sweep the heavens

Chapter 221 3 Qingji God

Chapter 221 Sanqing's Desire
The Sun Also Rises.

The rising sun dispels the morning fog, and the top of Kunlun Peak is resplendent with gold and green, and the long chimes of bells seem to come from outside, which makes people feel ethereal.

Good Fortune Zhong Shenxiu, Kunlun is the only one in the world!

Chu Ping jumped up, feeling refreshed, and although the relic soul, which suffered the most, was not in its prime, it was still flowing with golden light, and the white rainbow traversed the sea of ​​consciousness.

There will be no chance for Chu Ping to play again in the next few days. The first round will take at least two days. The Dao Conference is not the purpose of competition. , This is the real treasure house of supernatural powers.

The second day was a wonderful day. The other three of the Kunlun Four Heroes came out one after another, and they all defeated their opponents neatly, especially Yuan Ziyi's opponent, who was severely injured by the sword energy and passed out on the spot.Shushan Xiao Qianyu also showed his unparalleled strength on this day. He didn't use the invisible sword at all.

Five of the remaining eight people from Wuxiang Temple were also ranked on this day. Jie Xing and Fa Yin lost, while Xuan Guang, Xuan Kong and Fa Xiang won.

Withered Wood and Li Han still haven't appeared on the stage, Chu Ping traveled to various battlefields, and all kinds of supernatural powers emerged one after another, which opened his eyes and benefited him a lot.Especially in this kind of situation where you can quietly watch on the sidelines, carefully pondering will benefit a lot.

The progress of this day was very fast, almost a hundred competitions were conducted on each of the stone platforms. If the speed is maintained, the first round may be completed in only half a day on the third day.

In addition to the long-known third of the Four Heroes, Shushan Qianyu, there are also many unknown but still powerful young monks, but they have never faced opponents like the Four Heroes like Chu Ping, so they have not been really recognized by others. Tied with young powerhouses like Sijie.

Just like Wuxiang Temple, there are older monks like Ye Tan, who are actually in the Fusion Realm, but they became famous earlier, and they are not as famous as the younger monks in the same realm.

While watching the battle, Chu Ping was also respected like the Four Heroes.A strong person is respected no matter where he goes.

Night is coming again.

Chu Ping himself was in the quiet room, and the many supernatural powers he had seen during the day were tossing and turning in his mind. The main soul resided in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, and countless runes swirled around it, constantly gathering and dispersing. Arrange and combine, and then deduce into different supernatural powers.

Supernatural powers are the way of using mana, and mana is the embodiment of Taoism. Practitioners pay attention to Taoism, but skills are close to Taoism, and the two promote and strengthen each other.While constantly exploring these supernatural powers, the state of distraction gradually stabilized.

Within the sea of ​​consciousness, the two primordial spirits competed for brilliance like the sun and the moon, and streamers of light danced in all directions. The circles of light derived from each other oscillated, brilliant arcs clustered, and faint lights disappeared.

Yuyu's avatar is just a spiritual idea left by Chu Ping, and it cannot be compared with the two primordial spirits at all.At most, it is inspired by the powerful power contained in Yu Yu's corpse, but its majesty is not as good as the current dual spirit.

One gasification and three cleanliness.

To Chu Ping's surprise, this so-called method of distraction did not condense the relic primordial spirit alone, but the main primordial spirit surged, and a series of clear qi flowed like a fountain, continuously condensing.

Once the state of distraction is reached, the mind will be full, and you will be able to distract yourself.And the key to the transformation of one qi into three cleanses is not the mystery at the time of differentiation, but lies in the spirit.

The so-called spirituality is somewhat similar to a thought that produces all dharmas.What you think in your heart, what your mind refers to, what kind of form is the "three cleans" that you imagine, such as the way to overcome difficulties and overcome the enemy, and the treasures to protect yourself. different avatars.

It is also because the differentiated divine sense is not entrusted with a magic weapon or any divine object, so it cannot be destroyed.

One breath transforms the three cleans, and the existence of the avatar relies on the practitioner's own thoughts and imagination.The main body is immortal, and the clone is immortal.

This was a huge surprise for Chu Ping.

It couldn't be easier for him to split into three separate bodies.

With one thought, ten thousand dharmas, Yuta space, swallowed by shark muscles!
In just a few breaths, he set the tone of the Sanqing avatar, which is the essence of the avatar.

The fresh air surging on the main soul became more and more dense, countless runes intertwined and changed in the body of the primordial soul, and the avatar of ten thousand dharma quickly condensed into a body.This Taoism has been in contact with Chu Ping since the beginning of his practice, and he is very familiar with it.

After about two hours, the space clone also condensed.

This avatar is entrusted with Yuta's ingenious technique, and Yuta has been with him since Chu Ping's earliest practice, especially containing the most essential mysteries of this world. Not much, but it does not prevent Chu Ping from describing and depicting through the runes carved in Yuta.

When the last clone is condensed, the sky will be bright.

The method of devouring the avatar is taken from the shark muscle, but the intention is higher.Swallow ten thousand dharmas, naturally ten thousand dharmas will not touch the body.

The three incarnations surround the main soul.

If the two primordial spirits are the sun and the moon competing for brilliance, these three incarnations are undoubtedly the stars revolving around the sun.

It's just that Chu Ping didn't understand, what exactly is the relic primordial spirit?
Or, is there no conflict between one breath and three cleansing techniques?
Unable to figure it out, Chu Ping no longer cared about this, and focused on stabilizing the avatars.

When the bell rang, Chu Ping woke up from his trance, and anxiety inevitably arose in his heart.

If there are no accidents today, it will be the last period of the first round, whether it is Li Han or Deadwood Taoist, they will all appear.And against it, who will it be?
Jiehe and Fayin, who lost to their opponents in the first round, were inevitably a little depressed, while Wuqing and Fawu, who were about to play, were a little eager, but Ye Tan was as calm as ever.

The brightest and brightest members of the younger generation have already demonstrated their extraordinary skills yesterday, and today there are not many people or performances worth looking forward to.However, for Chu Ping, today will be the most thrilling day.

At this time, Chu Ping did not go around to observe the supernatural powers of various sects as he did yesterday, but quietly sat next to his fellow sects around the stone platform, listening to the introduction of the number of appearances from the eight arenas. It is constantly trying to figure out and stabilize the newly differentiated Sanqing avatars.

Chu Ping suddenly had a strange feeling. If he felt something, he looked up, and saw a woman in purple clothes fluttering in the distance, and her whole body was shining with a thousand feet behind her in the morning sun. She was shaped like a sword, like Yulong Tianwai.

This woman, known to Chu Ping, is Kunlun Yuan Ziyi.

Even though he was far away, Chu Ping still sensed the murderous look in the opponent's eyes.

Chu Ping was noncommittal about this, and it was expected that defeating Ye Wangqing would cause a lot of resentment.Even every victory will be accompanied by resentment and murderous intentions, which is also predictable.

Raising his arms lightly, embracing him from the back of his head, Chu Ping stopped looking at Yuan Ziyi, and leaned himself gently on the stone back.

Chu Ping's ignorance made Yuan Ziyi more murderous, but his expression was still frosty.

"Next match, Ye Tan from Wuxiang Temple vs Dead Wood from Shenmu Gate!"

The sound from the shaking stone platform made Chu Ping suddenly tense up from his comfort!
(End of this chapter)

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