn't help feeling a cold sense of fear in his heart.

If he doesn't have such a strong recovery power, the only judgment is that Chu Ping has surpassed himself in strength!

is it possible?King Sharon was puzzled.

Chu Ping knew that he had just stolen a ray of lightning, and his opponent would definitely surpass him.It is not impossible to fight again, but it will be difficult to fight for the appearance of no distinction between superiors and inferiors!

Fortunately, he still has a chance now.

King Sharon's soul was stolen from the thunder of crossing the catastrophe, and he will not find out until the next thunder catastrophe, this is his chance.

The other party didn't know that his mental power was newly recovered!
Chu Ping took a step forward, holding a knife and a gun.

"The hunter suddenly became the prey. It's a bad feeling. What a pity, you made a mistake this time!"

Chu Ping's whole body was full of air, and a huge Vajra figure appeared behind him. The golden flames were raging, and he held the Suo Na sword, exuding the awe-inspiring and powerful meaning of destroying demons.

In order to frighten King Shalong, Chu Ping even stimulated the original source of the relic, which was full of vigor.

Sure enough, King Sharon hesitated, rolled his eyes, and finally turned around and left.

Even before leaving, this powerful monk didn't say a harsh word to save face.

Chu Ping stood there for a long time, King Ming Dharma shrank back to the sea of ​​consciousness, and did not rest or leave immediately, his thoughts suddenly fell into the pot of stars.

In the star pot, the stars are intertwined, and the stars the size of rice grains are suspended, like the movement of the vast stars in the void, mysterious and blurred.

In the starlight, Chen Yidun's complexion was slightly pale, and the surrounding starlight was like streams in a deep stream, surrounding him, being absorbed and transformed by him bit by bit.

Chu Ping let out a long breath, and with a wave of his hand, the star power in the pot was solidified, leaving only the scattered star power around Chen Yitun.Not many, but not many, but Chen Yidun's absorption speed is obviously more than ten times slower than that of normal fellow monks!
Of course Chu Ping knew the reason, and it was his manipulation that caused this situation.

A few rounds of confrontation with Sharon King made him clearly realize that he is definitely not Sharon King's opponent.Therefore, when King Sharon was extremely arrogant and wanted to make himself submit directly with strong means, part of that power was guided by him and blasted into the Star Pot!

But before that, he had released Chen Yidun's shackles, and instead let Chen Yidun manipulate the star power in the pot.

Chen Yidun was ignorant, and thought that there had been a change that he could use, so he immediately swallowed the star power to restore himself, but he didn't want a huge force to fall from the sky, so huge that he would be the strongest Taiyi Wuyan Magic when he shot it. Colorful light!
Of course, the Taiyi Wuyan Illusionary Divine Light, which made Chu Ping helpless, couldn't withstand the bombardment of Sharon King. After the explosion, Chen Yidun used the Great Yin-Yang True Sacred Art again!

Just like Chu Ping consumed the thunder in the wishful bead, Chen Yidun borrowed the power of the star, absorbed it and turned it into the power of the Great Yin-Yang True Sage Art.Under this high-frequency operation, one can imagine that the muscles and tendons are anxious and mentally exhausted!

Chen Yidun was not as lucky as Chu Ping to catch a ray of thunder that crossed the catastrophe. Now he is lacking in true energy, his muscles and tendons have been burnt because of being overwhelmed, and his spirit is extremely listless.

It has to be said that this is an excellent opportunity, and it is also a windfall that Chu Ping did not expect before.

Originally, he just wanted Chen Yidun to help him share the pressure of the Sharon King, but he didn't want to end up in such a tough battle. Chen Yidun's state was too suitable for him to use the Taixuan Tianyao's soul-hunting hand!

Such a weak mental state can only be created in this kind of high-intensity confrontation.

The unexpected harvest made Chu Ping ignore that he had just recovered a little bit of energy. He pinched the Dao Yin Jue with both hands, and strands of black light like spider silk flowed out from his fingertips.

These rays intertwined and merged, turned into droplets like ink, blended into the starlight surrounding Chen Yidun, and penetrated as he swallowed and exhaled.

Chu Ping did not directly deprive Chen Yidun of his memory, he could not take this risk.

The last time he got the sword qi volley formula from the monk in Shushan, he discovered that there were light or heavy restrictions on the spiritual thoughts on these disciples. Soul smash!

It's also thanks to the fact that the student from Mount Shu hasn't reached the core, and the Sword Qi Lingkong Jue is not an extremely brilliant sword art, and the Taixuan Tianyao's soul-restraining hand is really exquisite, so there is no danger. Get the sword formula.

Chen Yidun is different, especially the supernatural powers he used are many times better than the sword qi volley, and there is bound to be a stronger restraint. It is hard to suppress a person who possesses this secret method. It really hurts my heart to lose Chen Yitun, who has the secret.

It is safer to fuse the Taixuan Tianyao's soul-restraining hand with the star power absorbed by Chen Yidun, unconsciously and subtly.

This method is safe, but time-consuming. Chu Ping glanced at it, and then withdrew.

After using the broken star finger several times in succession, the star pot in his hand was seriously injured. Fortunately, this magic weapon is not low in level, and it is constantly absorbing star power to restore itself.

"Fortunately, Xingchenzi, without this star pot, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get to the present..."

Chu Ping's current physical condition is not so good. It is a blessing to be able to scare Shalong King away. Although the demon body is strong and the thunder is beneficial, it will be full of scars after all. Really not a good idea.

"I also want to get back a feeling..."

Chu Ping took a taxi and rushed to the bus station with nostalgia, bought a ticket to Suming County where Wuxiang Temple is located, and took the bus to the west.

When the scene outside the car window reversed at a dizzying speed, and listening to the music coming from an unknown corner of the car, Chu Ping suddenly felt a sense of time and space intertwined.Everything in front of me is like a distant and long dream, and I am only in a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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