Chapter 88 The Late Third Martial Spirit

Chief Meng asked anxiously, "Don't you know the old man's name?"

Tianyu shook his head and said helplessly, "I also asked, but the master said that I am just an unknown person, so I don't care about my name, so I always call the teacher an unknown old man!"

Chief Meng looked lonely and sighed, "Hey!"

Thinking that he still has such an excellent student, a smile appeared on Chief Meng's face again.

"Sorry, I asked something I shouldn't have asked!"

Xue Qinghe leaned over to apologize.


Tianyu waved his hands indifferently, but he could tell at a glance with his ugly expression.

Calming down, Tianyu continued to ask the question, "The prince hasn't said anything that needs Tianyu's help?"

Xue Qinghe was taken aback for a moment, thinking, when did I say I wanted to ask you for help?
After reacting, he smiled and said, "There is nothing left or right. I heard from the three education committees that there is such a talented student as you in the academy, so there is no other meaning in coming to see it!"

The voice changed, "However, when I saw you today, I really hit it off with Brother Tianyu. If you don't mind, I will call you Brother Tianyu, and you can call me Brother Xue! You don't need to mention the word Prince!"

"Since that's the case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient, Brother Xue!"

I thought to myself: My big brother Xue is not so well-known. I will pay it back in the future. As for what to use to pay it back.

Tianyu took a look at Xue Qinghe's figure, the front was flat and the back was not raised, a little disappointed, forget it, let's talk about it when you recover your daughter's body!
Feeling Tianyu's aggressive gaze, Xue Qinghe's indescribable nervousness was something she had never felt before.

I am more vigilant towards Tianyu in my heart.

"Three education committee members, Qinghe still has something to do, so let's leave first!"

Xue Qinghe didn't want to stay with Tianyu anymore, he was afraid that he would be exposed, although he didn't know why, but he didn't dare to gamble, saying goodbye in advance was the best choice.

Tianyu is in a hurry, what should I do if you leave, I finally found some fun, I can't let you run away like this.

With an idea, Tianyu remembered the newly refreshed sign-in location and came up with an idea.

"Brother Xue, do you know if I can accompany you around the palace?"

Tianyu's idea hit the prince. Although he didn't know why there was a third martial spirit, he had to get it first before talking.

And there is still more time to tease this fake prince disguised as a woman, so why not do it!

Xue Qinghe's face darkened, "Just kidding, I left just to hide from you, and you still want to lick your face to follow, how is that possible!"

Xue Qinghe smiled helplessly and said, "I'm sorry, brother Xue still has some things to do here, I'm afraid I can't accompany you!"

"Hey, it's not a problem. I just went in to have a look, but I haven't seen how magnificent the palace is. I promise not to disturb Big Brother Xue!"

Tianyu was afraid that Xue Qinghe would not agree, so he seriously promised, "I promise, go in and have a look before leaving!"

She thought to herself: Qian Renxue, you wait for me, you took advantage of me, how can it be possible if you don't pay something!

Xue Qinghe didn't say anything, just bid farewell and left.

"Don't speak is the default!"

Tianyu didn't bother to care so much, since he didn't speak, he agreed, he really didn't believe that Xue Qinghe could shut him out, and then followed behind brazenly.

Xue Qinghe was also drunk, he met a rambunctious genius!

In order to show his talent-seeking personality, he really can't keep Tianyu out, which is very uncomfortable.

Leading Tianyu to Tiandou Palace, Xue Qinghe asked his old servant to accompany Tianyu to browse the palace, took his leave and left.

Tianyu is also a sensible person, as long as the goal is achieved.

"Daji, sign in!"

Tianyu looked at this majestic palace. The ground paved with fine white jade shone with warm light. In the distance, there seemed to be curling mist covering the unreal palace. The phoenix spread its wings on the cornices carved from sandalwood, and the green tiles carved At the end of a straight road, a huge square sinks slowly with the jade steps. A straight pillar on the central huge altar is carved with lifelike dragon patterns, which is consistent with that The phoenix on the palace faces each other from afar...

He sighed and said: "What an antique palace."

A familiar voice sounded, and a smile appeared on Tianyu's face.

"Successful sign-in, sign-in reward - Martial Soul Honghu!"

"Temporarily kept by the system, the rewards will not be distributed until the owner goes to a place where no one is around!"

Daji's charming voice emerged in Tianyu's mind.

Xue Qinghe came to a courtyard, entered a secret room, turned his back and said, "I don't need to say more!"


The man in black said respectfully.

If Tianyu were here, he would find that this person was the servant of Empress Xue Qinghe.


Xue Qinghe said flatly.

The black man turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

"Tianyu, interesting person!"

The corners of Xue Qinghe's mouth raised slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Tianyu didn't stay in the palace for long, just took a look around and left. After leaving, Tianyu didn't go back to the academy, but ran all the way to the Eye of Binghuo.

"let's start!"

Tianyu came to the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi, sat cross-legged by the spring, and said excitedly.

"The third Martial Spirit - Honghu released!"

Tianyu felt that something was about to come out of his body, similar to the awakening of Wuhun.

A hot current flowed from the lower abdomen along the tendons to the left hand, and unconsciously stretched out the left palm, and then a white swan flew out of Tianyu's palm.


Tianyu looked curiously at the little bird in the palm of his hand. Except for the light yellow head, the rest of the feathers were pure white. The neck was slender, and the yellow spots on both sides of the beak extended along the edge of the beak to the bottom of the nostrils.

"Daji, please explain!"

Tianyu couldn't see a flower either, so I left it to Daji to explain.

"Young master's third martial spirit is the one that young master originally had, and it was also inherited from his parents!"

"The Heaven Dou Royal's inherited martial spirit is the swan, but this martial spirit is too weak, so the system has been modified!"

"Honghu, in ancient Chinese mythology, is known as the white phoenix of one of the five divine phoenixes. Honghu is good at flying and is one of the highest flying birds. A symbol of nobility and bravery."

"So the young master originally only had one martial soul, which is the swan martial soul, but because of the system, it became the three-life martial soul."

"And the third martial soul was awakened a bit late because of the transformation!"

"That is to say, this martial soul that came late is my original martial soul, but because of the transformation, it came late?"

The long chirping of birds spread out from the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye. Wherever it went, a group of beasts bowed down, and the birds, souls and beasts were very excited.

Tianyu is still asking Daji, and knows nothing about what happened outside.

"How is this possible, how can there be her breath?"

The Silver Dragon King couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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